

Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar

Bortom statsvetenskapen - En normativ studie om global demokrati

Mänskligheten står inför stora globala utmaningar och för att lösa dem behöver vi samarbeta på nya sätt. Det internationella politiska systemet av idag är kaotiskt, underfinansierat och därmed inadekvat för uppgiften. Vår tids stora politiska paradox är att utmaningarna vi står inför i växande grad är globala, samtidigt som medlen vi har för att lösa dem i hög grad är nationella, svaga och ofullst

Tassar, surr och rävansikten. Om djurens funktioner i Elsa Graves En tid i Paradiset

I denna uppsats undersöker jag djurens funktioner i Elsa Graves dagboksberättelse En tid i Paradiset. Djurens funktioner analyseras i dialog med tidigare forskning som uppmärksammat dubbelheter och ambivalenser i författarens poesi. Med stöd i bland annat Mario Ortiz Robles och John Bergers teorier rörande djurens och människans förhållande samt Greg Garrards typologi över framställning av djur, f

Fractionation of NOM in water from the treatment process at Ringsjöverket

Under de senaste årtiondena har det i norra Europa och Nordamerika rapporterats om att sjöar och vattendrag blir allt brunare. Den bruna färgen kommer från naturligt organiskt material (NOM), vilket är material från döda djur och växtdelar, som transporterats med vattnet från intilliggande skog och mark. Denna ”brunifiering”, som den också kallas, tros bland annat kunna vara ett resultat av de pågDuring the last decades, increased concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM) and colour of surface waters have been reported from northern Europe and North America. Since surface waters are widely used for drinking water production this development has been problematic for drinking water producers. Even though NOM in itself is not harmful, it can cause production of undesirable disinfection b

Minimizing Side-Channel Attack Vulnerability via Schedule Randomization

Predictable and repeatable execution is the key to ensuring functional correctness for real-time systems. Scheduling algorithms are designed to generate schedules that repeat after a certain amount of time has passed. However, this repeatability is also a vulnerability when side-channel attacks are considered. Side-channel attacks are attacks based on information gained from the implementation of

Solidaritetens gränser

This thesis examines the idea of trade union internationalism in the wake of globalization. The integration of the world’s economies has intensified the competition between the workers of the world. The thesis argues that the struggle for competitiveness has eroded the foundation for international solidarity. This implies a great paradox for trade unions, stuck between the idea of internationalism

Women,Peace and Casamance - A field study of how women organisations in Casamance, Senegal are working for peace.

This thesis is a field study which was conducted for 10 weeks in the regional capital city of Casamance named Ziguinchor in Senegal. By using tools from feminist critical theory and methodology such as participatory observations and feminist in-depth interviews with women organisations in Ziguinchor, the purpose of the thesis is to understand how gender roles affect women and women organisations s

Electron Assisted Growth of h-BN on Gr/Ir(111)

Stacked heterostructures of two-dimensional (2D) materials are emerging as promising building blocks for a wide range of applications. These devices, which range from tunneling transistors to light-emitting diodes, use the properties of 2D materials that are not accessible by their bulk counterparts. However, with the current growth techniques, a scalable mass production of high-quality 2D heteros

”För till sist så är det så att kunskapen är viktig, om du ska göra ett bra resultat” : En professionsstudie av intendentens självbild och yrkesroll i museiinstitutionens omvandling

The role of the museum within society today is significantly different from how it used to be. The last five decades have seen an increase in focus on pedagogy, accessibility and outreaching activities within the museums, and it has had an effect on both how the museum is viewed from the public eye, as well as how the work within the organisations is carried out, by the increasing amount of differ

Thin Capitalization in the OECD, the EU and Sweden: policy responses, evaluation and alternatives.

The issue of thin capitalization has risen in importance in recent years, to the point that it warranted international action. That action came in the form of Action 4 of the OECD BEPS Project, of Article 4 of the EU ATAD and of the new interest deduction limitation rules in the national Swedish legislation. The main part of the chosen rule in all these instances disallows interest deduction over

Corporate myopia in a blockholder setting

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the fraction of shares owned by institutional investors causes more or less myopia than other investors. Moreover, we look into the role of blockholders and ownership concentration and their effects. The methodology of this paper consists of a level regression model and a first-difference regression model where the dependent variable R&D-to-

Robotic Process Automation: Factors that Influence Implementation of RPA within Organizations

Interest in Robotic Process Automation is increasing exponentially within business and re-search context. The characteristics and benefits of RPA have increased its adoption in many organizations. Yet, there seems to be a difficulty in implementing RPA within organizations. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that influence implementation of RPA pro-jects in organizations that have

Are the debts owed to Atradius DSB by the Suape Port Authority Illegitimate?

In 2011, the Dutch dredging company Van Oord was hired to expand the Suape port’s capacity by dredging the entrance to a new shipyard, and to deepen the access channel to the port in order to allow bigger tankers to reach a newly built local oil refinery. The company took out insurance for these projects by the Dutch ECA Atradius DSB (Dutch State Business). These projects ended up having major imp

Effect of maize soaking, germination and fermentation on phytate content and its contribution towards improving nutrients bioavailability

The presence of phytate in plants-based food is considered a threat to proper nutrition in developing countries and in particular in rural areas. There is evidence of micronutrient deficiencies due to the presence of phytate in plant-based diets. People from low income households are most affected by diets rich in phytate. The aim of this study was to investigate different processes through which

Vive le pouvoir au peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple : En komparativ, etnografisk studie om Gula Västarna-rörelsen i Frankrike och Belgien

Denna uppsats kommer att belysa Gula Västarna-rörelsen som just nu pågår runt om i Europa, med fokus på Frankrike och Belgien. Uppsatsen ska förklara varför dessa rörelser har uppstått, om de är typiska demonstrationer och om EU är en av huvudanledningarna till att den spridit sig runt om i just Europa. Den kommer även belysa hur detta missnöje uttrycker sig av demonstranterna. Uppsatsen kommer, m

Sjukvårdsbiträden, yrkesgruppen som försvann

I denna uppsats analyseras statistik och skriftligt källmaterial om personal i den svenska sjukvården 1977–2007, med ett särskilt fokus på sjukvårdsbiträden. Denna yrkesgrupp var länge den vanligaste inom svensk sjukvård, men kom sedermera att förvinna. På senare år har dock gruppen börjat komma tillbaka, exempelvis har Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg återinfört yrkeskategorin. I uppsIn this master thesis the faith of hospital nursing aides (Swedish: sjukvårdsbiträden) in the Swedish public healthcare system is described. Nursing aide was in 1980 the most common occupation in the Swedish healthcare system, but the occupation gradually disappeared during 1980s and 1990s, only to recently (in 2019) being reinstated by some public healthcare providers. This thesis aims to establi

Student movement, activism and collective identity – A textual analysis of #RhodesMustFall (RMF) student movement in South Africa

In 2015, Chumani Maxwele radical and controversial act of throwing human waste at the post-colonial statue of Cecil John Rhodes at University of Cape Town (UCT) came to give birth to a social media inspired student movement of #RhodesMustFall (RMF). The hashtag #RMF came to fuel protest towards the removal of the Rhodes statue at UCT due to its symbolic representation of white supremacy. The prote

The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in European Union Tax Law

The principle of ne bis in idem, enshrined both in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in the European Convention on Human Rights, has been the object of an extensive body of case law. Therefore, the question this thesis seeks to answer is: ‘what is the current status of the principle of ne bis in idem under EU tax law?’ After the development of a high level of protection r

Hélice - A design project for sugarcane workers in Nicaragua

In Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, an unusual amount of manual sugar cane workers suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease of undetermined causes (CKDu), a disease with very high fatality rate in poor commu- nities. Harsh working conditions is a contributing factor, and this thesis uses tool design to conceive constructive solutions to address tangible parts of a seemingly overwhelming problem.

Användning av alternativa material i vägkonstruktioner

The report is based on the use of alternative materials in road construction. The alternative materials included are crushed concrete, crushed asphalt and air cooled blast furnace slag. Differences and similarities exist between the use of alternative materials in Sweden and Denmark. Denmark has no use of air cooled blast furnace slag, but they have a greater use of crushed concrete and crushed as