

Din sökning på "*" gav 533727 sökträffar

Toward a unified model of information security policy compliance : A conceptual replication study

Moody et al. (2018) presented a unified model of information security policy compliance (UMISPC) to explain information systems security (ISS) behaviors. The model was empirically tested against 3 main types of security-related behavior: USB practices, not locking computers appropriately, and password issues. In this study, we present a conceptual replication of Moody et al. (2018) in order to pro

A finite deformation electro-mechanically coupled computational multiscale formulation for electrical conductors

Motivated by the influence of deformation-induced microcracks on the effective electrical properties at the macroscale, an electro-mechanically coupled computational multiscale formulation for electrical conductors is proposed. The formulation accounts for finite deformation processes and is a direct extension of the fundamental theoretical developments presented by Kaiser and Menzel (Arch Appl Me

Opportunities for an African greenhouse gas observation system

Global population projections foresee the biggest increase to occur in Africa with most of the available uncultivated land to ensure food security remaining on the continent. Simultaneously, greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise due to ongoing land use change, industrialisation, and transport amongst other reasons with Africa becoming a major emitter of greenhouse gases globally. However,

Vitamin K och Kärleffekter

Det är mindre känt att det finns olika former av vitamin K och vitamin K beroende proteiner med helt andra funktioner än koagulation och som bildas utanför levern. De K-vitaminberoende proteinerna är koagulationsfaktorerna (F) II, VII, IX, X, protein Z/M, protein S/C, men även extrahepatiskt producerade proteiner som har annan funktion än koagulation: osteocalcin (OC), matrix-Gla-protein (MGP), gr

Reconceptualizing student ratings of teaching to support quality discourse on student learning : a systems perspective

This paper summarizes the discourse on student ratings of teaching in higher education. It reconceptualizes student ratings within a larger process of promoting quality in teaching and student learning. As students engage in productive dialogue with teachers and administrators, metrics drawn from decontextualized surveys are admittedly a vital resource. Our paper contends, however, that student ra

Individual and Collective Intentionality : Elaborating the Fundamentality-Question

This is a contribution to the controversy which of individual or collective intentionality is more fundamental. I call it the fundamentality-question. In a first step, I argue that it is really two questions. One is about sense and one about reference. The first is: Can one grasp or understand the concept individual intentionality and, correspondingly, individuality, on the one hand, without grasp


In this chapter management of public services is introduced as a topic. The tasks and general challenges for management are described. Also, the specific setting for public services is elaborated on and discussed. In this uncertain environment management needs to be flexible and responsive to new ideas and practices to fulfil its purpose. The ability to adapt quickly to unpredictable changes in ci

Dynamic Processes in Metal-Semiconductor Nanoparticle Heterostructures

Over the last years, there have been huge research efforts in the synthesis of advanced nanoparticle heterostructures to promote their performance in photocatalysis.[1] Especially, the combination of metals with semiconductors has been identified as a potential approach to enhance the photocatalytic activity via efficient charge carrier separation enabled by plasmon- exciton coupling.[2] The physi

Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT) på ett socialkontor : En kvalitetsgranskning och en forskningsutvärdering.

Studien omfattade 124 ungdomar, 68 flickor och 56 pojkar, medelålder 15,3 år, som behandlades med FFT på ett socialkontor. Studien hade en pre – post - post design. Terapin pågick i 5 - 7 månader med i genomsnitt 13 sessioner, 89 % fullföljde behandlingen. Terapeuterna fick kontinuerligt handledning och certifierades flera gånger. De bedömdes därför vara programföljsamma. Mödrar och fäder samt ung

Targeted acetylation of wood : a tool for tuning wood-water interactions

Abstract: Wood is an increasingly important material in the sustainable transition of societies worldwide. The performance of wood in structures is intimately tied to the presence of moisture in the material, which directly affects important characteristics such as dimensions and mechanical properties, and indirectly its susceptibility to fungal decomposition. By chemical modification, the durabil

Are migrants in/from emerging economies more entrepreneurial than natives?

The academic debate in migrant entrepreneurship has mainly focused on movements from emerging economies into developed economies. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that the highest impact is generated by migrants in/from emerging economies. To extend this academic discussion in the Latin-American context, this study investigates why migrants are more entrepreneurial than natives. By adopting the hu

Sticky Wages and the Great Depression: Evidence from the United Kingdom

How sticky were wages during the Great Depression? Although classic accounts emphasize the importance of nominal rigidity in amplifying deflationary shocks, the evidence is limited. In this paper, I calculate the degree of nominal wage rigidity in the United Kingdom between the wars using new granular data covering millions of wages.I find that nominal wages were more flexible downwards than in mo

Network Synchronization and Control Based on Inverse Optimality : A Study of Inverter-Based Power Generation

This thesis dwells upon the synthesis of system-theoretical tools to understand and control the behavior of nonlinear networked systems. This work is at the crossroads of three topics: synchronization in coupled high-order oscillators, inverse optimal control and the application of inverter-based power systems. The control and stability of power systems leverages the theoretical results obtained f