

Din sökning på "*" gav 529338 sökträffar

To put the EU flag on the Armenian highlands: a case study analysis of EU security actorness in the South Caucasus through the establishment of the EU Mission in Armenia

Since the Lisbon Treaty failed in strengthening the EU’s global actorness – not least within Russia’s sphere of interest – the EU has been described as ‘a global actor past its peak’. However, following Azerbaijan’s aggressions on Armenian sovereign territory in September 2022, Armenia invited the EU to deploy a CSDP mission in the country. Since Armenia is one of Russia’s closest allies and CSDP

To act or not to act? A study of Commission inaction against breaches of the rule of law: the case of Spain and the non-renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary

In light of the EU’s growing compliance problem and the generalized decline in Commission-led enforcement, this thesis studies the phenomenon of Commission inaction against breaches of EU law, and, specifically, Art. 2 TEU. By focusing on its lack of action against Spain’s non-renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, a long-standing breach of the rule of law, this thesis aims to shed light

Is EU policy taken out of competition? – A newspaper analysis of government-opposition conflict in Swedish EU politics

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the level of conict in the media between the government and the opposition at dierent time periods, and specically regarding EU policies. Opposition towards policy is a crucial ingredient in democratic systems of government that do not only allow the people to send dierent personalities to represent them in government, but rather dierent policy agendas that

Alliansfrihet eller Nato-medlemskap: En kvalitativ studie om strategiska narrativ i Sveriges riksdag 2014-2023

Studies on how small states act within the international system are usually performed using the major theories in international relations. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Sweden applied for a membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato). This thesis’s purpose is to gain knowledge on how strategic narratives were used to legitimize policy changes in a nation that has been

Fältarbetares uppsökande arbete med ungdomar som är i riskzonen för att hamna i kriminalitet.

The aim of this study is to understand how outreach workers work with at-risk youth to reduce the risk of criminal behavior. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with eight outreach workers from different parts of Sweden who all have continuous contact with at-risk youth. The theoretical approaches we used when analyzing our material were Michael Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureauc

Retracing the Vikings in the East : A review of Scandinavian-Islamic interfaces

De vanligaste kontakterna under vikingatiden ur ett svenskt perspektiv gick österut. Miljontals islamiska mynt flödade in i Skandinavien från Nordafrika, kalifatet och det samanidiska herraväldet i Centralasien. Deras ursprung varierade, och silverströmmens kronologi gör det möjligt att beskriva föränderliga relationer mellan aktörerna. Några välkända artefakter från samma riktning kom till SkandiThe most common contacts during the Viking Age from a Swedish perspective were to the East. Millions of Islamic coins flowed into Scandinavia from North Africa, the Caliphate, and the Samanid dominion in Central Asia. Their origins differed, and the temporality of the silver stream makes it possible to outline changing interfaces between the actors. Some well known artifacts from the same directio

Enhancing the Microstructure of Perovskite-Inspired Cu-Ag-Bi-I Absorber for Efficient Indoor Photovoltaics

Lead-free perovskite-inspired materials (PIMs) are gaining attention in optoelectronics due to their low toxicity and inherent air stability. Their wide bandgaps (≈2 eV) make them ideal for indoor light harvesting. However, the investigation of PIMs for indoor photovoltaics (IPVs) is still in its infancy. Herein, the IPV potential of a quaternary PIM, Cu2AgBiI6 (CABI), is demonstrated upon control

Beyond hydrophobicity : how F4-TCNQ doping of the hole transport material improves stability of mesoporous triple-cation perovskite solar cells

Despite the outstanding power conversion efficiency of triple-cation perovskite solar cells (PSCs), their low long-term stability in the air is still a major bottleneck for practical applications. The hygroscopic dopants traditionally used in hole transport materials (HTMs) severely degrade the perovskite film. The p-type F4-TCNQ doping of the well-known spiro-OMeTAD HTM enables hydrophobicity-ind

Utvärdering av hastighetssäkrade åtgärder på landsbygdsvägar

Detta arbete har utvärderat hastighetssäkrade åtgärders effekt på landsbygdsvägar genom att filma totalt 34 olika sådana åtgärder i södra Sverige och studera hastigheten av frigående bilar och tunga fordon när de passerar de olika åtgärderna.Varje plats har filmats med drönare och alla fordon har automatiskt spårats m.h.a. videoanalys. Därefter har frigående fordon identifierats och deras hastighe

Deconstructing the Anthill: An Analysis of the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s Effect on Multi-Level Governance in the EU

This research explores the effect of the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) on multi-level governance (MLG) by adducing the theory of postfunctionalism’s explanatory power. Previous MLG research on the COVID-19 crisis found alternating national centralisation/decentralisation movements due to crisis management. Scrutinising the watershed RRF offers novel insights into MLG’s de

Charting a Course for the Future: An Analysis of the Level of Climate-Security Integration in the EU’s Development Cooperation

Climate-related security risks (CRSR) have risen on the foreign policy agenda of the European Union (EU). As climate change accelerates, its impacts exacerbate existing social, economic, and environmental challenges within and between communities and increase the likelihood of states experiencing humanitarian crises and conflict. These so-called climate-related security risks (CRSR), or climate-se

Which came first, the Tweety or the Egg? The Backfire Effects of Repression Online

The 2017 Catalan independence referendum on the first of October was both a transformative event for the Catalan independence movement and the beginning of Spain’s constitutional crisis. The actions by the Spanish government could be described as repressive, but did audiences online interpret it as such? Protest and resistance, on the streets and online, criticising the government’s actions are ev

To Be, or Not to Be; a Feminist Government

As Sweden has been a pioneer when it comes to agendas for the inclusion of women, the decision to terminate the feminist foreign policy was met with surprise. The newly elected government was quick at declaring the feminist foreign policy insufficient to represent Swedish interests and this research has provided insights to understand how this came to be. By analyzing the case with the application

Preacher, Trader, Soldier, Spy : Studying Transimperial Individuals through their Occupational Roles

Increased scholarly interest in ideas, goods and people that crossed the boundaries between modern empires (c. 1850-1914), known as transimperial history, has directed attention to microhistorical cases of individuals with transimperial careers. Such life trajectories are interesting in themselves, but their representativeness and broader significance for modern imperial history is often unclear.

Wake the Sleepwalkers! An Exploratory Analysis of Ontological (In)Security in Czechia and Slovakia

In light of the current situation in the EU, after the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, Europe is undoubtedly facing a critical situation. This thesis conducts an exploratory analysis of ontological (in)security in Czechia and Slovakia to investigate a region where very few academics have analyzed it from an ontological security perspective. By using a mixed method multiple case s

Masculinity Beyond the Battlefield: Exploring Masculinities inside the Swedish Armed Forces and its Connection to the Private Sphere

The objective of this thesis is to analyse how masculinities inside the SwAF are manifested as well as how these affect the civil life of male soldiers. This is achieved by using a set of individual case studies where semi-structured interviews serve as the main data. To study masculinities I chose to use Connell's concept of hegemonic masculinities. In addition to this, I used Annika Kronsell

Positive Peace - A Driver of Migration? A Quantitative Study of the Relationship between Positive Peace and Intra-European Migration

Migration studies have generally focused either on broad drivers that are difficult to operationalize, such as quality of life and standard of living, or a few specific, predominantly economic, drivers. Hence, broader explanations for migration have been understudied, especially quantitively. Similarly, peace studies have traditionally favored narrow conceptualizations of peace. This study aims to

Demanding a Seat at The Table: Brazil’s and South Africa’s Role Conception in their Quest for Permanent Seats at the United Nations Security Council

In a changing world order, emerging middle powers from the global South may seek new positions in international societies. Using the United Nations as an international society, this thesis aims to investigate what roles the emerging middle powers, Brazil and South Africa, enact in pursuing permanent seats at the Security Council. This research conducts a qualitative text analysis using official da