

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

U-Pb geochronology of tectonothermal events related to the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents -observations from Antarctica and Baltica

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling presenterar data från två olika geografiska områden, Dronning Maud land, Antarktis, och den Skandinaviska fjällkedjan som befinner sig på den Baltiska kontinentalplattan. Dessutom presenteras en jämförande studie mellan två metoder att datera bergarter. Berggrunden i Dronning Maud Land domineras dels av migmatiserade bergarter, dels av post-tektoniska This thesis presents data from two areas, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, and the Scandinavian Caledonides, Baltica. In addition, a comparative geochronological study is presented. The bedrock of Dronning Maud Land (DML) is dominated by migmatitic gneisses and post-tectonic intrusions. A migmatitic gneiss at Jutulsessen nunataks, Gjelsvikfjella, has a protolith age of 1163 ± 6 Ma and a migmatisati

The AaO as building block in the coupling of text kinematics with the resonating structure of a metaphor

This article presents a study of the metaphor as instrument for the direct perception of events. Its major hypothesis refers to the event structure embedded in the ground of a metaphor. Since the ground is implicit in the linguistic manifestation, an invariant representation of textual movement patterns is assumed to capture the event structure. Experimentally, it is demonstrated that an event is

Protein rib: a novel group B streptococcal cell surface protein that confers protective immunity and is expressed by most strains causing invasive infections

The group B Streptococcus, an important cause of invasive infections in the neonate, is classified into four major serotypes (Ia, Ib, II, and III) based on the structure of the polysaccharide capsule. Since the capsule is a known virulence factor, it has been extensively studied, in particular in type III strains, which cause the majority of invasive infections. Two cell surface proteins, alpha an

On the Analysis and Fault-Diagnosis Tools for Small-Scale Heat and Power Plants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avregleringen av elmarknaden uppmuntrar kraftbolag och oberoende kraftproducenter till att driva sina kraftverksanläggningar på ett marknadsorienterat sätt. För att behålla de ekonomiska marginalerna på plussidan så har de mest populära åtgärderna varit att förbättra elverkningsgraden genom ändringar i hårdvaran samt höja totalverkningsgraden genom till exempel samproduThe deregulation of the electricity market drives utilities and independent power producers to operate heat and power plants as profit centers. In order to keep the economic margins on the credit side, the preferred measures have been to improve the electrical efficiency through changes in the hardware and boost the overall efficiency through e.g. combined heat and power (CHP) generation. The bett

Demokrati bortom nationalstaten?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling har två huvudsakliga syften. Det första syftet är att bidra med en fördjupad kunskap kring demokratins begränsningar och möjligheter i en tid av tilltagande globalisering och gränsöverskridande politisk verksamhet. Även om detta syfte i hög grad aktualiserar frågan om den nationella demokratins fortsatta verkansmöjligheter, är fokus ställd på möjligheteThis book has two overarching objectives. Firstly, in an age of increasing globalization and cross-border political activities it seeks to contribute to the debate on the limits and possibilities of democracy in the present and in the future. Even though this objective brings to the fore the issue of democracy in a national context, the main ambition is to examine democratic values and institution

Time-course of the pancreatic changes following long-term stimulation or inhibition of the CCK-A receptor

Cholecystokinin (CCK) reportedly induces both hyperplastic and hypertrophic changes in the pancreas. Blockade of the CCK receptor results in decreased pancreatic secretion and atrophy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the time-course of the effects of stimulation and inhibition of the CCK-A receptor in the rat exocrine pancreas. Male rats had infusion of sulfated CCK-8, the CCK-A receptor ant

The clubfoot assessment protocol (CAP); description and reliability of a structured multi-level instrument for follow-up

Background: In most clubfoot studies, the outcome instruments used are designed to evaluate classification or long-term cross-sectional results. Variables deal mainly with factors on body function/structure level. Wide scorings intervals and total sum scores increase the risk that important changes and information are not detected. Studies of the reliability, validity and responsiveness of these i

Longitudinal follow-up of children born preterm : somatic and mental health, self-esteem and quality of life at age 19

In a long-term prospective study, 39 preterm children born before 35 completed weeks of gestation and 23 full-term children were followed up at 19 years of age. Information about somatic and mental health was obtained through interviews and confirmed by medical records. Self-esteem and quality of life were assessed from the subjects' perspective. Significantly more preterms than full-terms had som

Strategier för ökad regelefterlevnad på trafikområdet - lagstiftning, polisiärt arbete och sanktioner

Den här rapporten utgår från en litteraturstudie avseende vissa trafiksäkerhetsfrågor som genomfördes vid Rättssociologiska avdelningen i Lund, på uppdrag av Vägtrafikinspektionen i Borlänge, under våren 2005. Studien syftade till att kartlägga befintlig kunskap avseende möjligheterna att med ökad trafikövervakning och strängare sanktioner uppnå högre grad av regelefterlevnad i trafiken. Studien s

Presence of GAD-antibodies during gestational diabetes predicts type 1 diabetes.

OBJECTIVE - we sought to study the frequency of P-cell-specific autoantibody markers in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to follow these women to estimate the risk of later development of type I diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Of 385 pregnant women with GDM during 1995-2005 in the district of Lund, 24 (6%) women were found positive for at least one of the following: islet

Growth of Arthrobotrys superba from a birch wood resource base into soil determined by radioactive tracing

The ability of a nematode-trapping fungus to establish in field soil is an important characteristic when considering its use as a biological control agent. The outgrowth of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys superba from wood was recorded by labelling the fungus with [14C]3-O-methylglucose and [32P]orthophosphoric acid and by using the soil sprinkling method. The fungus reached a distance o

Quality of life among older people. Their experience, need of help, health, social support, everyday activities and sense of coherence

The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate QoL and Health-Related QoL (HRQoL) among people aged 75 years and over in relation to socio-demographic variables, need of ADL help, various degrees of present QoL, self-rated health (SRH), health complaints, everyday activities, social support and sense of coherence (SOC). A further aim was to test a QoL scale and to illuminate older people's expe