

Din sökning på "*" gav 535042 sökträffar

Reumacon (CPH82) showed similar x-ray progression and clinical effects as methotrexate in a two year comparative study on patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

Objectives. To study x-ray development and clinical effects, tolerability and safety after 2 years treatment of RA patients with Reumacon (CPH82) or methotrexate (MTX). Patients and methods. This study is a 74 week open continuation of a 24 week double blind comparison of 100 patients with early RA (disease duration less than 2 years) treated either with Reumacon or MTX. Results. The mean Larsen s

Automatic measurement of atrial pacing thresholds in dual-chamber pacemakers: Clinical experience with atrial capture management

BACKGROUND The Medtronic EnPulse (TM) pacemaker incorporates the new atrial capture management (ACM) algorithm to automatically measure atrial capture thresholds and subsequently manage atrial pacing outputs. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of ACM. METHODS Two hundred patients with an indication for a dual-chamber pacemaker underwent implantation. ACM

Quantum path distributions for high-order harmonics in rare gas atoms

We present quantum path distributions of high-order harmonics produced by rare gas atoms interacting with an intense 810 nm laser field, obtained by numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation within the single active electron approximation. We find that the distributions are sensitive to the atomic potentials, and differ from the distributions predicted by the strong field ap

Low level of gene transfer to and engraftment of murine bone marrow cells from long-term bone marrow cultures

OBJECTIVE: We wanted to determine whether the long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) transduction system would lead to efficient gene transfer and engraftment of murine repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), particularly in nonablated recipients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Congenic mouse strains expressing Ly 5.1 or Ly 5.2 and the GP+E86 cell line producing the MGirL22Y vector carrying the gene f

A combined quantum and molecular mechanical study of the O-2 reductive cleavage in the catalytic cycle of multicopper oxidases

The four-electron reduction of dioxygen to water in multicopper oxidases takes place in a trinuclear copper cluster, which is linked to a mononuclear blue copper site, where the substrates are oxidized. Recently, several intermediates in the catalytic cycle have been spectroscopically characterized, and two possible structural models have been suggested for both the peroxy and native intermediates

Paleoecology of the Early Permian strata at heimefrontfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

Palaeopalynological studies form an integral part of the geological investigation of the Late Paleozoic sedimentary history of Dronning Maud Land. During the examination of organic residues prepared from different localities at Heimefrontfjella, the freshwater green alga Botryococcus was found. Exceptionally well-preserved colonies of Botryococcus were recorded in several samples at two sections o

Molecular basis of cell-biomaterial interaction: Insights gained from transcriptomic and proteomic studies

With the growing interest in clinical interventions that involve medical devices, the role for new biomaterials in modern medicine is currently expanding at a phenomenal rate. Failure of most implant materials stems from an inability to predict and control biological phenomena, such as protein adsorption and cell interaction, resulting in an inappropriate host response to the materials. Contempora

A global Fordian compromise? - and what it would mean for the transition to sustainability

At first, it may seem as if the sustainable transition would force us to make a cynical trade-off between (a) the immediate needs of the global poor and (b) the future needs of the global rich. Crucial objectives, such as climate stability, are commonly held to be unattainable if the rest of the world would come to enjoy present Western living standards. Challenging this pessimistic analysis, this

Multivariate statistical monitoring of continuous wastewater treatment plants

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this paper, different multivariate statistical approaches for analysing wastewater treatment process data are presented and compared. For this purpose, all the methods have been tested using one-year operational data in a simulation model benchmark. The general monitoring strategy adopted includes a screening stage to improve data quality, all adaptive model to detect an

Flexible statistical modelling detects clinical functional magnetic resonance imaging activation in partially compliant subjects.

Clinical functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) occasionally fails to detect significant activation, often due to variability in task performance. The present study seeks to test whether a more flexible statistical analysis can better detect activation, by accounting for variance associated with variable compliance to the task over time. Experimental results and simulated data both confirm th

A central core structure in an antibody variable domain determines antigen specificity

Antibody binding sites provide an adaptable surface capable of interacting with essentially any molecular target. Using CDR shuffling, residues important for the assembly of mucin-1 specific paratopes were defined by random recombination of the complementarity determining regions derived from a set of mucin-1 specific clones, previously selected from an antibody fragment library. It was found that

Structural basis for interactions between tenascins and lectican C-type lectin domains: evidence for a crosslinking role for tenascins.

The C-terminal G3 domains of lecticans mediate crosslinking to diverse extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins during ECM assembly, through their C-type lectin (CLD) subdomains. The structure of the rat aggrecan CLD in a Ca(2+)-dependent complex with fibronectin type III repeats 3-5 of rat tenascin-R provides detailed support for such crosslinking. The CLD loops bind Ca2+ like other CLDs, but no carbo

Long-term results of stenting for chronic iliac artery occlusion.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term results of stent placement for chronic occlusions of the iliac arteries. METHODS: Between October 1992 and December 1997, 73 patients (40 men; median age 64 years, range 42-89) with 76 occluded iliac arteries (33 common, 34 external, and 9 both vessels) were treated with percutaneous recanalization and stenting using a variety of self-expanding and balloon-expand

Identification of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Principe seedeater (Serinus rufobrunneus) and assessment of their utility in nine other Serinus species (Fringillidae, Aves)

We tested 74 passerine microsatellite loci for cross-amplification in the Principe seedeater (Serinus rufobrunneus), and identified 15 loci that were both polymorphic and easy to score. In a sample of 113 individuals, the number of alleles ranged between three and 71. Three loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after correcting for multiple tests, and one locus had high estimated null alle

Decreased UCP2 mRNA expression in rat stomach following vagotomy: novel role for UCP2 as free radical scavenger in the stomach?

Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is a protein, located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which dissipates the proton gradient of this membrane and uncouples respiration from oxidative phosphorylation. We found, by in situ hybridisation, UCP2 mRNA to be located in the proliferating zone of the mucous neck cells in the fundus part of the rat stomach. We also found that UCP2 expression in fundus was si

Awareness and treatment of cardiovascular disease risk factors among middle-aged Swedish men and women

OBJECTIVE: To study awareness and treatment of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a primary care district where a screening program for hypercholesterolaemia involving one third of the population had been conducted 7 years earlier. DESIGN: A semi-structured telephone survey on four risk factors; blood pressure, serum cholesterol, blood sugar, and smoking habits. SETTING: The study was perf

Blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors among treated hypertensives in Swedish primary health care

Objective - To evaluate antihypertensive treatment and other cardiovascular risk factors in primary health care. Design - Cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients with treated hypertension in 1999. Setting - 17 primary care centres in Sweden. Subjects - 512 patients (mean age 67; SD 11 years). Main outcome measures - Antihypertensive treatment, cardiovascular risk factors. Results - Patients

A new approach for predicting the extreme response of structures

In this article a method to estimate the mean upcrossing intensity, mu(u), of a stochastic process is proposed. It is assumed that the stochastic process is a sum of a Gaussian process and a second-order correction term. The method is based on the two-dimensional Saddlepoint approximation. The accuracy of the method is tested on processes having analytical solutions for mu(u). Numerical examples a

Electromagnetic properties of nuclear chiral partners

Nuclear chirality is a novel manifestation of spontaneous symmetry breaking resulting from an orthogonal coupling of angular momentum vectors. In triaxial nuclei with an odd number of protons and neutrons three perpendicular angular momenta provided by the valence particles and collective rotation can form two systems of opposite handedness. The electromagnetic properties of the resulting doublet