Din sökning på "*" gav 533330 sökträffar
On the missing link in ecology : Improving communication between modellers and experimentalists
Collaboration between modellers and experimentalists is essential in ecological research, however, different obstacles linking both camps often hinder scientific progress. In this commentary, we discuss several issues of the current state of affairs in this research loop. Backed by an online survey amongst fellow ecologists, modellers and experimentalists alike, we identify two major areas that ne
PreHospital Ambulance Stroke Test - pilot study of a novel stroke test
Background: There is a need for a prehospital stroke test that in addition to high sensitivity for stroke, also is able to communicate stroke severity similar to the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Methods: The PreHospital Ambulance Stroke Test (PreHAST), an eight item test based on NIHSS, which scores stroke severity from 0-19 points, was designed and adapted for the ambulance
USA och Sverige har aldrig varit särskilt såta vänner
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A collection of essays translated by Étienne Dobenesque.
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Biodiversity conservation requires an understanding of the extent to which a landscape can contribute to species life-cycle. Conceived as a dynamic mosaic of spatial units with different properties, landscape is a very relevant scale for dealing with biodiversity issues. This paper aims at analysing the relationships and overlapping between this geography and landscape ecology as two scientific fi
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Desalination Report for Omani Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW), Six weeks in Oman
Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict - The Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
This thesis examines how environmental treaties, also referred to as multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), can enhance the protection of the environment during armed conflicts of both international and non-international character. The examination also covers the immediate aftermath of armed conflicts. Most of the previous research has focused on the application of the law of armed conflict
Multifractal analysis of some multiple ergodic averages
In this paper we study the multiple ergodic averages, on the symbolic space σm = (0,1,...,m-1}N* where m≥ 2, ℓ ≥ 2, q≥ 2 are integers. We give a complete solution to the problem of multifractal analysis of the limit of the above multiple ergodic averages. Actually we develop a non-invariant and non-linear version of thermodynamic formalism that is of its own interest. We study a large class of mea
Social Investment in Latin America
Kön, arbetsliv och åldrerspension
Stockholms försvarare värd ett bättre öde : Recension av Marie-Louise Flembergs bok "Kristina Gyllenstierna: Kvinnan som stod upp mot Kristian Tyrann"
Religionskritik, republik och revolution : Tidningen Fäderneslandet på 1850- och 1860-talen
Paper vid Svenska historikermötet i Sundsvall, 10-12 maj 2017
Generating Situational Authority Through Genre of Governance : A Case Study of Chinese Public Sectors’ Crisis Management Strategies
This study investigates how public sector organizations generate authority in social media crisis. Furthermore, it examines how genres of governance, namely genre chain and genre mixing, contribute to the generation of authority. On this basis of an interdisciplinary theoretical framework consisting of the concepts of “network governance” and “authority,” a genre analysis of 100 top forwarded post
Biharmonic functions on the special unitary group SU(2)
We construct new proper biharmonic functions defined on open and dense subsets of the special unitary group SU(2). Then we employ a duality principle to obtain new proper biharmonic functions from the non-compact 3-dimensional hyperbolic space H^3.
Shocked chromites in fossil L chondrites : A Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy study
Chromites from Middle Ordovician fossil L chondrites and from matrix and shock-melt veins in Catherwood, Tenham, and Coorara L chondrites were studied using Raman spectroscopy and TEM. Raman spectra of chromites from fossil L chondrites showed similarities with chromites from matrix and shock-melt veins in the studied L chondrite falls and finds. Chromites from shock-melt veins of L chondrites sho
Testosterone suppression with a unique form of leuprorelin acetate as a solid biodegradable implant in patients with advanced prostate cancer : results from four trials and comparison with the traditional leuprorelin acetate microspheres formulation
Background: There are two slow-release ready-to-use forms of leuprorelin acetate (1-month and 3-month) that are available as solid, biodegradable implants for the treatment of advanced, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. These implants have been shown to be as effective as traditional leuprorelin acetate microspheres for achieving successful testosterone suppression (≥0.5 ng/ml) and lowering prost
Recreational cultural ecosystem services : How do people describe the value?
Different ways of viewing human-nature interactions affect the ways in which these are conceptualized and operationalized with regards to cultural ecosystem services (CES). To clarify if some conceptualizations provide more appropriate descriptions of benefits, these need to be discussed in relation to the lived experience. This paper addresses some aspects of the controversy around the use of the
How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services
The spatial extent of ecological processes has consequences for the generation of ecosystem services related to them. However, management often fails to consider issues of scale when targeting ecological processes underpinning ecosystem services generation. Here, we present a framework for conceptualizing how the amount and spatial scale (here discussed in terms of extent) of management interventi