Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar
Small Things – Wide Horizons: Studies in Honour of Birgitta Hårdh
Vad kostar kontaktallergi?
Surrealismen och den abstrakta konsten
Psykologi och socialt arbete
ESS Energy Design Report
No title
Abstract not available
Den EG-rättsliga ursprungslandsprincipen och svensk internationell sakrätt
Bringing Energy Efficiency to the Liberalised Electricity and Gas Markets
Telecommunications network design and max-min optimization problem
to be added
Taxation of Income and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of 25 Rich OECD Countries
Several empirical papers have studied the effect of government size, typically measured as government expenditures, on economic growth. There is no consensus on the direction of this impact, even though more recent studies tend to find a negative relationship between the general level of government expenditures and economic growth. This negative relationship is explained by the distortions that ra
Electrostatic Interactions In and Between Biomolecules
Popular Abstract in Swedish Elektrostatiske vekselvirkninger mellem biomolekyler er vigtige, ikke bare i biologiske systemer, men også i flere tekniske sammenhænge. I denne afhandling studereres en række forskellige egenskaber, relevant for særligt proteiner. Således har vi ved hjælp af molekylær simulering undersøgt hvorledes proteiner vekselvirker med protoner, salte, andre peptider og proteinerElectrostatic interactions in bio-molecular systems are important not only in the living cell but also in more technical applications. Using molecular simulation as well as approximate theories the properties of a number of aqueous protein solutions have been studied. This includes interactions with other proteins, protons, charged membranes as well as flexible polyelectrolytes. The focus is on el
Holocaust Heritage : Inquiries into European Historical Cultures
The book is a conference volume, throwing light on theoretical, analytical and empirical questions on how the Holocaust has been interpreted and represented in various European countries in the post-War era.
Deformationer i träbjälklag och trägolv på grund av fuktvariationer : Uppskattning med hjälp av finita elementberäkningar
I rapporten redovisas resultaten av beräkningar med finita elementmetoden avseende deformationer i golvbjälklag och i parkettgolv på grund av fuktvariationer. Beräkningarna baseras på indata i form av den under året varierande relativa fuktigheten i omgivande luft. I rapporten ges också exempel på en förenklad handberäkningsmodell. Resultaten visar bl a att man genom reducerad ventilation och fukt
Chemometric analysis of a polymer library imprinted with penicillin G.
An introduction to the Monster
De vann Skapa-priset
Overload control of SPC systems
Ett tal två situationer
In this article the court speech of the "Malexander widow" Anneli Ljungberg is, in terms of Bitzers "rhetorical situation", not only one but rather two rhetorical situations. Thus, the article shows how one might break with rhetorical conventions of one rhetorical situation because of the other rhetorical situation.