

Din sökning på "*" gav 535056 sökträffar

Kinetic behaviour of WT 1's zinc finger domain in binding to the alpha-actinin-1 mRNA.

The zinc finger transcription factor Wilms tumour protein (WT 1) is known for its essential involvement in the development of the genitourinary system as well as of other organs and tissues. WT 1 is capable of selectively binding either DNA or mRNA targets. A KTS insertion due to alternative splicing between the zinc fingers 3 and 4 and an unconventional zinc finger 1 are the unique features that

Balancing power density based quantum yield characterization of upconverting nanoparticles for arbitrary excitation intensities.

Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have recently shown great potential as contrast agents in biological applications. In developing different UCNPs, the characterization of their quantum yield (QY) is a crucial issue, as the typically drastic decrease in QY for low excitation power densities can either impose a severe limitation or provide an opportunity in many applications. The power density dep

Smooth Functional Transition along a Mutational Pathway with an Abrupt Protein Fold Switch.

Recent protein design experiments have demonstrated that proteins can migrate between folds through the accumulation of substitution mutations without visiting disordered or nonfunctional points in sequence space. To explore the biophysical mechanism underlying such transitions we use a three-letter continuous protein model with seven atoms per amino acid to provide realistic sequence-structure an

A comparison of customer perceived service quality in discount versus traditional grocery stores.

Purpose -- The overall purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of customer perceived service quality within grocery retailing in a North European context. We do this by comparing customer perceived service quality evaluations of the traditional supermarket store with evaluations of the discount store. Design/methodology/approach -- This study is based on empirical data from four stor

Theory of Time-Dependent Freezing. Part I: Description of Scheme for Wet Growth of Hail

At subzero temperatures, cloud particles can contain both ice and liquid water fractions. Wet growth of precipitation particles occurs when supercooled cloud liquid is accreted faster than it can freeze on impact. With a flexible framework, the theory of wet growth of hail is extended to the case of the inhomogeneities of surface temperature and of liquid coverage over the surface of the particle.

Risk of familial classical Hodgkin lymphoma by relationship, histology, age, and sex: A joint study from five Nordic countries.

The rarity of familial Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) has hampered detailed analyses of familial clustering. We aimed to provide the familial risk of HL by relationship, histology, age at diagnosis and sex. A cohort of 57,475 first-degree relatives of 13,922 HL patients, diagnosed between 1955 and 2009, in five European countries was followed for HL incidence. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calc

Modeling of n-InAs metal oxide semiconductor capacitors with high-kappa gate dielectric

A qualitative analysis on capacitance-voltage and conductance data for high-kappa/InAs capacitors is presented. Our measured data were evaluated with a full equivalent circuit model, including both majority and minority carriers, as well as interface and border traps, formulated for narrow band gap metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors. By careful determination of interface trap densities, distribu

No association found between CYP2D6 genotype and early breast cancer events in tamoxifen-treated patients.

Background. CYP2D6 is considered the key enzyme in tamoxifen metabolism. Several studies have investigated the relationship between the CYP2D6 genotype and tamoxifen treatment outcome, with discrepant results. CYP2D6 inhibitor use, aromatase inhibitor use, and chemotherapy may account for some of the discrepancies. We examined the association between CYP2D6 genotype and early breast cancer events

On the equations of motion in multibody dynamics

The equations of motion for a multibody system are derived from a continuum mechanical point of view. This will allow for the presence of rigid, as well as deformable, parts in the multibody system. The approach, using the principle of virtual power, leads to the classical Lagrange equations of motion. The generalized forces appearing in the equations are given as expressions involving contact, in

Cloud condensation nuclei closure study on summer arctic aerosol

We present an aerosol - cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) closure study on summer high Arctic aerosol based on measurements that were carried out in 2008 during the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) on board the Swedish ice breaker Oden. The data presented here were collected during a three-week time period in the pack ice (> 85 degrees N) when the icebreaker Oden was moored to an ice floe and

MyD88 Signaling Regulates Steady-State Migration of Intestinal CD103+ Dendritic Cells Independently of TNF-α and the Gut Microbiota.

Intestinal homeostasis and induction of systemic tolerance to fed Ags (i.e., oral tolerance) rely on the steady-state migration of small intestinal lamina propria dendritic cells (DCs) into draining mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). The majority of these migratory DCs express the α integrin chain CD103, and in this study we demonstrate that the steady-state mobilization of CD103(+) DCs into the MLN is

Silurian graptolite biostratigraphy of the Rostanga-1 drill core, Scania - a standard for southern Scandinavia

The Rostanga-1 core from west-central Scania provides the most complete succession of the Sandbian (Upper Ordovician) through lower Telychian (Silurian, Llandovery) strata of southern Scandinavia. The Hirnantian is identified in the Kallholn Formation by the presence of a Metabolograptus persculptus Biozone fauna. The Akidograptus ascensus, Parakidograptus acuminatus, Cystograptus vesiculosus and

Multi-proxy analyses of a peat bog on Isla de los Estados, easternmost Tierra del Fuego: a unique record of the variable Southern Hemisphere Westerlies since the last deglaciation

We have analyzed an almost 14,000 year old peat sequence on the island of Isla de los Estados (55 degrees S. 64 degrees W), east of Tierra del Fuego, in the core of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies. A multitude of methods have been used: high resolution C-14 dating; detailed lithologic descriptions including humification degree; loss on ignition; magnetic susceptibility; bulk density; pollen and

Greenhouse gas taxes on animal food products: rationale, tax scheme and climate mitigation effects

Agriculture is responsible for 25-30% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but has thus far been largely exempted from climate policies. Because of high monitoring costs and comparatively low technical potential for emission reductions in the agricultural sector, output taxes on emission-intensive agricultural goods may be an efficient policy instrument to deal with agricultural

Jag är Gud och inte människa (Hos 11:9) : Kan Guds medlidande besegra våra antropomorfa gudsbilder?

The article analyses the Bible’s most famous and debated texts which express divine repentance. Hos 11:8–9 is characterized by its strong anthropomorphic language and by its (illusory?) disassociation from it. A reference to Israel’s God as ‘not human’ motivates the unexpected change of mind and compassion for God’s Israel. The exegetical discussion habitually focuses on what is going on in YHWH’s

Characteristics of medication errors with parenteral cytotoxic drugs.

FYHR A. & AKSELSSON R. (2012) European Journal of Cancer Care Characteristics of medication errors with parenteral cytotoxic drugs Errors involving cytotoxic drugs have the potential of being fatal and should therefore be prevented. The objective of this article is to identify the characteristics of medication errors involving parenteral cytotoxic drugs in Sweden. A total of 60 cases reported