

Din sökning på "*" gav 533194 sökträffar

Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection

This thesis is a study of configurations of identity in American mainstream comics. It focuses on how a small number of writers of Jewish descent have expressed or disciplined their Jewishness in relation to their creations. In an attempt to revise common linear narratives, the thesis presents three case studies of famous and influential comics texts with different primary foci: a chapter on SuperPopular Abstract in English The publication of Michael Chabon’s Pulitzer-prize winning novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (2000) brought the Jewish–comics connection to popular attention. The novel illuminated the fact that many of the pioneers of American mainstream comics were Jewish. Owing to this history, and to the fact that there today exists a large and growing library of s

Bone bruise, lipohemarthrosis, and joint effusion in CT of non-displaced hip fracture.

BackgroundA suspected occult hip fracture after normal radiography is not uncommon in an elderly person after a fall. Despite a lack of robust validation in the literature, computed tomography (CT) is often used as secondary imaging.PurposeTo assess the frequency and clinical utility of non-cortical skeletal and soft tissue lesions as ancillary fracture signs in CT diagnosis of occult hip fracture

Growth from a straight crack subjected to arbirtrary remote loading

Growth from straight cracks is studied, both for loading in pure mode I or II and for mixed mode loading. Small scale yielding and a plane condition are assumed. Growth is assumed to take place in either mode I or mode II. Loss of directional stability sometimes occurs even from cracks that seem destined for continued growth straight forward. A striking example is the case of collinear cracks unde

Translating sustainability: the role of the retail store

Purpose: Retailers are facing pressure to promote sustainable consumption. Building on literature about the role of retailers as “translators” of the sustainability discourse, this article studies how retailers cope with this pressure. Design/methodology/approach: This study focuses on the Swedish retail sector. In twenty-two interviews with retail representatives and thirteen store observations

Functional modules of the brain

Building on the view of massive modularity, a number of generalized assumptions lead to an entirely new concept of functional brain modules. In contrast to the nerve centers usually considered to be active in the brain, these modules, called symbions, are non-localized, non-hierarchical, and based on subcellular molecular mechanisms rather than on neurons. They act according to local rules that ma

"De kommer ut fräscha och fina" : om tvång och hemlöshet

Forskningsprojektet Tvångsvårdade missbrukare i hemlöshet under ledning av professor Hans Swärd har sin upprinnelse i iakttagelsen att många hemlösa blir föremål för tvångsvård samtidigt som många tvångsvårdade missbrukare hamnar i hemlöshet efter LVM-vården. Forskargruppen har genomfört en pilotundersökning bestående av tre delar: 1) en uppföljning av personer hemmahörande i Lund, Malmö eller He

Deactivation of frits for use in capillary high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrochromatography with characterization by imaging with laser-induced fluorescence

Residual adsorptive activity of frits prepared by sintering silica gel particles used in capillary HPLC and electrochromatography can be significantly reduced by silanization. The adsorption of polar analytes on frits consisting of sintered normal-phase or reversed-phase silica gel before and after deactivation has been characterized by imaging with laser-induced fluorescence in combination with a

Discriminating Depressive Patients and Patients with Somatoform Disorders by Means of the Beck Depression Inventory

Ninety-eight patients, 56 suffering according to DSM-IV of unipolar depression and 42 of somatoform disorders, were compared on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) total scale, the subscale of Somatic complaints and the Cognitive-affective subscale. A factor analysis performed on the total group revealed five factors used to determine new subscales: Depressed mood, Somatic manifestations, Loss of

Kirurgi snart även primärprevention vid slaganfall av höggradig karotisstenos

Indications for and the results of carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis are reviewed. The main indication for carotid endarterectomy is symptomatic stenosis of a carotid artery with >70 percent lumen reduction according to the NASCET method, or >85 percent lumen reduction according to the ECST method. The operation should ideally be performed within two we

The non-coding RNA of the multidrug resistance-linked vault particle encodes multiple regulatory small RNAs.

Vault particles are conserved organelles implicated in multidrug resistance and intracellular transport. They contain three different proteins and non-coding vault RNAs (vRNAs). Here we show that human vRNAs produce several small RNAs (svRNAs) by mechanisms different from those in the canonical microRNA (miRNA) pathway. At least one of these svRNAs, svRNAb, associates with Argonaute proteins to gu

On the amplitude and phase errors of quadrature LC-tank CMOS oscillators

An analytic approach for the estimation of the phase and amplitude imbalances caused by component mismatches and parasitic magnetic fields in two popular quadrature LC oscillators is presented. Very simple and closed-form equations are derived, proving that, although the two topologies share the same small signal circuit, they display very different sensitivities to the mentioned sources of imbala

Deltagandets kontextuella villkor. Fem träningsskoleklassers pedagogiska praktik

The thesis should be regarded as a contribution to the development of knowledge about the interaction taking place in the educational setting for pupils with PIMD in Sweden, the training school (Sw. Träningsskola), and the contextual and interactional conditions that characterizes this educational setting. The study is expected to contribute to a deeper understanding of the pedagogical praxis in t