

Din sökning på "*" gav 534571 sökträffar

Tjänstemannaansvar - Behövs det ändringar i det straffrättsliga ansvaret för offentligt anställda?

Personer som innehar statlig anställning är på ett sätt som vilka arbetstagare som helst. PÅ ett annat sätt så är dem representanter för staten och deras ageranden påverkar allmänhetens uppfattning och tilltro till staten och dess myndigheter. Därför har man under perioder särskilt denna arbetstagargrupp från övriga arbetstagare då det har gällt striktare regler vid fel begångna i sin tjänsteutövnPeople who hold government employments are in a way like any other workers. In another way, they are representatives of the state and their actions affect the public's perception and trust in the state and its authorities. Therefore, during periods, this group of workers in particular has been separated from other workers and stricter rules have applied in the event of errors committed in the

Gruppkategorins förvandlingar : Epistemologi, ontologi och politik i Torgny T. Segerstedts studium av grupper 1939–1955

Why was the group seen as a new and promising political and scientific category in the Swedish interwar period, and why was the category redefined in the postwar era? This article sets out to answer these questions through a study of Torgny T. Segerstedt and his analysis of the group category. Lorraine Dastons notion that in scientific practice the epistemology effects the ontology of the studied

Blood and hair manganese concentrations in pregnant women from the Infants' Environmental Health Study (ISA) in Costa Rica

Manganese (Mn), an essential nutrient, is a neurotoxicant at high concentrations. We measured Mn concentrations in repeated blood and hair samples collected from 449 pregnant women living near banana plantations with extensive aerial spraying of Mn-containing fungicide mancozeb in Costa Rica, and examined environmental and lifestyle factors associated with these biomarkers. Mean blood Mn and geome

Background brief: Building resilience to pandemic risk through rights-based and gender equal public service delivery at the local level

The purpose of this Background Brief is to communicate key components of an integrated human rights-based and gender equality approach to building resilience to pandemic risk at the local level. It addresses pandemic prevention, preparedness for response, and building forward better within the umbrella of the post-2015 development agenda. Rather than focusing on the biomedical aspects of disease t

Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate Contamination from Fertilizers Using Modified DRASTIC Frameworks

Vulnerability maps of groundwater provide an efficient means of identifying environmental trends and prioritizing regions for prevention plans. The GIS-based DRASTIC method, however, does not consider the impact of contamination, so there is a need to modify it according to the specifics of the region and its contamination load. The aim of this study is to investigate a suitable DRASTIC modificati

A Multilevel Circular Economy Repair Society Model: Understanding system-wide implications of normalized product repair from the perspective of the Product User

Initiatives to upscale repair activities are becoming increasingly common, with the latestbeing the EU commission’s proposal to strengthen consumers’ right to repair. However, theseinitiatives are not viewed comprehensively, particularly not for how they impact the product user’sexperience of the repair process, and what type of repair conditions would emerge once fullyimplemented. This gap exists

Självbetjäningsteknologier och service

Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen av konsumenters uppfattningar av värde i servicemöten som inkluderar självbetjäningsteknologier i jämförelse med personlig service. Genom att tillämpa kvalitativa forskningsmetoder utforskar studien hur konsumenter bedömer och beskriver olika aspekter av dessa servicemöten samt deras påverkan på individen. Resultaten indikerar att medan självbetjän