Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar
Projekt Östra socialbyrån : en processbeskrivning av ett förändringsarbete med förhinder
Activity evoked by A- and C-afferent fibers in rat dorsal horn neurons and its relation to a flexion reflex
The responses of 56 neurons recorded in the lumbosacral spinal cord of halothane-anesthetized rats were studied following the application of mechanical stimuli to the skin on the lateral aspect of the paw or electrical stimulation of the sural nerve. Only neurons driven by A- and C-fiber stimulation were considered. The evoked activity in a nerve supplying flexor muscles, the common peroneal nerve
Headscarves, Handshakes, and Plastic Underarm Covers : Recent developments on religion in working life in Sweden
Specific functions of grafted locus coeruleus neurons in the kindling model of epilepsy
Grafts of fetal noradrenaline (NA)-rich locus coeruleus (LC) tissue implanted bilaterally into the hippocampus in 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) treated, hyperexcitable rats retard seizure development in hippocampal kindling. We report that bilateral intrahippocampal LC grafts failed to affect the severity of seizures when implanted in 6-OHDA-treated, already kindled rats. Furthermore, a noradrenergic
Parkinson's disease-like burst firing activity in subthalamic nucleus induced by AAV-α-synuclein is normalized by LRRK2 modulation
Parkinson's disease (PD) affects motor function through degenerative processes and synaptic transmission impairments in the basal ganglia. None of the treatments available delays or stops the progression of the disease. While α-synuclein pathological accumulation represents a hallmark of the disease in its idiopathic form, leucine rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is genetically associated with familia
Städer 5: Hörspel
Something To Live For : Reminiscences of a Duke
Idrott och psykosocialt arbete : En studie av ett handbollslag under säsongen 1983-1984
Rollspel : tillämpning och analys
Läkemedelsbehandling vid kokainberoende. Farmakologisk behandling av opioid- och kokainberoende.
I am also Somalia
Nociceptive inhibition of withdrawal reflex responses increases over time in spinalized rats
Time-dependent changes of nociceptive inhibition of hindlimb withdrawal reflex (WR) pathways were investigated in acute decerebrate spinal rats. Electromyographic recordings of WR of peroneus longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles were made. For each muscle, both short and long latency WR evoked by subcutaneous electrical stimulation and WR evoked by noxious pinch could be inhibited by noxio
Scandinavian/Somali Scene - reading in Malmö
Scandinavian/Somali Scene
Artefacts from learning plays
No title
Characteristics of postischemic seizures in hyperglycemic rats
Normoglycemic animals subjected to 10-20 min of transient ischemia survive without major neurological symptoms, but incur delayed neuronal damage selectively affecting vulnerable neuronal populations. If the animals are hyperglycemic before ischemia is induced, cell damage develops more rapidly, and postischemic seizures appear after a delay of 18-24 h. This study was designed to assess whether th
Investigating personal and impersonal materialities in the mediation of social exchange: the role of material agency in the formation of temporal collectives in urban public domain
Generating Diffusion MRI Scalar Maps from T1 Weighted Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (diffusion MRI) is a non-invasive microstructure assessment technique. Scalar measures, such as FA (fractional anisotropy) and MD (mean diffusivity), quantifying micro-structural tissue properties can be obtained using diffusion models and data processing pipelines. However, it is costly and time consuming to collect high quality diffusion data. Here, we theref