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The study has been performed in order to give a contribution to the knowledge of the conjunctival cytology in Sjögren's syndrome. Exfoliated cells were obtained by a tampon from the inferior conjunctival sac of 11 patients affected by primary or secondary Sjögren's syndrome; the material was placed onto a microscope slide and it was stained with May-Grumwald-Giemsa, after the ferning test had been

Berättelser om en röd stuga : Föreställningar om en idyll ur ett svenskdidaktiskt perspektiv

This licentiate-thesis, Stories About a red Cottage, is an attempt to combine cultural theory with a didactic method applied to Swedish as a field of study. With the two notions intertextuality and the foreign as a starting point, I discuss the importance of how an idyllic view of Sweden affects students studying Swedish as a foreign language as part of their studies in Scandinavistics. The studenThis licentiate-thesis, Stories About a red Cottage, is an attempt to combine cultural theory with a didactic method applied to Swedish as a field of study. With the two notions intertextuality and the foreign as a starting point, I discuss the importance of how an idyllic view of Sweden affects students studying Swedish as a foreign language as part of their studies in Scandinavistics. The studen

Contrast sensitivity and the detection of moving patterns and features

Theories based on optimal sampling by the retina have been widely applied to visual ecology at the level of the optics of the eye, supported by visual behaviour. This leads to speculation about the additional processing that must lie in between-in the brain itself. But fewer studies have adopted a quantitative approach to evaluating the detectability of specific features in these neural pathways.

Evolutionary consequences of multidriver environmental change in an aquatic primary producer

Climate change is altering aquatic environments in a complex way, and simultaneous shifts in many properties will drive evolutionary responses in primary producers at the base of both freshwater and marine ecosystems. So far, evolutionary studies have shown how changes in environmental drivers, either alone or in pairs, affect the evolution of growth and other traits in primary producers. Here, we

Dikter av Kathleen Jamie

8 poems by Scottish poet Kathleen Jamie (b. 1962) in translation from English of Lars Gustaf Andersson, with a brief commentary.

Thumb Base Osteoarthritis: Prevalence, Occupational Risk, and Surgical Outcomes

Osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpal joint at the base of the thumb (CMC1 OA) is common and causes difficulty in grasp, grip, and fine manipulation of the hand. Surgery is recommended after failure of non-operative treatment, andevidence from short and medium-term follow-up studies shows successful relief of pain and return of function. Previous investigations of epidemiology and risk factors wer

Staden växer fram : RJ:s årsbox 2020. Staden

Städer var nykomlingar i det medeltida Skandinavien. Efterhand blev dock stadslivet något att eftersträva, en rikare tillvaro med en mångsidig miljö. Städer växte fram ur existerande behov och utifrån nya maktrelationer. Under lång tid hade människor inte behövt staden och det sammanträngda liv som den erbjöd. Landskapet bestod i stället av enstaka gårdar, hushåll med gemensam bebyggelse, jordagod

Submission to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development: Consultation on Good Practices, Challenges and Areas for Improvement on the Implementation of the Right to Development (RTD) in the area of Financing for Development (FFD)

Our submission to the UNSR on the Right to Development (RTD) focuses on the significant changes that are taking place within the international architecture for Financing for Development (FFD) and their impact on the realization of the RTD. A key plank of the new FFD framework is the engagement of the private sector in the mobilisation and delivery of development finance, including the use of publi

Design fiction as norm-critical practice

The transdisciplinary fields of design and feminist technoscience share a common interest in focusing on the world in a state of always becoming, always changing. Within feminist technoscience, norm-critical perspectives are implemented to shed light on unequal sociotechnical infrastructures. Within design research, generative methods of critical design and design fiction encourage processes of fi

The Nordic wave in place branding: global implications and relevance

This chapter is concerned with the Nordic region as a context fostering a distinct place branding scholarship and practice. The endeavour goes beyond demonstrating particular practices or significance of branding phenomena in this region. Rather, the aim is to compile and structure a growing body of research dealing with Nordic place branding and assess its global relevance and academic implicatio

What do patients prefer? A multinational, longitudinal, qualitative study on patient-preferred treatment outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis

OBJECTIVES: To explore treatment outcomes preferred by patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and how these change throughout the early disease stage across three European countries. METHODS: A longitudinal, qualitative, multicentre study was conducted in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. 80 patients with early RA were individually interviewed 3-9 months after treatment initiation and 51

After 25 Years as Faithful Members of the EU. Public Support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB in Austria, Finland and Sweden

Austria, Finland and Sweden became members of the EU in 1995. This paper examines how support for the euro and trust in the European Central Bank (ECB) have evolved in these three countries since their introduction at the turn of the century. Support for the euro in the two euro-area members Austria and Finland has remained high and relatively stable since the physical introduction of the new curr

New Light on the Mechanism of Phototransduction in Phototropin

Phototropins are photoreceptor proteins that regulate blue light-dependent biological processes for efficient photosynthesis in plants and algae. The proteins consist of a photosensory domain that responds to the ambient light and an output module that triggers cellular responses. The photosensory domain of phototropin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contains two conserved LOV (light-oxygen-voltage