

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Effects of prenatal testosterone exposure on antioxidant status and bill color in adult zebra finches.

Permanent offspring modification through maternal hormone transfer is thought to be a tool for mothers to influence life-history trajectories of individual offspring. In birds, yolk hormones influence numerous aspects of the offspring's physiology, including antioxidant status, an important physiological measure that is linked to growth, reproductive effort, and survival. While it is evident that

Assessment of numerical schemes for solving the advection–diffusion equation on unstructured grids: case study of the Guaíba River, Brazil

In this work, a first-order upwind and a high-order flux-limiter schemes for solving the advection–diffusion equation on unstructured grids were evaluated. The numerical schemes were implemented as a module of an unstructured two-dimensional depth-averaged circulation model for shallow lakes (IPH-UnTRIM2D), and they were applied to the Guaíba River in Brazil. Their performances were evaluated by c

Impact of a paternal origin of germline BRCA1/2 mutations on the age at breast and ovarian cancer diagnosis in a Southern Swedish cohort.

Three studies have reported that BRCA1/2 mutations of paternal origin confer an earlier age at breast cancer diagnosis compared with maternal origin. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the impact of parental origin of BRCA1/2 mutations on age at breast and ovarian cancer diagnosis. This study included 577 female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. All BRCA1/2 mutation carriers belonged to fam

Lymph node tissue kallikrein-related peptidase 6 mRNA: a progression marker for colorectal cancer

BACKGROUND: A most important characteristic feature for poor prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC) is the presence of lymph node metastasis. Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) mRNA levels in lymph nodes has proven powerful for quantification of disseminated tumour cells. Here, we investigate the utility of human tissue kallikrein-related peptidase 6 (KLK6) mRNA as a progression biomark

The (un)emotional law student

Objectivity is central to many professions, ensuring legitimacy via impartiality and the detachment of emotional involvement. This article conducts an analysis of the emotion talk about objectivity in order to reveal and re-attach the emotions involved. This is achieved by determining how objectivity is presented in a profession viewed to be particularly objective namely the legal profession. Ther

Vehicle Detection through Wireless Vehicular Communication

Vehicles in the future are anticipated to have the ability to communicate and exchange useful information in order to avoid collisions. However, for this cooperation to be possible, all vehicles will have to be equipped with compatible wireless modules, based on, e.g. IEEE 802.11p (used in ITS-G5 or WAVE), which implements intelligent transport systems operating in the 5 GHz frequency band. During

Moving from ’gut feeling’ to ’pure facts’: launching the ASI interview as part of in-service training for social workers.

Several standardized assessment instruments have been introduced in social work in the last ten years. One of them, the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), is used today in the Swedish social services, and in the Prison and probation services. Swedish state authorities make strong declarations to implement the ASI-interview while critics are sceptic to both its practical relevance and epistemological

Continuing progress on chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Cambrian System

This paper is a review of the chief accomplishments toward defining Cambrian stage- and series-level GSSPs since the founding of the International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS) in 1961, and is an assessment of the Subcommission's progress toward defining the bases of remaining provisional stages and series.

Patterns and magnitude of Zn:Ca in otoliths support the recent phylogenetic typology of Salmoniformes and their sister groups

La chimie des otolithes de poissons sert a associer les poissons a des environnements specifiques. La chimie des otolithes peut aussi potentiellement servir d'outil dans la recherche phylogenetique, comme nous le demontrons ici chez les poissons salmonides et les taxons apparentes. Des cartes bidimensionnelles de la chimie de Zn:Ca dans les otolithes montrent des oscillations annuelles d'amplitude

An Improvement on MS-based Epigenetic Analysis of Large Histone-derived Peptides by Using the IVU Interface.

Highly protonated histone-derived peptides impede a sufficient mass spectrometry (MS) -based epigenetic analysis since their relatively low m/z due to a high degree of proton addition to peptides would difficult to analyze the resulting complex MS/MS spectra. In order to reduce the degree of protonations, we have developed a new interface, the IVU, in which peptides are ionized under a vaporized o

Electrophysiological correlates of competitor activation predict retrieval-induced forgetting

The very act of retrieval modifies the accessibility of memory for knowledge and past events and can also cause forgetting. A prominent theory of such retrieval-induced forgetting holds that retrieval recruits inhibition to overcome interference from competing memories, rendering these memories inaccessible. The present study tested a fundamental tenet of the inhibitory-control account: the compet

A 128-channel discrete cosine transform-based neural signal processor for implantable neural recording microsystems

A 128-channel neural signal processor for implantable neural recording microsystems is presented. The processor compresses the neural information of 128 simultaneous recording channels using discrete cosine transform, achieving a compression factor of 69 at the expense of a 5.6% root mean square error. The proposed processor is implemented on register transfer level and synthesized in a 65-nm comp

Isolation and structural identification of glycopolymers of Bifidobacterium bifidum BIM B-733D as putative players in pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases

Bifidobacterium bifidum 791 (commercially available as B. bifidum BIM B-733D) cell-surface biopolymers (BPs) interact selectively with human serum thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg) autoantibodies (anti-TPO and anti-Tg, respectively). BPanti-TPO and BPanti-Tg were isolated from the soluble fraction of B. bifidum BIM B-733D by affinity chromatography with anti-TPO or anti-Tg, respectiv