

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

The Enabling Service of the Industrial Design Consultancy: A Change of Focus from Goods- to Service Dominant Logic

Design has received increased attention not least of all in the business press and journals. The concept of design thinking – how to approach problems in a designerly way – is sometimes attributed as being the savior of business, making companies creative and innovative. This kind of exaggeration does more harm than good to industrial design consultancies (IDCs) and their client firms (CFs). And y

Transvascular exchange and organ perfusion with reference to colloid and hypertonic solutions, and to endotoxaemia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Effekter av olika blodvolymersättningsmedel och blodförgiftning på genomblödning och utbyte över blodkärlen Vid en rad svåra sjukdomar, som blodförgiftning (sepsis) och omfattande skador på kroppen, kan olika inflammatoriska system aktiveras. Inflammation kan vara till nytta, till exempel när infektioner bekämpas och sår läker, men också till skada. Vid inflammation ökaChanges in vascular permeability can immensely change plasma volume and affect the degree of oedema in the body. In diseases with an increased vascular permeability, adequate fluid therapy is of considerable importance to prevent hypovolaemia. Mechanisms behind differences in effectiveness of various plasma volume expanders to restore a low plasma volume and a compromised microcirculation are stil

Ulysses Dust Detection System V3.1

This data set contains the data from the Ulysses dust detector system (UDDS) from start of mission through the end of mission, 1990-2007. (As the dust detector was turned off after Nov. 30, 2007, this is the last date for which UDDS data is recorded.) Included are the dust impact data, noise data, laboratory calibration data, and location and orientation of the spacecraft and instrument.

Terrestrial daylight

Practically all natural daytime light at the Earth’s surface originates in the Sun. The fluence rate, as well as spectral and directional distributions are modified by the gases, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere in a way which depends on time and place, and also by vegetation, snow, and other ground-cover. A special section in this chapter is devoted to ultraviolet radiation.

Bling? Roles and Contradictions in Design

In their professional practice, designers serve different roles as experts in user behaviour, taste experts and conveyors of symbolic meaning. Combining these roles, however, is not necessarily unproblematic, especially so in contexts that are incongruent with the personal preferences of the designer. In seeking to understand this challenge in designers’ professional practice, it is relevant to hi

Ultrasound and atherosclerosis. Evaluation of methods, risk factors and intervention.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar har varit de dominerande orsakerna till sjukdom och död i västvärlden sedan decennier. Insjuknande i hjärtinfarkt och slaganfall beror bl.a. på åderförkalkning och blodproppsbildning. Åderförkalkning är en sjukdomsprocess som börjar i pulsådrornas kärlväggar åratals innan insjuknandet i infarkt eller slaganfall inträffar. Förhindrandet av första insjThe importance of studying cardiovascular disease before the process leads to hard end-points has been recognised, and methods to quantify early atherosclerosis have been taken in use in many research centres around the world. An ultrasound method with a computer assisted image analysing system was developed in co-operation with the Wallenberg Laboratory for Cardiovascular Research and Chalmers Un

Sociologi som samtidshermeneutik

Förord till Elliott, Anthony & Bryan S. Turner, Om samhället (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2016). Sammanfattar, diskuterar och kontextualiserar bokens teser och karaktär.