

Din sökning på "*" gav 532692 sökträffar

Slagg - en koldioxidsänka? En studie av karbonatisering i slagg från förbränning av hushålls- och industriavfall

Från förbränning av industri- och hushållsavfall erhålls bland annat restprodukten slagg, vilket är bottenaskan från förbränningen. Varje år skapas stora volymer både i Sverige och i övriga Europa. Den naturliga processen karbonatisering, vilken involverar en reaktion mellan luftens koldioxid och kalcium i materialet, startar då slagg efter förbränning kommer i kontakt med luft. Karbonatiseringen From incineration of industrial- and household waste bottom ash is generated. A large volume of bottom ash is generated yearly in both Sweden and Europe. The natural carbonation process, which involves a reaction between carbon dioxide and calcium in the material, is initiated when the bottom ash reaches contact with air. The carbonation binds carbon dioxide to the bottom ash, decreases the pH and

Moder Svea fjättrad : En narrativ analys av Sverigedemokraternas politik med fokus på historiekultur och historiebruk

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur Sverigedemokraterna använder historia för att förmedla en berättelse om Sveriges historia som ger riktlinjer för nutiden. Frågorna jag ställer handlar om hur deras berättelse är uppbyggd, vilka deras syften är och varför historia är viktigt för deras politik. Jag undersöker också om det finns ändringar i deras berättelse över tid. Jag har analyserat inThe subject of this thesis is derived from the scientific problem of the encounter between history and politics. The aim is to analyse the Sweden Democrats' use of history which manifests itself in their political rhetoric. Specifically, the importance of their interest in history in their struggle to attain dominance over the interpretation and arrangement of Swedish history as a whole. My pr

Providing clean water to rural communities: Cases from Mexico

Despite the international efforts, clean water provision to all remains a task to be solved around the world. As this challenge accentuates in rural areas, this thesis contributes to the body of knowledge of clean water provision in to rural communities, focusing on seven cases from Guanajuato and Oaxaca in Mexico. The complex system set in place to guarantee the human right to access, safe, suffi

Nature-based solutions in urban contexts: A case study of Malmö, Sweden

Nature-based solutions (NBS) offer the potential to sustainably address environmental problems in an urban context, with environmental, social, and economic benefits. As a relatively new concept, NBS is poorly defined in the literature and there is great need for more empirical information about implementation and impacts. This case study of the city of Malmö, Sweden, attempts to understand the st

Investigating effects of L1 influence and phrase type on L2 processing of contextualized phraseological units – A self-paced reading experiment

This essay investigates the online L2 processing of restricted collocations and figurative idioms. Earlier research has shown there to be a difference in how these word combinations are processed depending on a variety of factors. In this study a self-paced reading experiment is administered to 15 second language learners of English (L1 Swedish) where their reading time is measured by DMDX softwar

Modelling of a solar dryer for food preservation in developing countries

Food insecurity has proven to be a significant problem in many developing countries, which in some cases occurs due to the lack of adequate methods of preserving foods for longer periods of time. Solar drying of foods could be a feasible method for preserving foods in developing countries. To maintain a good product quality, the design of the solar dryer used needs to be considered. A faulty desig

Ett reformerat EU på begäran av David Cameron : en argumentationsanalys

In June the 23, 2016 United Kingdom will hold a referendum on their EU-membership. One of the triggers was the letter that David Cameron sent to Donald Tusk November 10, 2015: “A settlement for the United Kingdom in a reformed Union“. The purpose of the present thesis is to make a profound analysis of David Cameron’s letter, analyzing the proposals and demands he places on EU. Cameron has four ma

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Ystad Lasarett

This report is made in order to evaluate the fire safety for the personnel and patients at Ystad hospital. A risk analysis was conducted, focusing on hazards related to fire, and on the client's wishes it was determined that the analysis should be done on the section of the hospital called building 17 and that the writers especially should consider the risk of arson. Through the analysis two d

The Factors Driving the Inequality of Rising Giants: A case study of China

In recent year, many countries have achieved the economic growth to different extent all over the world, but more problems were emerged along with the process of development. The problem of income distribution has been raised and became a chronic concern for researchers and governments ever since. Not only the developing countries, but also the developed countries are suffering the inequality issu

QUANTIFYING THE BIASED EXCHANGE OF MONEY AND TIME - How monetary and social factors influence decisions

This study investigated whether anchored prices induced biased choices and time estimations for the pursuit of an equal discount and if different degrees of social distance influenced these biases. A new measurement for quantifying the relative degree of bias was also proposed. A sample group of 142 students were tested from a university in southern Sweden. In a repeated measure design, each parti

Quantum chemical studies of iron carbene light-harvesting complexes

I jakten på nya och bättre solceller har en teknik som bygger på färgämnesmolekyler innehållandes en metall seglat upp som en möjlig framtidskandidat. Dock lider dessa av att de använder dyra och sällsynta metaller vilket gör att de inte är optimala för massproduktion. Om man istället hade kunnat använda färgämnen som innehåller järn så hade dessa solceller kunnat göras billigare då järn är ett avThis thesis had the goal of investigate two dierent DFT methods, PBE0 and B3LYP*, and what eect those had on the calculations to see if the new DFT method, B3LYP*, would give results that better match em- pirical data. To do this three iron complexes were investigated with both methods so that the results could be compared and conclusions drawn. A forth complex were investigated with only PBE0 to

Svenska kyrkans högmässa som pedagogisk praktik

Kandidatarbetet rör sig i skärningspunkten mellan det pedagogiska och det teologiska forskningsfältet och knyter an till den forskning om Svenska kyrkans gudstjänst som lagts fram vid Svenska kyrkans forskningsenhet under de senaste tiotal åren. Arbetet har handlat om pedagogik i praktik (undervisning) och liturgik. Jag har sökt föra samman dessa båda genom att utforska hur Svenska kyrkans liturgi

Creating a Safe Haven - Understanding experiences of youth’s participation in Kibera –Kenya.

This study explores the experiences of youth’s participation in a youth-led organisation in Kibera, Kenya. The aim of the study is to interpret and understand the meaning youth attribute to their participation in such an organisation. The study is based on an inductive approach, where data is categorized in themes and explored through concepts like identity, and citizenship. The data was collected

Säkerhetsmedvetande gällande mobila enheter - en kvantitativ studie utförd på privatpersoner

Information är en värdefull tillgång, och att garantera dess säkerhet är en konstant utmaning för alla inblandade. Nuförtiden säljs det fler avancerade mobila enheter än datorer per år, men säkerheten i dessa enheter släpar efter jämfört med säkerheten som erbjuds för datoranvändare. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur medvetna användare är kring säkerhetsrisker som berör mobila enheter

Vi når ungdomarna med respekt : En studie om hur fältarbetare skapar professionella relationer med ungdomar

The purpose of this study is to examine how outreach workers create professional relationships with youngsters. The result was based on six professional outreach workers. The results were presented in the form of four individual interviews and one group interview. The theoretical framework of the study was the theory of communication and the theory of “the different levels of professional meetings

Störande lågfrekvent buller i konsertlokal i Lund

Denna rapport tar upp ett specifikt fall av akustiska problem; en fastighet i Lund vars huvudsakliga användningsområde som konsertlokal störs av trafikbuller samtidigt som rumsakustiska åtgärder behövs. Hälsoeffekter och ljudtransmission undersöks innan åtgärdsförslag diskuteras. Transmission genom vägg, fönster och tilluftsdon avhandlas såväl individuellt och som en sammansätt konstruktion. En beThis report deals with a specific case of acoustic problems; a property in Lund whose main use as a concert venue is disturbed by traffic noise while at the same time room acoustic measures are needed. Health effects and sound transmission is examined Before the proposed actions are discussed. Transmission through walls, windows and air intakes are examined both individually and as a composite con

Product Development of Scuffins- Focus on how to prevent staling

Staling is the ageing of baked products, excluding microbial spoilage, and a great cause for consumer rejection. Due to its complexity, it is still not completely understood, however, the main causes are believed to be starch retrogradation, water redistribution and water loss. Scuffin is a baked product combining traits from both a muffin and a scone. The overall aim of this master thesis was to

Multi-criteria GIS analysis for school site selection in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan

Introduction The aim of this study is to determine the locations for school construction in two isolated mountainous communities in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) – Khorog and Porshnev towns. In recent decades, this region has become increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters. A major contributing factor to this vulnerability is the fact that very little land is available for human se