

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

Enclosed Democracy - What role do gated communities play in the democratization process in Brazil?

Denna uppsats tittar på frågan om vilken roll gated communities har spelat i demokratiseringsprocessen i Brasilien. För att besvara frågan har primärdata som hämtats under fältarbete i São Paulo i Brasilien analyserats. Material i form av tio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med boende i gated communityt Alphaville 1 i Barueri och i Condominio da Sucupira i Carapicuiba, två semi-strukturerade intervjThis thesis looks into the question of what role gated communities have played in the process of democratization in Brazil. To answer the question primary data collected during field work in São Paulo in Brazil has been analyzed. Material from in total ten semi-structured interviews with residents in the gated communities Alphaville 1 in Barueri and Condominio da Sucupira in Carapicuiba, two semi-

Den tillrättalagda kunskapen

Föreliggande kvalitativa textstudie undersöker SIDAs utvärderingspolicy genom att anlägga en kritisk konstruktivistisk metod och teori inspirerad av Carol Bacchi. Studien avser belysa hur utvärderingar skapas som en ‘lösning’ för att möta konstruerade ‘problem’. Analysen visar att ‘problemet’ grundas i en brist på kunskap om utvecklingsinsatsers process och effekter, vilket åtgärdas genom ett rati

Bristande trycksårsprevention. Sjuksköterskans ansvar. En litteraturstudie.

Trycksår är ett vanligt förekommande globalt bekymmer för hälso- och sjukvården som orsakar ett onödigt vårdlidande för patienten. Befintliga riktlinjer, evidensbaserad kunskap och trycksårspreventiva hjälpmedel förekommer, men trots detta fortsätter trycksår att uppstå. Studiens syfte var att belysa orsaker till varför trycksår uppkommer trots riktlinjer för prevention finns tillgängliga för vård

Talent acquisition gamified: Insights from playing the game at PwC Hungary

The emergence of gamification in the field of talent acquisition evoked the interests in researchers and practitioners alike. However, as research on this topic is still in its infancy, we sought to explore the intersection of both fields within a PSF to extend the perspective on the understanding of the use of gamification in similar contexts. The purpose of this research was to explore how gamif

Transaktionskostnader inom delningsekonomier

Methodology: Using an abductive approach, a qualitative case study of the sharing economy Desk Doubler has been implemented. Empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with employees at Desk Doubler and their customers with the purpose to create an understanding of how the perceived search, negotiation and monitoring costs have been affected by the use of Desk Doubler. Accordi

Move-ability: A philosophy of education study that develops an alternative understanding of inclusion through posthumanist theories using a diffractive reading

This is a study within the field of philosophy of education that seeks to develop an alternative understanding of inclusion within education in light of current changes in society. It discusses a shift within educational research from the field of diversity education towards the field of democratic education, and argues that an idea of separation between subjects implies a tension in the theory ca

Presidents on Twitter : Discourses of African presidents and implications for democracy.

The growing number of African Presidents on Twitter affirms that media, in all its forms, will always play a fundamental role in contemporary politics. Moreover, based on its face value, the presence of Presidents on Twitter could suggest that citizens are gaining unprecedented access to their president. But, this thesis contends that the newness of Twitter should not blind us into thinking that t

Vilar ansvaret på chefens axlar? En kvalitativ studie för att få en ökad förståelse för de sociala interaktionerna mellan chefen och medarbetarna utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv

Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för de sociala interaktionerna mellan chefen och medarbetarna utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. För att besvara syftet valde vi att utgå från följande frågeställning: hur kan chefens beteende och ledarskap påverka hur medarbetarna upplever sin trivsel på arbetsplatsen? Den teoretiska referensramen har haft fokus på företagskultur, ledarskap och triv

Brännbarhet – En studie om brännbarhetstester med konkalorimeter

The purpose of this work was to find a scientific and comparable way to measure the heat release of materials with low heat release rate. The work focused on ISO 5660 and the cone calorimeter and how to improve this method and equipment. By conducting a series of tests in the cone calorimeter and vary the size of the cone calorimeter and the test specimen and the distance between the test specimen

In-store driving forces behind the purchase decision-making process for high-end designed tableware products

This thesis intends to investigate what are the driving forces behind the shopper's decision-making process in high-end designed tableware products and what is the role of the in-store marketing in the process. The authors of the research have found that there is a lack of knowledge about the consumer’s buying behavior in that segment and therefore it was decided the empirical part of the rese

Neocortex information processing after stroke induction

Hjärnans informationsbearbetning efter stroke Du drar ditt finger över mobilskärmen, lägger kort märke till glasytans känsla och sedan förflyttas ditt fokus till skärmen. Men hur möjliggör hjärnan denna känselupplevelse? Och vad händer när hjärnan inte längre fungerar som den ska? Hur hjärnan bearbetar den stora mängd information den konstant mottar är fortfarande till stora delar okänt. Att veta How the brain processes all the incoming information it receives is still an unanswered question, and many different theories about how it is done exist. This thesis expands on one of these theories which views the brain's information processing as a widely distributed network phenomena, which contradicts the currently most popular hierarchical theory consisting of areas dedicated to processin

Green Wave for Zabrze - A Sustainable Mobility Strategy

We are a team of Environmental Management and Policy Master’s students at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University, Sweden. As part of our Strategic Environmental Development course we were invited by Madam Mayor of Zabrze, Ms. Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik, to develop a framework for a sustainable mobility strategy for the city of Zabrze. Zabrze is loc

Finns det plats för alla? En kvalitativ studie kring kommunal platsmarknadsföring

Denna studie undersöker medborgarnas involvering i kommunala platsvarumärken. Platsvarumärkesarbetet är en stark trend som fått kritik från akademiskt håll för att inte ta tillräcklig hänsyn till platsen med dess medborgare. Med målet att utreda hur professionellt anställda ser på problematiken har intervjuer med disciplinens praktiker genomförts för att komma åt deras föreställ-ningar och konstrThis study examines the involvement and visibility of the citizens in municipal place branding, a trending phenomenon which has been criticized for not taking the diversity of a place, and its citizens, into consideration. The aim of this study is to elucidate how this problem is perceived by pro-fessionals. Therefore interviews with practitioners of place branding have been conducted to illumina

Parallelization of the SDIRK and Newton’s method and analysis of a weighted norm for error estimations

Execution time is an important issue in the field of numerical analysis. Simulations are getting more and more complex and the execution times are rapidly increasing. In the scope of this thesis a time integration library is used to solve initial value problems. The aim of the thesis is to implement and investigate two different approaches to decrease the execution time for the library. The main f

The Economic Cycle’s Effect on IPOs

Title: The Economic Cycle’s Effect on IPOs Seminar date: 2016-06-02 Course: BUSN89 Degree Project in Corporate and Financial Management – Master Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Niklas Lindh and Viktor Pennsäter Supervisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: IPO, initial public offering, economic cycle, market timing and IPO waves. Purpose: Investigate how the economic cycle influences IPO initial return

Dual Band Circular Polarization Selective Structures for Space Applications

Satellites are key components in today's modern world, but they are expensive to launch and the orbits are crowded. With use of a dual band circular polarization selective structure (CPSS) the satellites can be improved and the number of reflectors needed to carry out a certain task can be reduced. A dual band CPSS reflects one handedness of circular polarization and transmits the other, over

Merging customer relationship management data

Många företag använder ett kundhanteringssystem för att registrera interaktioner med sina kunder. I en allt mer mobil värld vill användarna av dessa system kunna använda systemen var de än befinner sig men oförändrad prestanda och funktionalitet.Working distributed is increasingly important today with technology being more and more portable while connectivity is still lacking in some areas. Cellphones and laptops are increasingly in use outside the office with connectivity to internal office services being unreliable, either due to lacking speed or inability to have a connection. Different solutions exist. One is a client-server setup wh

High Speed Internet Access and Voting Behaviour

The expansion of the internet has increased steadily since its introduction in the early 1990’s. Whilst having many positive effects on many different areas of society, one area that has not been thoroughly analysed is the political. Being a source for information and communication the potential for the internet to have political implications is large. This essay analyses the possible effects high

Clustering of back-end failures in automated testing

Automated Software testing is becoming increasingly popular, which in turn creates more information that has to be analyzed. At the software company Qlik a tool called NIOCAT is used to create clusters of failed test cases thought to originate from the same code defect. The clustering is done in order to decrease the ever increasing amount of manual analysis needed to be done with regards to softw

What perioperative situations are concerning to an anaesthesiologist, and what are some of the related joint cognitive system adaptations?

Bridging the gap between understanding work-as-imagined and work-as-done in the perioperative work context represents an important aim of cognitive systems engineering research. Researching this context using a joint cognitive systems theoretical approach can reveal patterns of adaptation that have important implications for system design. Traditional research approaches by non-domain investigator