

Din sökning på "*" gav 533727 sökträffar

Malmö Upcycling Service

What happens when production technologies such as 3d printing become available to consumers? And how will it affect the role of the designer? To answer these questions we had to look at the 3d printing from a larger perspective and consider the movements behind it. The aim of our bachelor project was to create a platform where designers and end-users can collaborate in the creation of their own pr


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze a PPP in regards to shared val-ue and organizational effects. Methodology: A deductive, qualitative, case study approach is used to explore the answer to the research question. Data is collected from a single case, through eight semi-structured in-terviews and a survey. Theoretical frame of reference: An integrated model, based on a lit

"I don`t trust him" Star Wars ur ett tillits-perspektiv

In this thesis I analyze the Star Wars saga and its description of the rise of dictators and compare them with common criticism of the US Congress and President. Central to the Star Wars Saga is the tale of how democratic societies transition into military dictatorships. As creator George Lucas has mentioned in interviews he sees democracies as weak during political upheaval, democratically electe

Does commercialization play a major role in NGOs’ development in Lund, Sweden?

In general, non-government organizations (NGOs) are regarded as charity and humanitarian advocacy agents in developing and developed countries. With globalization, NGOs have been influenced by commercialization and some of them started to run commercial activities. This essay studies whether commercialization plays a major role for NGOs in making them sustainable over time in Sweden. I have interv

Combustion Engine Identification and Control

The topic of this thesis is system identification and control of two different internal combustion engines, Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) engine and a more conventional Combustion Ignited (CI) diesel engine. The control of both engines is aimed to emission reduction and to increase the efficiency. There is an introduction to the internal combustion engine, as well as theory used about system

Recommendations for a polar Earth science portal in the context of Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure

In recent years, the Arctic has been one of the most dynamic environments on Earth. As a result, scientific inquiry into the region has produced a large amount of data, with future projections of the volume of data for the Arctic as well as the Antarctic expected to increase by an order of magnitude. On the receiving end of these data, a challenge remains as how to best manage, archive and distrib

Fängslad förälder - Ett straff för barnet

The aim of this study was to reiterate and analyze children’s stories about what it was like to grow up with a parent in prison. We intended to interpret the individuals’ childhood experiences and memories. We have limited the respondents to people who grew up with a parent in prison. These individuals were during the essay adults, recounting stories from their childhood. An incarceration does not

The Rotation Curation Experience - En studie om individen i en samskapande process

Den digitala utvecklingen har skapat nya förutsättningar för hur individer och or-ganisationer kan interagera, där ett exempel är samskapande (eng. co-creation). Syftet med studien är att undersöka de drivkrafter och känslor som ligger bakom individens beslut till att delta i den specifika samskapandeformen rotation curation tillsammans med organisationer och hur detta skapar mening för individen.The digital evolution has created new ways for individuals and organizations to interact of which one example is co-creation. The purpose of this study is to exa-mine which motives and emotions that underlie an individual’s decision to parti-cipate in the specific form of co-creation called rotation curation together with an an organization and how this creates meaning for the individual. Further,

Hon ser! : en kvalitativ analys av hur rasism, sexism och exotifiering blir belyst och kommuniceras genom instagramanvändaren ”Svartkvinna”

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur sexism, rasism och exotifiering blir belyst och kommuniceras ut via verklighetsbaserade situationer av den uppmärksammade och omdiskuterade instagramanvändaren “Svartkvinna”. Frågeställningar: - Vad använder “Svartkvinna” för medel för att väcka intresse hos publiken och skapa trovärdighet? - Går det att finna drag av journalistiska mönster i något eller fl

If I could download clothes, I would

Sammanfattning Titel: If I could download clothes, I would - En studie kring vad som påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut mellan e-handel och butikshandel. Författare: Fredrika Carlsson och Malin Cederberg Kurs: KSKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen Institution: Institutionen Service Management - Hotell och Restaurant, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet Handledare: Mia Larson

Infinite Endnotes and Important Clichés: New Sincerity in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest

In the past decades, a field of so-called Wallace Studies, i.e. academic studies dedicated to the investigation of David Foster Wallace’s writings, has emerged and developed. These studies are often connected to the equally new literary concept of new sincerity. However, despite the number of articles published on the subject, the scholarly works going into any textual, exemplifying analysis of Wa

Evaluating the Effects of Salinomycin and Analogs on the Invasion and Motility of JIMT-1 Breast Cancer Cells

Abstract Breast cancer is a disease which affects a large part of the population and is today affecting approximately 1.7 million women worldwide. During the last decade, it has been confirmed that the metastatic ability of cancer is due to cells that detach from the primary tumor and spread to other sites in the body via directed migration. Another aspect which has gained a lot of attention is

Renommésnyltning och "smell-alikes" - det känneteckens- och marknadsrättsliga skyddet mot renommésnyltande parfymimitationer

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka de för parfymtillverkare tillgängliga varumärkes- och marknadsrättsliga verktygen mot snålskjutsfenomenet ”smell-alikes”, dvs. efterbildningar av välkända märkesparfymer av lägre kvalitet som säljs för en bråkdel av originalpriset. I avsaknad av ett självklart, juridiskt varumärkesskydd för dofter lämnas producenterna att förlita sig på det varumärkesrätThe aim of this paper is to investigate the legal tools available for perfume producers in trademark and market law against the free-riding phenomenon “smell-alikes”, i.e. imitations of famous brand perfumes of lower quality sold at a fraction of the original price. In the absence of evident legal trademark protection for fragrances, manufacturers have to rely on the trademark protection granted

Det polska barnhemmet. En kvalitativ fallstudie utifrån Maslows teori om behovshierarkin

The aim of this study was to examine how staff members of an orphanage in north Poland, operate their work to meet children's developmental needs related to Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs. By semi-structured interviews with four of the staff members, their understanding of the children’s developmental needs were studied. The study also focused on the strategies used by the staff to

Ensamkommande barn med föräldrastöd på distans

The purpose with this study was to investigate how the relationship looks between unaccompanied minors and their parents in another country. The emphasis is on how personnel and superintendents, who works at an institutional home-care in Sweden are reasoning and working to encourage the relation between minors and their parents. The investigation is made with a qualitative method, where I have con

Strategisk prissättning inom mjukvarubranschen

Sammanfattning Titel Strategisk prissättning inom mjukvarubranschen Handledare Per Magnus Andersson Författare Robin Wingne och Johan Ågren Nivå Magisteruppsats 30 hp Problem Arbetet med prissättning har under lång tid präglats av ett synsätt som utgår från kostnader. Utvecklingen inom framförallt mjukvarubranschen har lett till nya typer av erbjudanden som innehåller nya värderingselement vi

Skäl för bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisningar- en litteraturstudie på nationell och internationell nivå

Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera och beskriva vilka drivkrafter och motiv som presenterats för bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisningar samt att undersöka huruvida det finns en skillnad på dessa skäl mellan nationell och internationell praxis och slutligen se huruvida dessa skäl överensstämmer med intressenternas inställning till tredjepartsgranskade hållbarhetsrapporter.Purpose of this study is to identify and describe the motivations and reasons presented for attestation of sustainability reports and to investigate whether there is a difference on these grounds between national and international practice. Finally the study aims to see whether these reasons correspond with stakeholder approach to third-party audited sustainability reports.

Margin Squeeze and the Essential Facilities Doctrine

Även om monopol eller en dominerande ställning på marknaden i sig inte anses utgöra ett missbruk i konkurrensrättslig mening, bär ett företag med stark marknadsposition ett särskilt ansvar för att inte begå konkurrensbegränsande handlingar. När konkurrensrätten ingriper i ett dominerande förtags handlingar bör så ske med åtanke av de underliggande överväganden som ligger till grund för konkurrensrEven though competition law will not regard dominance and monopoly as abusive per se, an undertaking with strong market power carries a certain responsibility not to engage in anti- competitive conducts on the market. When competition law is interfering in the conducts of dominators, it is important to take into account the underlying considerations of, on one hand, preservation of efficient compe