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Courses corresponding to 60 credits are required in the post graduate studies. There are a few mandatory courses for INES PhD students (see below), but most of the courses can be chosen by the PhD student together with the supervisors and the department representative (IR). Courses can be taken at Lund university or at other universities in Sweden or abroad. A number of courses are organized by IN - 2025-03-19
We give a number of courses every year or every other year, whereas others are given occationally. Courses that are planned, or that have been given in recent years, are listed below. If you are interested in a specific course on the list, please contact the contact person. If you have an idea of a topic for a new course at the department, please contact the Director of studies Cecilia Akselsson.C - 2025-03-19
PublicationsRetrieved from Lund University's publications database2018Dissolved organic carbon in streams within a subarctic catchment analysed using a GIS/remote sensing approachPearl MZOBE, Martin Berggren, Petter Pilesjö, Erik Lundin, David Olefeldt, et al.(2018) PLoS ONEJournal article2016Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export from subarctic areas analyzed using a GIS/remote sensing approachPea - 2025-03-19
GISN04 Open Source GIS and volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) are two most important concepts in today’s GIS. This course starts with introduction to open source and participation in open source projects. Then examples of open source software in GIS are reviewed. This part also includes practical exercises for working with some open source GIS software. The course ends with discussion on VGI - 2025-03-19
GISN09 In this course, students will explore theoretical and practical concepts of Web GIS (Internet GIS). From theoretical perspective they study about advantages and techniques for publishing, visualizing and accessing maps on Internet including architecture of Web GIS/Web mapping systems, markup languages (e.g. HTML, XML, SVG and GML), a scripting language, screen cartography, data sharing and - 2025-03-19
GISN25 In this course, students will explore theoretical and practical concepts of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). They will study fundamental concepts of SDI and the important factors that affect the development of SDI. Furthermore, techniques for design, implementation, management, and evaluation of SDIs will be explored. This course also includes practical and theoretical exercises relevan - 2025-03-19
Your name (required) Will you attend? (required) Yes No Want to have lunch? (required) Vegetarian food will be the default option. Yes No Food preferences Please let me know if you have allergies or other requests regarding the food. Do you plan to attend the after work? (required) Yes No Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
What is the Graduate School in Asian Studies? Our PhD courses Mobility Annual retreat Sign up for our newsletter Calendar Link to RSS 8 May 2025 09:00 to 16:30 | Workshop Presentation skills and public speaking More events - 2025-03-19
8 May 2025, The Loop, Lund The deadline to apply is 15 March, 2025 Name E-mail University Discipline, topic, and year of PhD Why do you want to attend this workshop? What are your special interests and needs? Dietary restrictions & requests Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
20 and 21 March 2024. Two-day workshop at Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Digital sources and methods are of increasing interest to Asian Studies researchers, but how can we best use these methods? Join us at the Centre for a two-day workshop on digital methods in Asian Studies organised by the Graduate School in Asian Studies. The workshop, envisioned as a meeting be - 2025-03-19
20-21 March, 2024 Deadline to apply: 20 February Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
22 May, Stadshallen Lund At this workshop, led by Altitude Meetings, and co-organised with the Graduate School in History, you will get practical advice in a workshop format on how to become a better speaker. The workshop includes an inspiration lecture, advice on what is a good presentation, tips on body language and how to manage nervousness etc. The workshop also includes some practical exercis - 2025-03-19
People Lund office Programme Committee Advisory Board PhD students Postal address Lund University Graduate School in Asian Studies Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies P.O Box 118 SE- 221 00 Lund Sweden Visiting and delivery address Sölvegatan 18 B 223 62 Lund Sweden Google map - 2025-03-19
Application deadline: 13 June 2024 Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
6-8 November, Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna. Deadline to apply: 25 September 2024. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
The Graduate School in Asian Studies is coordinated and administered by the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University. It has a programme committee consisting of representatives from the different Swedish partner institutions who are involved in the planning and oversight of the school’s activities. The graduate school also has an international advisory board with representa - 2025-03-19
The Graduate School in Asian Studies in cooperation with Horizon Europe EUVIP project (EU in the Volatile Indo-Pacific) invite you to apply for our PhD workshop on International Relations. The workshop will bring together PhD students and senior scholars working on Asian International Relations over two days here at the Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, to discuss key issues in the regi - 2025-03-19
27-28 November, Lund Deadline to apply: 25 September, 2024 Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-19
As a partner for the Nordic Asia Podcast, the Centre/Graduate School is organizing a Podcast Production Workshop to provide practical training for participants to embark on the exciting journey into the world of podcasting. PhD candidate Joanne Kuai is an experienced journalist and podcaster producer and will be the instructor of the workshop. The venue will be the Centre for East and South-East A - 2025-03-19