

Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar

International child abduction : domestic violence on the global arena

Cooperation is elementary for any relationship to prosper and basic values must be respected and reconciled. Consequently Global Cooperation becomes imperative when all kinds of relationships rapidly expand to span the entire globe. Thus personal as well as national concerns become global. The intention with this essay was to convey some information about the issue of transnational child custody d

"Metadonet ersätter endast själva drogen" : en studie av socialtjänstens psykosociala arbete med heroinmissbrukare med metadonbehandling

The purpose with this essay, was to examine how the social workers in Malmö´s Social welfare services describe the needs of the psychosocial treatment to clients with methadone maintenance treatment and what kind of efforts they can offer to this group of clients. To attain this purpose we focused on these following questions How do the social workers define the problems and the needs of a heroin

Var skall du bo när du blir äldre? En studie av kvarboendeprincipen och särskilt boende

The purpose with this descriptive study was to study the practice of remain in ordinary living for elderly and see how the principle can be applied even now and within the future. What is the principle of remain in ordinary living and how can it be applied? What is a special geriatric care home for elderly? Does the concept, special geriatric care home has to be explained, in order to understand t

Svenska Röda korset: en komparativ studie över verksamhetsåren 1989 och 2000

We wanted to compare the activity in Swedish Red Cross during two chosen years. We have only looked at the national level. The years we chose to compare were 1989 and 2000. The reason we chose to compare the activity was to find out if and how this activity has changed. We used theories made by Lundström and Svedberg to help us chose variables to build our comparison on. We also used their theory

Föräldrar till förskolebarn i behov av särskilt socialt stöd - en studie utifrån brukares perspektiv

The object of this essay is to examinate if there exist any values and moral aspects of the politics of voluntary returning home of refugees. The questions in issue are the following: - When is it of importance to argue voluntary returning home? Is it when integration does not work, or has it always been topic of interest? - In what degree has values and different ideas about “the best for the ref

Tryggare kan ingen vara? : det sociala nätverkets betydelse för ungdomars känsla av trygghet

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the networks meaning for youths sense of safety. The main questions were: ¤ How can a network for a youth look like today? Is there any difference between boys or girls network? Which? ¤ What does safety mean for youths today? Is there any difference in the description of safety between boys and girls? ¤ Which part of the network constitutes the greatest

Enklaven som slagfält Om stenkastning i Rosengård och den globala samtiden

The point of departure for this thesis was to study the phenomenon of increasing vandalism, specifically instances of stone throwing during the years of 2002 and 2003 in Rosengård. Located in the city of Malmö, Sweden, Rosengård has, like many other big city suburbs in Europe, turned into an ethnic enclave, inhabited mostly by under-privileged immigrants, many of which suffer from social exclusion

Individuella programmet : genväg eller skenväg till ett nationellt program?

This is a 10 Swedish credits essay at the sixth term of the programme for social studies at the University of Lund. The purpose of the composition was to examine how the "individual programme" is established and how it serves. The framing of the questions has been; how the programme is established; how to get admitted as a pupil; how the schools serve to reach their purposes; how the pup

Att förstå etnisk mångfald i socialt arbete

My essay is a qualitative study and the purpose was to find out how social work conducts to a great number of varieties of ethnic. The questions asked were: - How do the social service work in conduct with ethnicity? - How does it show in the meeting between youth immigrants and social workers? I interviewed six professional which all work in the social services. Through my interviews I came to th

Barn i styvfamilj

The purpose was that from previous research and the children's own stories illustrate how stepchildren experienced their lives in stepfamily, also examine if the children had mutual experiences and common patterns. Questions: What was it like for a child to live in a stepfamily? Could one see a pattern in a stepchild's describing life in a stepfamily? How the children relateted to all pare

Barns fritid - tid för återhämtning eller en stressfaktor? : en enkätundersökning bland 11-åriga barn

The purpose for this composition was to examine what children do in their leisure time, children’s views on their leisure time related to the concepts of stress and recreation, and how children define the concept of stress. Our main questions were; What do children 11 years of age do in their leisure time? Do children think that their leisure time offers enough time for rest and recreation? Do chi

Vad är nödvändig konsumtion? : en enkätstudie om vad tre sjundeklasser i Lund anser vara nödvändig konsumtion

The aim of this essay was to find out what children consider to be necessary consumption at three senior level schools in the municipality of Lund. I had three questions to help me to reach my aim: · What consider pupils in senior level to be necessary consumption? · Are there any differences between the answers from the girls and the boys? · Are there any differences between the pupils depending

Kvinnors val? : en uppsats om barnomsorgen i Nederländerna

This thesis describes the development of childcare facilities in The Netherlands. The Netherlands have a comparatively special position in regards to the participation of women on the labourmarket and has also a poorly developed childcare, which is traditionally not initiated or supported by the Dutch government. The Netherlands has through different factors always had a high number of housewives

En bit på väg... : om den långa vägen mellan sociala världar

The purpose of this essay was to focus on the prospects and limitations for the drug-abusers to make a change to a new way of life. Questions: What can literature tell us about the risks involved with the client leaving the treatmentfacility? How can social service departments offer support and what kind of support does the client request? What is important for him/her to feel participant in socie

Hjälp och stöd? - föräldrar till barn med Aspergers syndrom

Our purpose with this essay was to examine and compare the help, that children with Asperger’s syndrome and their parents receive and have received from the Swedish welfarestate. The question we asked were: · From the parents point of view, what do they and their children need help with? · Which help have they received? We decided to divide our study into two time-periods, the time before and the

Föräldrainflytande i skolan? : en undersökning om föräldrars inflytande vid mobbning i skolan. Undersökningen är gjord i en kommun i södra Sverige

Bullying should not be considered as an isolated phenomenon. Bullying does not only affect individual victims but even touches upon the basic values and rights within society. Bullying does not only occur during school hours and several researchers imply that relationships between the school and home are of significance. The aim of this essay is, by means of surveys, to illustrate the attitude of

Genusjakten - En studie om hur genus förmedlas i Svenska Barn- och Ungdomstidningar

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyse how gender is represented and passed on in 12 Swedish child- and youth magazines. We put focus on three different arias; how gender roles were passed on, which kind of problems girls and boys were ascribed and how sexuality was represented. We chose to do a qualitative study of the magazines using 11 theme questions. Our study showed that

Utbränd, stressad eller "kokt groda" : en diskursbeskrivning av begreppet utbrändhet

The purpose of this paper is to examine the current "talk" about the concept of burnout. We want to examine the genesis of the concept of burnout, the different thoughts and directions that dominate the "talk" and how these directions stand in relation to the concept of burnout. We have noticed three main factors that, more or less, all the directions suggest as causes to burno