Din sökning på "*" gav 533171 sökträffar
The load demand component as a parameter in modern electricity tariffs
Fuzzy Control versus Conventional Control
Anna Grimshaw and Amanda Ravetz (eds). 2005. Visualizing Anthropology: Experimenting with Image-Based Ethnography
Are Option Prices Stochastic?
Josefpoeltia parva, a new combination in Josefpoeltia (Teloschistaceae)
The new combination, Josefpoeltia parva (Ras.) Froden. & L. Lindblom with the basionym Xanthoria parva Ras., is made. The type species of Josefpoelfa, J. boliviensis, is reduced to synonymy with J. parva. The length of the conidia varies in J. parva showing a north-south gradient.
Gendered Developments: Imaginings, Politics, and Practices
Numerical evaluation of nitrate pollution remediation
Ultraviolet fluorescence lines of Fe II observed in satellite spectra of the symbiotic star RR Telescopii
By examining all emission lines of Fe II in high resolution satellite spectra of the symbiotic star RR Tel we have made a systematic study of fluorescence lines in the ultraviolet wavelength region 1200-3000 Å. We list 33 energy levels of Fe II that are selectively excited in the stellar system by photons from strong lines of H, He II, Si III, O III, C IV, O V, Ne V, and O VI. All energy levels li
From ad-man to digital manager – the institutionalization of strategic communication. A study of job advertisements between 1960 – 2010
Missbruk av dominerande marknadsställning i Sverige och EEC
I tre artiklar, som publicerade i samfundets tidskift 1976 analyseras de åtgärder, som med stöd av den nationella konkurrensbegränsningslagstiftningen riktas mot de marknadsdominerande företagen. Tre frågor lyftes fram: 1. I vilken utsträckning beivras traditionellt missbruk av en dominerande ställning; 2. Medger den interna lagstiftningen ingrepp mot företagssammanslagningar; 3. Ger de interna re
Respiratory Tract Deposition of Aerosol Particles from Various Sources
The meaning of everyday activity performance at home among old people in Latvia.
A Survey of Commercial Real-Time Expert Systems Environments
This duty must be established into a principle, and wrought into a habit
Förmodernitet. Trender och tendenser i svensk forskning 1995-2008
Brain tissue response to nanowires implanted into the rat striatum
Författarens funktioner. Gestaltningen av det litterära arbetet i Motståndets estetik av Peter Weiss
Short overview over the formation of the first person narrator's mission as a working class writer in the novel Die Ästhetik des Widerstands (The Aesthetics of Resistance) by Swedish-German author Peter Weiss (1916 - 1982)