

Din sökning på "*" gav 533593 sökträffar

A Reply to “Comment on ‘A Literature Meta-Analysis of The Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality’”

In our meta-study from 2022, “A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality – II,” we find that the effect of lockdowns—also referred to as ‘Covid restrictions,’ ‘social distancing measures,’ etc.—on mortality was negligible. The first version of our meta-study received criticism from Banholzer, et al. (2022). The authors raised “concerns regarding the sub

Beräkning av bärförmåga hos pålar i moränlera - Svensk och dansk beräkningsmetodik

Detta examensarbetes huvudsyfte var att jämföra säkerhetsfaktorerna för den svenska och den danska beräkningsmetodiken i markförhållanden sand och lera ovanpå moränlera. Den verkliga bärförmågan i markförhållandena togs fram genom CAPWAP-mätningar. Säkerhetsfaktorn med den svenska beräkningsmetodiken blev 2.7 och säkerhetsfaktorn med den danska beräkningsmetodiken blev 1.3. Detta visar att den sve

The Prognostic Effect of IKZF1 Deletions in ETV6:: RUNX1 and High Hyperdiploid Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

IKZF1 deletions are an established prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, their relevance in patients with good risk genetics, namely ETV6::RUNX1 and high hyperdiploid (HeH), ALL remains unclear. We assessed the prognostic impact of IKZF1 deletions in 939 ETV6::RUNX1 and 968 HeH ALL patients by evaluating data from 16 trials from 9 study groups. Only 3% of ETV6

The Aesthetics of Assault

Comparing contemporary legislation and social debates to films and TV-shows from the 2000s and 2010s, this study shows a change in approach to the subject of sexual assault from an intersectional angle. The analysis describes a more individual, neo-liberal angle in the early 2000s, and a more holistic and societal angle in the 2010s. With the intersectional approach, the study finds that whiteness

Hollaboration (envisioning the future of hybrid meetings)

This project aims to envision the future of virtual collaboration in the year 2030. Global trends show that ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, hybrid work has become a standard in almost all job sectors, making virtual collaboration crucial for the success of hybrid teams. Although the option to work from home partially or completely has well documented outcomes of higher employee productivity and

A stochastic hierarchical model for low grade glioma evolution

A stochastic hierarchical model for the evolution of low grade gliomas is proposed. Starting with the description of cell motion using a piecewise diffusion Markov process (PDifMP) at the cellular level, we derive an equation for the density of the transition probability of this Markov process based on the generalised Fokker–Planck equation. Then, a macroscopic model is derived via parabolic limit

Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Patients With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Background: Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP)—the age-related clonal expansion of blood stem cells with leukemia-associated mutations—is a novel cardiovascular risk factor. Whether CHIP remains prognostic in individuals with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is less clear. Objectives: This study tested whether CHIP predicts adverse outcomes in individu


Through this research, I intend to investigate the fascinating domain of Ayahuasca documentary films. This emerging subgenre showcases explorers and scientists reconnecting with nature and spirituality, which I introduced to the reader through my explorative one-year master's thesis, A Study of Ayahuasca Documentary Film (2020). Furthermore, in the present study, I further my research by looki

Intracoronary Imaging of Proximal Coronary Artery Lesions – A Nationwide Lesion-Level Analysis From SCAAR

Background: Current evidence suggests that use of intracoronary imaging during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the left main coronary artery (LMCA) reduces mortality. However, there is a scarcity of data on the overall role of intracoronary imaging, particularly in other non-LMCA proximal coronary artery lesions. We aimed to investigate the association of use of intracoronary imaging o

Cooperation and Friction: The Sustainable Development Goals as a system of belief within a United Nations specialized agency

Across the world are small local agencies connected to the United Nations. Unlike the larger bureaucratic organs that make up the UN, these smaller specialized agencies do not work to frame the founding ideals of the UN which are decided on at the highest levels within the institution, but to interpret, carry out, and monitor different mandates or programs at the local level. These agencies transl

Processing and characterization of large area InP nanowire photovoltaic devices

III−V nanowire (NW) photovoltaic devices promise high efficiencies at reduced materials usage. However, research has so far focused on small devices, mostly ≤1 mm2. In this study, the upscaling potential of axial junction InP NW photovoltaic devices is investigated. Device processing was carried out on a full 2″ wafer, with device sizes up to 1 cm2, which is a significant increase from the mm-scal

Epigenetics of methylmercury

Purpose of review: Methylmercury (MeHg) is neurotoxic at high levels and particularly affects the developing brain. One proposed mechanism of MeHg neurotoxicity is alteration of the epigenetic programming. In this review, we summarise the experimental and epidemiological literature on MeHg-associated epigenetic changes. Recent findings: Experimental and epidemiological studies have identified chan

Heparin-binding protein as a marker of ventriculostomy related infection and central nervous system inflammation in neuro-intensive care

Objective: Diagnosis of ventriculostomy related infections (VRI) in the neuro-intensive care unit remains challenging and current biomarkers lack adequate precision. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of Heparin-binding protein (HBP) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a diagnostic biomarker of VRI. Methods: All patients treated with an external ventricular drain (EVD) between January

Bathing into Belonging: An Exploration of International Students' encounters at the Swedish Sauna

This thesis is an ethnographic exploration of Swedish sauna practices as experienced by international students at Lund University. The research objective is to navigate experiences of belonging and community formation that occur in the sauna, but also highlights how experiences of outsiderness and exclusion come to the fore in this highly sensorial environment. The sauna is analysed as a microcosm

Högkvalificerad arbetskraft i rörelse - En kvalitativ studie om strategiska rekryteringsprocesser av högkvalificerad arbetskraftsinvandring

Denna kandidatuppsats redogör för hur internationella rekryteringsprocesser spelar roll för en ökad efterfrågan på specialiserad och högutbildad personal i en global marknad. Syftet är att titta på vilket behov den rörliga kompetensen täcker och studien fokuserar på varför företag ägnar sig åt internationell rekrytering. Undersökningen grundar sig på dels intervjuer med respondenter på en svensk s