

Din sökning på "*" gav 539101 sökträffar

Explaining Ignoring – Working with Information that Nobody Uses

Research has demonstrated how ignorance is made, manipulated and called upon; how it is the result of strategies, activities and structures. This article extends the literature on ignorance by exploring actors’ own explanations of their self-inflicted ignorance following acts of ignoring. By means of a case analysis, we explore how actors explain and justify ignoring data they themselves produced.

“A new cartography of the world” : Of participatory sense-making within ecological sound art and interdisciplinary collaboration

This presentation discusses two examples of participatory sense-making, that fall within the ecological-enactive trajectory of my artistic research. The first work is Tapeshavet, a collaboration between composer Anders Hultqvist, poet Gunnar D. Hansson and ecological sound artist Stefan Östersjö and I, with the first output premiered at GAS festival in Sweden in autumn 2018 and a larger work set f

Northern Khanty Clothing and Footwear Dataset (Lower Ob' Region, Northwest Siberia)

This ethnographic dataset provides a trait-based survey of variability in traditional clothing and footwear among seven Northern Khanty communities living in the Lower Ob' region of Northwestern Siberia. The data were originally gathered by A.M. Siazi and published in Russian (2000). The information was then translated and converted into the current binary dataset which records the presence/absenc

Functional Disability in Psychiatric Patients With Deliberate Self-Harm as Compared to a Clinical Control Group

Background: Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is a common behavior in psychiatric populations. However, little is known regarding how DSH impacts daily life. The concept of functional disability, adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO), refers to the impact of disorders on six domains of daily functioning. The aim of the current study was to explore the functional disability of psychiatric patient

Is meniscal status in the anterior cruciate ligament injured knee associated with change in bone surface area? An exploratory analysis of the KANON trial

Objectives: To study bone shape changes as a potential early feature of post-traumatic structural knee OA development, we estimated the association between meniscal status in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injured knee and longitudinal condyle changes in bone surface area. Design: We used data from the KANON trial, including 121 young ACL-injured adults. We obtained baseline and 2-year follo

Early marriage and spousal age difference : predictors of preconception health of young married women in Delhi, India

Purpose–This study aims to assess the associations of early marriage and spousal age difference(independent of early marriage) with reproductive and sexual health and autonomy in decision-making amongmarried women before conception.Design/methodology/approach–The present study was a part of a three-year community intervention toimprove the preconception health of young married women (20–35 years)

By Jingo! : Methods for Researching Popular Imperialism

The study of popular imperialism, or the extent to which the ordinary citizens of an imperial metropole were aware of and supported their country’s imperial expansion, provides a crucial empirical basis for evaluating the causes of and responsibility for colonial aggression. Nevertheless, this topic has received considerably less attention than comparable topics like fascism, genocide or nationali

Fine-scale changes in speed and altitude suggest protean movements in homing pigeon flights

The power curve provides a basis for predicting adjustments that animals make in flight speed, for example in relation to wind, distance, habitat foraging quality and objective. However, relatively few studies have examined how animals respond to the landscape below them, which could affect speed and power allocation through modifications in climb rate and perceived predation risk. We equipped hom

Länsvis tillgång på skogsbiomassa för svensk biodrivmedels- och bioflygbränsleproduktion

I denna studie görs en uppdaterad analys av den länsvisa tillgången på skogsbaserade rest- och biprodukter i form av grenar och toppas (grot) vid föryngringsavverkningar, bark från sågverk och massabruk, sågspån (och kutterspån) från sågverk samt lignin från svartlut i sulfatmassabruk som råvara för framtida produktion av biodrivmedel/bioflygbränsle. Analysen inkluderar också beräkningar av teoretThis study includes an updated analysis of the regional potential of forest-based residues and by-products in form of logging residues after final felling’s, bark in sawmills and pulp mills, sawdust in sawmills, and lignin from black liquor in pulp mills, as feedstocks for future production of biofuels and biojet fuels. The analysis also include calculations of theoretical transportation distances

Contextualizing Colonial Connections : Reevaluating Takekoshi Yosaburō’s Japanese Rule in Formosa

In 1907, Japanese Rule in Formosa was published in London. It was the English translation of Taiwan tōchi shi (1905), a book about Japan’s colonization of Taiwan by Japanese popular historian and liberal politician Takekoshi Yosaburō. Japanese Rule in Formosa proved remarkably influential, both at the time and in postwar historiography. Although isolated quotes from the 1907 work are frequently us

Breaking down and making up - a lens for conversing with compilers

This paper proposes a ‘tool for thinking with’: that we can describe the interaction between people and computers, and especially people and developer tools, as a form of conversation. We outline this perspective, construct a work in progress analytical frame, and use it to talk about a couple of different examples and draw implications for future work.

Are Shockley-Read-Hall and ABC models valid for lead halide perovskites?

Metal halide perovskites are an important class of emerging semiconductors. Their charge carrier dynamics is poorly understood due to limited knowledge of defect physics and charge carrier recombination mechanisms. Nevertheless, classical ABC and Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) models are ubiquitously applied to perovskites without considering their validity. Herein, an advanced technique mapping photolu

A small molecule inhibitor of Nox2 and Nox4 improves contractile function after ischemia–reperfusion in the mouse heart

The NADPH oxidase enzymes Nox2 and 4, are important generators of Reactive oxygen species (ROS). These enzymes are abundantly expressed in cardiomyocytes and have been implicated in ischemia–reperfusion injury. Previous attempts with full inhibition of their activity using genetically modified animals have shown variable results, suggesting that a selective and graded inhibition could be a more re

Bering Sea marine heatwaves : Patterns, trends and connections with the Arctic

The conterminous marine system of the Bering Sea serves as an important connection between the Pacific and the Arctic. Surface water temperatures of the Northern Pacific have been rising over the past decades with associated changes in extremes: marine heatwaves (MHWs). This study aims to explore the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and occurrence mechanisms of MHWs in the Bering Sea. Our

Regional Interactions between California and the Southwest : The Western Edge of the North American Continental System

The first few centuries of the second millennium saw drastic changes in Coastal California and the American Southwest. In both areas, systems of internal trade intensified, and social systems sped down a path of increasing complexity. Following Peter Peregrine and Stephen Lekson (2006, 2012), we do not believe that these neighboring developments were purely coincidental. Rather, we see California