

Din sökning på "*" gav 534699 sökträffar

Välj ett, undervisa i två - en kvalitativ studie om instrumentlärares tankar om undervisning i flera instrument

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad instrumentallärare tänker om att undervisa i flera instrument utöver sitt huvudinstrument. Studien kommer att utreda deras arbetssituation på grund av detta samt hur dessa instrumentlärare tycker att deras undervisning påverkas av att undervisa i flera instrument. Studien är kvalitativ och datainsamlingen har gjorts baserat på kvalitativa intervjuer med fyraThe purpose of this thesis is to study instrumental teacher’s views on teaching other instruments in addition to his or her main instrument. The thesis will study the impacts on their employments as well as how the instrumental teachers feel that their teaching is affected by it. The thesis is in the form of a qualitative study in which data has been collected through qualitative interviews with f

Reaktionskrafter från strålrör

Like all businesses there is also an interest in the fire service to always improve the efficiency of its work. This can be done in many different ways, for example by changing the existing formation of the local rescue organization or through the continued development of current methods and equipment that firefighters use. Most rescue services across Sweden are currently using low pressure pumps

VAT Grouping through a Head Office or a Branch - How does a Membership of a VAT Group Affect the Relationship between a Head Office and its Branch?

I EU-domstolens dom i FCE Bank menade EU-domtolen att ett tillhandahållande av en tjänst mellan ett huvudkontor och dess filial inte utgör en beskattningsbar transaktion då huvudkontoret och dess branch, tillsammans, utgör en och samma beskattningsbara person.Tio år senare dömde EU-domstolen i Skandia America där EU-domstolen menade att den princip som härrör från domen i FCE Bank inte är tillämplIn its ruling in FCE Bank, the CJEU stated that a supply between a head office and its branch does not constitute a taxable transaction since the head office, together with its branch, constitute one taxable person. Ten years later the CJEU ruled in Skandia America stating that the principle deriving from FCE Bank is not applicable when the branch is a member of a VAT group. This ruling generated

Konsten att skräddarsy sitt ledarskap

Uppsatsen syftar till att med en empirisk utgångspunkt ana-lysera och beskriva organisationens nuvarande ledarskap och det önskade ledarskapet utifrån ett teamledar-, medarbetar- och ledningsperspektiv. Datainsamling har baserats på ett kvalitativt angreppssätt med en fenomenografisk infalls-vinkel i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, för att fånga respondenternas uppfattning om ledarskap. Team

Investigation of methods for weld evaluation

The core business of Sandvik SRP AB are rock crushers. Today Sandvik evaluates the welded joints by simplified and somewhat conservative methods. The task is to investigate alternative weld evaluation methods. This have been done by creating different submodels of the area of interest, where the welds is represented in different ways. Different element types have been used, by following recommen

Är registratorn även arkivarie? : En yrkesroll i förändring

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the registrar’s role within the organization, their relation to the archival profession and their professional status. As the title suggests, the question is raised whether registrars also could be considered archivists. The underlying background that brought this question forward is the notion that the information management within Swedish government

Normative power and democracy promotion in the European Neighbourhood Policy – A comparative case study of Azerbaijan and Egypt

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) is deemed to be the EU’s most ambitious initiative to date. The EU is often considered to have normative power over partner countries and therefore the concept of Normative Power Europe has been investigated. In order to narrow the scope, democracy promotion was chosen as the primary channel for normative power. The purpose is to investigate how the ENP uses

IR-teknik som hjälpmedel vid brandbekämpning

The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge about the use of infrared cameras within fire services. A construction made up of several different types of walls and ceilings was built and used in a large scale fire test. The actual temperature was measured with thermocouples and compared to the temperature given by infrared cameras. The heat wave and the infrared images themselves were also

Angular positioning of a door or window - using a MEMS accelerometer and a magnetometer

The accurate and reliable detection of opening of doors and windows is vital for home security applications. This master thesis aims to present a way to achieve this using a low-cost and low-power ecompass, containing a MEMS accelerometer and a magnetometer. This has been achieved by attaching such a device to a door and collecting sensor data when opening and closing the door. Said data were then

Innovation in China: A qualitative research

This study aims to examine the topic of innovation in China. The need for innovative development is of importance for the nation to keep the rapid development. A few evaluations of both Chinas indigenous innovation policy and the opportunities for the citizens to develop innovation has criticized the lack of creativity in human resources and the examination based education system to be harmful for

En modell för prognoser på offentlig konsumtion – tidsserieanalys och prognosutvärdering

Den här uppsatsen utreder möjligheten att använda en modell som skattats med tidsserieanalys i Konjunkturinstitutets (KI) prognoser på offentlig konsumtion. Autoregressiva modeller skattas på realtidsdata från 1994. Modellerna skattas och utvärderas med out-of-sample prognoser. Modellernas prognosförmåga utvärderas mot första publiceringen av statistik för offentlig konsumtion för perioden 2004–20

Characterization of a Zeeman Slower Designed for a 87 Sr Optical Clock

Mot ökad tidsnoggrannhet i Sverige Atomur baserade på mikrovågor är i dag den teknik som används för tidshållning. Snart kan detta komma att förändras i och med optiska klockor. Dessa klockor har bland annat potential att kunna förbättra satellitbaserade navigeringssystem som GPS och har en så hög noggrannhet att det öppnar upp nya möjligheter för forskning kring gravitation. En klocka är fundameOptical clocks will potentially become the new frequency standard for the SI-definition of the second. Many national metrology institutes around the world have already implemented different versions of such clocks and others are in process of doing so. At SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, this process has recently begun. This thesis investigates the properties of the Zeeman slower that is t

Inre gränskontroller i en värld på flykt

De senaste åren har den svenska debatten präglats av polarisering rörande migrationspolitiken. Å ena sidan har det nationalistiska pariet Sverigedemokraterna fått mandat motsvarande nästan 13 % av rösterna i valet till riksdagen. Å andra sidan tar Sverige emot mer flyktingar än på mer än två årtionden. Inte sedan första och andra världskrigen har så många människor befunnit sig på flykt samtidigt During the last couple of years there’s been hectic debate and polarisation regarding migration policies. The Swedish police service has been heavily critizised for their methods of trying to locate illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the right-wing populist political party recieved almost 13 % of the vote for the Swedish parliament, riksdagen. In the latest year, war and civil unrest in a number of

Målbolagsstyrelsens skadeståndsansvar vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden

Målbolagsstyrelsen har en viktig ställning vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden, och åläggs enligt den aktiemarknadsrättsliga regleringen vissa förpliktelser som syftar till att skydda målbolagets aktieägares intressen. Till dessa förpliktelser hör att ta ställning till budgivarens förfrågan om att genomföra en due diligence-undersökning av målbolaget samt att besluta om omfattningen av en sådan undeThe board of a target company has an important role in a takeover situation. Due to the takeover regulations, when a takeover bid is made on the company, the target board undertakes certain obligations aimed at protecting the target company’s shareholders. These obligations include taking a position on the offeror’s request to do their due diligence regarding the target company, and to decide on t

Våldsbilden mot Ugandas gatubarn

With reference to the exposure and violence Ugandan street children are effected by, this paper aims to form an understanding as well as provide insight on the construction of the concepts “violence” and “pain” in the discursive field of Ugandan street children. It then aims to place the findings in Jonathan Wolff and Avner De-Shalit's function theory. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s disco

Ökad interaktion med populärkulturellt innehåll

Titel: Ökad interaktion med populärkulturellt innehåll Författare: Jonas Larsson och Harald Tvedt Handledare: Magnus Andersson Uttrycket mediekonvergens används av medieforskare för att beskriva flödet av innehåll mellan flera medieplattformar. Detta är en explorativ uppsats som kartlägger mediekonvergens och undersöker kulturindustrins utnyttjande av processen. Med hjälp av den textanalytiska t

"Mänskliga rättigheter, alltså - för vem?" : en intervjustudie med lärarstudenter om att undervisa om mänskliga rättigheter

Even though human rights and human rights education are generally viewed as something worth achieving, unfortunately the extent of which human rights is implemented in education in the Swedish school system is a poorly researched area. This study sets out to change that and to discover the ideas and reflections upon human rights as a subject of four pre-service upper secondary school social scienc

"Am I Next?" : a narrative analysis of African Americans’ public responses to the deadly shooting of Michael Brown

Cases of deadly use of police force against young colored men have historically been, and are still common in the American context. The public reactions by the social group of African Americans to such incidents aim to draw attention to how racism and racist stereotypes is affecting policing in the United States. This study examines African Americans’ public responses to the deadly shooting of the