Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar
Dimensions of Precarity. A Contradictory Case of Non-Standard Employment.
This paper discusses the concept of ‘precarious employment’ in relation to the Swedish shipbuilding industry in the 1960s and 1970s. In this setting, characterized by shortage of labour, a dual labour market structure emerged, where some workers were directly employed by the shipyards and others indirectly employed through intermediaries. The case differs from classical accounts of dual labour mar
Random graph models and their applications
This thesis explores different models of random graphs. The first part treats a change from the preferential attachment model where the network incorporates new vertices and attach them preferentially to the previous vertices with a large number of connections. We introduce on top of this model the deletion of the oldest connections in the system and discuss the impact on the degree of the vertice
A fundamental problem of causation (with no solution)
Traditional views of causation are cause-effect views. Among other things, what is claimed is that when a causal report is true, a cause and an effect exist. Similarly with theories of causal beliefs, such as Gärdenfors's (1988) view that - by looking at the contraction with respect to the cause of the given epistemic state - we can apply the simple criterion that the occurrence of C raises the pr
Värden i konflikt. Kulturpolitik och etisk analys.
Rehabiliteringspedagogik för arbete med långtidssjukskrivna i grupp
REHABILITERINGSPEDAGOGIK är en bok om hur författaren har letat sig fram till ett sätt att återvinna långtidssjukskrivna människor till livet. Det är också en bok om hur långtidssjukskrivna lär sig nya sätt att tänka, känna och bete sig med sikte på förbättrad hälsa och funktion. Boken bygger på författarens mångåriga erfarenhet av arbete med människor som har långvarig värk och smärta, först som
Transnationella civilsamhällesnätverk och demokratiskt ledarskap
The crisis of the 1990s and unemployment in Finland and Sweden
MCHF calculations of isotope shifts; I program implementation and test runs II large-scale active space calculations
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Letters of Sir James Spens to Axel Oxenstierna 1613-1630
Climate Change and Aviation. Issues, Challenges and Solutions.
The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage based' Brand-oriented Network
Purpose – Understanding the Nobel Prize as a ‘true’ heritage brand in a networked situation and its management challenges, especially regarding identity and reputation.Methodology – The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within an extended corporate brand identity framework that incorporates reputation.Findings – The Nobel Prize is a ‘true’ corporate heritage brand (in th
Competitive adsorption of macromolecules during emulsification
The adsorption behavior of macromolecular emulsifiers is important in the understanding of their functionality. Understanding of the adsorption behavior can ultimately enable us to control emulsion properties. Adsorption during emulsification differs from many adsorption processes as the interface at which adsorption occurs is created in parallel with the adsorption. In this thesis two different m
Embedded clauses with main clause word order in Mainland Scandinavian
The properties of embedded V2-clauses in Mainland Scandinavian, as opposed to non-V2 clauses, have been a topic of much debate recently. This paper defends the view that all V2 clauses have illocutionary force, which for a declarative clause means that it is asserted. First clauses embedded under the predicate types identified by Hooper & Thompson (1973) are discussed, and it is shown that the
Refreshing & Restoration : Two Eschatological Motifs in Acts 3:19-21
This study explores the meaning of the two expressions 'times of refreshing' and 'time to restore everything' in Acts 3:19.21. These two eschatological motifs appear in a speech that the apostle Peter made, according to Luke's presentation, in the Jerusalem temple in the beginning of the 30s. The study is historical, and the meaning of the two expressions is sought in the contemporary world. It i
Förtryck och revolt i Viktor Rydbergs Athen
Uppsatsen behandlar Viktor Rydbergs Den siste athenaren från 1858. Rydbergs roll som samhällsdebattör relateras till hans romanskrivande.
Narrative Analysis
- None
No title
Greening the Economy Compendium
The concept of a ”green economy” is rapidly gaining interest around the world. However, the idea is not new. It appeared in 1989 in the book “Blueprint for a Green Economy”. During the 1990s and most of the 2000s, the green economy was not a widely used term. But it gained a new lease of life after the financial crisis of 2008 when governments and industries around the world needed to respond to e