

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

A Century of Divorce: Long-Term Socioeconomic Restructuring and the Divorce Rate in Sweden, 1915-2010

Increased divorce rates over the past century are linked to changing macroeconomic conditions, increased female independence and welfare state expenditure, but few studies have assessed these long-term relationships at the macro level. Research has focused on Anglo-Saxon contexts and not considered developments in vanguard countries like Sweden that determined their role as sociodemographic precur

The Health Returns of University Eligibility

This paper exploits an arbitrary university eligibility rule in Sweden combined with regression discontinuity to estimate the impact of university education on health derived demand for medical care. We find a clear jump in university attendance due to university eligibility of between 10 and 14 percentage points. For females this implies a 30-40% drop in self-harm. For males it coincides with red

Clinical characteristics of the BREATHE cohort–a real-life study on patients with asthma and COPD

Background: The BREATHE study is a cross-sectional study of real-life patients with asthma and/or COPD in Denmark and Sweden aiming to increase the knowledge across severities and combinations of obstructive airway disease. Design: Patients with suspicion of asthma and/or COPD and healthy controls were invited to participate in the study and had a standard evaluation performed consisting of questi

Sustainable and equitable provision of wheelchairs in low- and middle-income countries : an economic assessment of the models for wheelchair provision in Tajikistan

Introduction: Reaching universal coverage of assistive technologies remains a challenge in many low- and middle-income countries. Tajikistan has recently adopted several policies and national strategies to strengthen the rights of people with disabilities and improve the provision of assistive products. However, Tajikistan faces a number of challenges, including ensuring sustainable funding for th

Towards a Business Model for Viable City Logistics Initiatives : The role of financial continuity, externalities and stakeholders

Viable city logistics are built on a sound business model that considers the financial viability and performance, and the role of externalities and stakeholders. To this end, the purpose of this dissertation is to increase understanding of how a business model can contribute to achieving viable city logistics initiatives.The research presented is qualitative and consists of three studies and five

The Miracle of Wörgl

Recent attempts by several big tech companies to create their own currencies, such as Facebook's Libra, have drawn attention to monetary innovations. The case offers important insights for this debate by engaging with the wave of monetary innovation and entrepreneurship triggered by the unemployment and economic distress of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Through the vantage point of one of the

Below-surface water mediates the response of African forests to reduced rainfall

Terrestrial ecosystem gross primary productivity (GPP) is the largest land-atmosphere carbon flux and the primary mechanism of photosynthetic fixation of atmospheric CO2 into plant biomass. Anomalous rainfall events have been shown to have a great impact on the global carbon cycle. However, less is known about the impact of these events on GPP, especially in Africa, where in situ observations are

Málaga Común

The case is about the choice of governance structures for a community currency in the impoverished South of Spain that aims to alleviate the economic hardships brought by the economic crisis. The reader gets an insight into the economic contexts of these currencies, the functioning of one of its most common designs (mutual credit systems or LETS), as well as the governance structures of community

Lärares användning av digitala resurser i undervisningen : "Kombinationen av ett praktiskt verktyg och en skicklig lärare"

AbstractThis thesis investigates the use of digital resources in education with a 1-1 computer to student ratio. Studies were performed with a sociocultural perspective and in the light of the theory of affordances. The two studies differ methodologically but the shared topic is teachers’ usage of digital resources. Previous studies have shown that using digital resources to promote collaboration,

A Convex Approach to Frisch-Kalman Problem

This paper proposes a convex approach to the Frisch-Kalman problem that identifies the linear relations among variables from noisy observations. The problem was proposed by Ragnar Frisch in 1930s, and was promoted and further developed by Rudolf Kalman later in 1980s. It is essentially a rank minimization problem with convex constraints. Regarding this problem, analytical results and heuristic met

Modeling and Sampling of Spectrally Structured Signals

This thesis consists of five papers concerned with the modeling of stochastic signals, as well as deterministic signals in stochastic noise, exhibiting different kinds of structure. This structure is manifested as the existence of finite-dimensional parameterizations, and/or in the geometry of the signals' spectral representations. The two first papers of the thesis, Papers A and B, consider the m

Earthquake effects on artificial groundwater recharge efforts in south Japan

The Kumamoto area includes 11 municipalities and a population of about one million. The area represents the largest total use of groundwater in Japan. The main recharging area for this groundwater used to be paddy fields for rice production located along the mid-stream section of the Shirakawa River. In the past few decades, the area of paddy fields has rapidly decreased due to the Japanese govern

Environmental hazards and urban abandonment : Case studies and typological issues

The article discusses the phenomenon of urban abandonment as a result of environmental hazards. Seen as an outcome of environmental drivers, the underlying assumption is that a characteristic of environmental hazards is their spatial and temporal constancy of impact, whereby processes and phenomena having taken place in the past have their analogies in the present. In order to generate insights fo

Human Geography and the hinterland: The case of Torsten Hägerstrand’s ‘belated’ recognition

Seeing human geography as a nexus of temporally oscillating concepts, this paper investigates the dissemination of scientific ideas with a focus on extra-scientific factors. While scientific progress is usually evaluated in terms of intellectual achievement of the individual researcher, geographers tend to forget about the external factors that tacitly yet critically contribute to knowledge produc

Between history, politics and economy: The problematic heritage of Former border railway stations in Poland

This paper deals with the issue of former border railway stations (FBRSs) in Poland in the context of their problematic heritage. Since the creation of those borders coincided with the development of the railway network in the 19th century, the FBRSs, now deprived of their past function, remain scattered throughout the landscape as confusing components of a troubled history in an even more confusi

Planering för strategisk cykelinfrastruktur : Resultat från en intervjustudie

I dagens samhälle med klimatförändringar och miljöproblem ses cykeln som ett allt viktigare transportmedel för att minska bilanvändning. Trafikverket konstaterade att ökad cykling medför stora vinster för samhället, inte minst för miljön. Således borde cykel prioriteras allt mer i planeringen, vilket inte alltid görs. Hur man planerar cykelinfrastruktur och vad som klassas som bra eller dålig cyke