

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Investigation of Reconfigurability for a Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna Pattern Targeting 5G Applications

A pattern reconfigurable stacked microstrip patch antenna is presented for 60GHz central frequency. The antenna reconfigurability is realized using shorting pins in the antenna radiating aperture. Investigation is presented for different shorting pins locations. Influence on the antenna radiation pattern and return loss is studied. Measurement results for the antenna prototype agree with simulatio

Från ord till handling. Individuella möjligheter och samhälleliga restriktioner

I dagens läge finns en hel del kunskap om olika aspekter av miljöanpassade handlingssätt. Samtidigt har forskningen givit upphov till insikter om nya, ofta komplicerade frågor om förhållandet mellan människors värderingar, attityder i miljöfrågor och omställning till mera miljöanpassat beteende. I det här kapitlet kommer den kunskap om människors miljöhandlingar som finns i dag att diskuteras och

Development of a Method to Measure Plasma Levels of Activated Protein C in Complex with Protein C Inhibitor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodpropp i artärer och vener kan orsaka hjärtinfarkt, ge upphov till blodpropp i benens djupt liggande vener (djup ventrombos) och även i lungan (lungemboli). Detta är vanliga sjukdomar som är potentiellt livshotande i den akuta situationen eller kan leda till komplikationer på lång sikt. Behandling måste t ex vid hjärtinfarkt insättas snabbt för att ge så god effekt sAcute myocardial infarction (MI) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) are conditions caused by thrombus formation with activation of the coagulation system. The plasma concentration of the complex between activated protein C (APC) and protein C inhibitor (PCI), APC–PCI complex is increased in such states. We have devised an immunofluorometric assay employing a catcher antibody (M36) that recognizes a

The Bowu zhi: An Annotated Translation

This dissertation has a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it provides an annotated translation of the full text of the Bowu zhi by Zhang Hua (232-300), an intriguing early mediaeval work that contains passages which throw interesting light on a number of fields in mediaeval Chinese scholarship and the development of traditional Chinese science. As reference to the Bowu zhi is rendered difficult by the pa

Requirements for the Evaluation Framework.

interactIVe has the objective to develop new integrated Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In order to evaluate these ADAS, an evaluation framework is required. Therefore, a horizontal subproject called “Evaluation and Legal Aspects” is part of interactIVe, with the main objective to provide this framework and give support to the vertical subprojects in their evaluation work. The purpose o

Young Citizens and New Media: Learning for Democratic Participation

A collection of original chapters focusing on young people and their political involvement, their use of the internet and other new media for learning the roles and practices of various forms ofcitizenship. The collection is analytically framed by the current dilemmas of democracy

Study of a three-phase claw-to-claw pole machine

A three-phase electrically magnetized synchronous machine has been studied. The peculiarity of the motor is that the magnetization coils are locating on the stationary part and no sources of magnetic energy are introduced in the moving part. The conventional electrical coupling via slip rings has been replaced with a magnetic coupling via additional air-gap. The idea of the design is to investigat

Tillit i arbetslivet – några nedslag

Följande texter är tidigare publicerade som blogginlägg på Cybernormer.se samt digitalsociety.se och kretsar kring arbetslivets förändring i en digital kontext. Tillitsbegreppet är centralt här och texterna diskuterar exempelvis kontroll och övervakning - eller "employee monitoring" - kontra ökade frihetsgrader för anställda att styra över sina arbetstider.

Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication

iological effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) have been studied in Fischer 344 rats of both sexes. The rats were not anaesthetised during the exposure. All animals were sacrificed by perfusion–fixation of the brains under chloralhydrate anaesthesia after the exposure. The brains were perfused with saline for 3–4 minutes, and thereafter perfusion

A framework for organization and representation on concept knowledge in autonomous agents

In this paper the problems of organization and representation of concept knowledge are addressed from an autonomous agent perspective. The first part of the paper discusses the question of why an autonomous agent needs concepts at all and what other uses it can make of them. After the necessary and/or desirable functions of concepts have been identified, previous attempts to represent concepts are

Extensive Questions

Olsson and his collaborators have proposed an extension of Belief Revision Theory where an epistemic state is modeled as a triple S=⟨K,E,A⟩ , where A is a research agenda, i.e. a set of research questions. Contraction and expansion apply to states, and affect the agenda. We propose an alternative characterization of the problem of agenda updating, where research questions are viewed as blueprints

Autoimmune type 1 diabetes.

The pathophysiologic mechanisms in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) involve loss of islet β-cell secretory function caused by selective killing of these cells primarily by aggressive autoimmune responses involving both cellular and humoral immune pathways. Inflammatory cells heavily infiltrate pancreatic islets leading to insulitis where CD8+ T lymphocytes are thought to be responsible for selective and spec