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Abstract in German This book chapter discusses hetero- and homovocality in the voices of mezzasopranos and altos in opera and in popular music.
Abstract in German This book chapter discusses hetero- and homovocality in the voices of mezzasopranos and altos in opera and in popular music.
This thesis addresses the phase behavior and phase structure in mixed surfactant-surfactant and surfactant-polymer systems, where the co-solutes have opposite charges (catanionic systems). The initial goal has been to investigate self-assembly aspects in mixtures of single-/double-chained surfactants and bile salt/double-chained surfactants, with the main focus on vesicle assembly in dilute region
Den här delrapporten utgår från empirisk data som samlats in inom ramen för det rättssociologiska forskningsprojektet Kränkningar i en digital kontext som finansieras av Brottsofferfonden. Bearbetningen har genomförts av Måns Svensson (projektansvarig) och Karl Dahlstrand, båda verksamma vid Rättssociologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. Rapporten har sammanställts på uppdrag av Ungdomssty
This is a thesis on the Swedish writer Vilhelm Moberg (1898–1973) and his renowned novel cycle about Swedish emigrants to the U.S.: Utvandrarna (1949), Invandrarna (1952), Nybyggarna (1956) and Sista brevet till Sverige (1959). The novels, set in the mid 19th century, describe Swedish emigration to North America through the main characters of Karl Oskar, Kristina, Ulrika and Robert from the parish
Three titania polymorphs, anatase, rutile, and TiO2(B), were used as supports for vanadia. Catalysts with nominal loadings corresponding to 1.5 and 5 theoretical layers were prepared. True monolayer samples were obtained by NH3(aq)-treatment of the samples with 5 nominal vanadia layers. Prepared catalysts were characterized by chemical analysis, ESR, and high-resolution electron microscopy. It was
In this paper we estimate the level and inequality of income for Bechuanaland Protectorate by constructing four social tables between 1936 to 1964 using colonial archives and anthropological records. We present a working hypothesis that there is need to further analyze Botswana’s colonial era if we are to understand several aspects of contemporary economic structures. Our focus is on identifying t
Abstract not available
Att resa i spåren av litterära verk är ingen ny företeelse. Inte heller är den helt lätt att definiera; det går sällan att tydligt avgränsa vad som inspirerat till resan – är det boken, filmatiseringen, en intressant författare eller uppmärksamheten kring någon av dessa? Man kan vandra i Cornwall på jakt efter Daphne du Mauriers inspirationskällor, lösa mordgåtor med Agatha Christie, åka buss geno
Carotenoids are one of the most widespread and important group of pigments in Nature and they can act as light-harvesting agents, photoprotectors and antioxidants. Mechanisms of their multiple functions are not fully understood mainly because their complicated photophysics involving ?dark? excited states. The central theme of this thesis is characterization of the lowest dark S1 state of carotenoi
As an ambition to stress the construction of an external and an internal dimension within law I have chosen to study the non-pecuniary damages to victims of crime. The foundation for these damages came from the deep structure of law about the idea that the right to integrity of the human body and soul are one of the corner- stones in the state governed by law. But when it comes to estimating the a