Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar
A literature review of the regional implementation of the central Swedish government's health care reforms on choice and privatization.
The introduction in 2010 of the Freedom of Choice Act represents one of the most far-reaching reforms of the Swedish health system. While it is mandatory for the regional counties to introduce choice plans for primary care it is voluntary for ambulatory specialist services. The voluntary nature of the regulations for the latter types of care generates a potential gap between the central government
Review of Medeltidens födelse. Symposier på Krapperups borg 1
Harmonic morphisms as sphere bundles over compact Riemann surfaces
We prove that the projection map of an orientable sphere bundle, over a compact Riemann surface, of any homotopy type can be realized as a harmonic morphism with totally geodesic fibres.
Mötesplatseer för dialog, erfarenhetsutbyte och förädling av goda ideér kring studenters webbaserade lärandemiljöer.
Public Risk Perception of Nuclear Power - The Case of Sweden and Lithuania
The analysis is focused on attitudes towards nuclear power and public risk perceptions in Sweden and Lithuania. Recent theories of risk-society, reflexive modernization as well as social-psychological approaches are used.
Introduction: entrepreneurship, competitiveness and local development
Pollen Luftföroreningar Allergi
Abstract in Undetermined Detta häfte informerar om pollen och pollenallergi samt de viktigaste resultaten från ett utvecklingsprojekt som genomförts av Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap. Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län har varit samordnare för projektet. Länsstyrelsen i Skåne, Region Skåne, VTI samt Arbets- och miljömedicin, Göteborgs universitet har deltagit
Något om faktainlärning inom juristutbildningen
Abstract in Undetermined komparativ rätt; comparative law
Participation and empowerment by visualisation
Skiljeförfarande och avtal om civilprocessuella säkerhetsåtgärder
Contracts on provisional remedies in arbitration
Transnational Access: Findings and Future Research
The central findings of the volume are summarized under three principal themes: Patterns of transnational actor participation in international institutions; alternative explanations of these patterns; and consequences of involving transnational actors in global governance. Four dimensions, encompassing unanswered questions, are identified: formal vs. informal access; supply vs. demand; autonomy vs
Naturvetare får jobb
Food Webs, Models and Species Extinctions in a Stochastic Environment
In light of the current global mass extinction of species, ecologists are facing great challenges. In order to reverse the path towards additional extinctions early warning systems to guide management actions need to be developed. However, considering the countless species to monitor and the complexity of interactions affecting species abundances in ecological communities, this is not an easy task
Memory distorions resulting from a choice blindness task
Using a choice blindness paradigm, it is possible to switch decisions and outcomes in simple choice tasks. Such switches have been found to carry over into later choices, hypothesized to be mediated by beliefs about earlier decisions. Here we investigated participants’ memories for stimuli in a simple choice blindness task involving preferential choices between pairs of faces. We probed participan