

Din sökning på "*" gav 539129 sökträffar

How Do Key Facilitators in Malmö Perceive and Address Barriers to Labor Integration among Ukrainian refugees?

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, millions of displaced Ukrainians fled to EU Member States. The activation of the TPD allowed Ukrainians to enter the labor market immediately. This thesis addresses the barriers to labor integration faced by Ukrainian refugees with temporary protection in Malmö. Based on previous literature, Ukrainian refugees were expected to face labor integration barri

Fostering Human Security: Analyzing the EU’s Approach to Human Security in Nigeria.

This paper examines the European Union’s strategy for addressing and approaching human security in Nigeria, a nation grappling with diverse challenges spanning governance, peace, migration, and human rights. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the EU navigates the intricate landscape of human security challenges in Nigeria. A qualitative document analysis, including a c

Speaking Youth to Power: Tokenistic or Meaningful Representations? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the ‘European Year of Youth 2022’ and the ‘Year of ASEAN Youth 2022’

This thesis examines how young people are represented in the discourse and policy outputs of the ‘European Year of Youth 2022’ and the ‘Year of ASEAN Youth 2022’ and in what capacity the neoliberal logics of development are reflected in the discursive representations of youth. The analysis presented continuously explores how these initiatives construct and frame youth political participation and,

Adverse events within 1 year after surgical and percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects in preterm children

Introduction: Atrial septal defect is the third most common CHD. A hemodynamically significant atrial septal defect causes volume overload of the right side of the heart. Preterm children may suffer from both pulmonary and cardiac comorbidities, including altered myocardial function. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of adverse events following atrial septal defect closure in preterm-

Coral reef bleaching in the Red Sea: An investigation into the environmental causes of bleaching

This report aims to investigate the links between various environmental factors and coral bleaching in the Red Sea. Corals in the Red Sea have seen less bleaching than in other coral regions. Researchers point to a higher thermal tolerance among coral reefs in this sea. However, bleaching is beginning to occur here with increasing frequency as oceans warm and acidify. Taking monthly data of sea s

Nyhetsmedias betydelse för demokratin - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av fördelningen av åsikter i SVT Nyheters rapportering om NATO

This paper aims to investigate the understanding of the dynamics of media influence on public perception and political discourse, particularly in the context of contentious issues such as NATO membership. The study specifically examines “SVT Nyheter,” a Swedish public-service news channel, aiming to investigate whether its reporting has been diverse and democratic. To investigate this, a quantitat

Från drabbad till dysfunktionell? En postkolonial kritisk diskursanalys av Sveriges biståndsreform

Development aid has been criticized for maintaining an unequal power relationship between donors and recipients and has therefore been compared to a form of colonialism. Post-colonial critics of development work argue that it reproduces colonial discourses, in which aid recipients are portrayed as subordinate to Western donors. This unequal power relationship also manifests itself materially, for

Geopolitiken på frammarsch i Höga Nord? En fallstudie om regionalt säkerhetskomplex och säkerhetsstrategier i Arktis

This thesis uses process-tracing to explore the interaction between the Regional Security Complex (RSC) in the Arctic as a case study and the security strategies of both Arctic and non-Arctic states. By employing Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT), the study provides a comprehensive analysis of how geopolitical changes and environmental factors influence state behavior and security policies i

Nära mumsar ingen banan: En jämförande fallstudie av demokratiseringsprocesser i Centralamerikas bananrepubliker

How do countries become democratic? By employing process tracing this comparative case study strives to test the sufficiency of Jean Grugel’s alternative theoretical framework for explaining democratic transition and consolidation. The framework explains democratization as the result of interacting mechanisms within three different dimensions of society; the state, the civil society and the global

Beyond Bloodshed Investigating Justice in Rape-Revenge Films

Victims of sexual violence face trauma and systemic hurdles in seeking rectification after the crime, leaving viable justice formations complex and scattered. Adressing the issue of sexual violence, the rape-revenge filmgenre provides a platform for justice and feminist discourse to flourish. Focusing on the the rape-revenge films Promising Young Woman, M.F.A., and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,

Constructing and Deconstructing Nature - On the meaning of "nature" in the Eu and India's climate pledges, through a postcolonial lens

Using a discourse theory and postcolonial approach, this thesis examines how nature is constructed in the EU and India’s Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement. Looking at how nature, a fundamental concept in global environmental politics, is articulated, this thesis adds to our understanding of climate politics in the context of colonialism and the North-South divide. Deconstr

Woman 1, Climate Disaster 0: An analysis of female representations in three contemporary climate fiction films

This thesis takes on the task of analyzing the three contemporary Hollywood films Mad Max: Fury Road, Bird Box and Don’t Look Up in order to explore the existing portrayals of women within the films. The films all belong to the genre of climate fiction, commonly known as “cli-fi”. Using a theoretical framework based on two of ecofeminism’s most influential branches - socialist ecofeminism and cult

Barnets bästa fängelsecell - En kvalitativ komparativ studie om frihetsberövande av barn i Sverige

The aim of this study is to investigate the short term change regarding deprivation of liberty of children in Sweden. There has been media coverage on the subject since adolescents are committing grave crimes in Sweden and the politicians want to change how the children are deprived of their liberty. The study compares legislation from 2023, 2024 and a proposed legislation that could take effect i

Förebygga självskadebeteende och suicidförsök hos barn och ungdomar – effekter av riktade interventioner. : En systematisk översikt och utvärdering av medicinska, hälsoekonomiska och etiska aspekter

HuvudbudskapDialektisk beteendeterapi för ungdomar (DBT-A) förebygger återfall i självskadebeteende. Internetförmedlad känsloregleringsterapi (IERITA) kan förebygga nya episoder av icke-suicidalt självskadebeteende.SlutsatserEfter att ha granskat den vetenskapliga litteraturen har SBU dragit följande slutsatser:DBT-A minskar antalet ungdomar med självskadebeteende som får ett återfall. Behandlinge

Bleeding phenotype according to factor level in 825 children with nonsevere hemophilia : data from the PedNet cohort

Background: Information on bleeding phenotype in nonsevere hemophilia may be used to determine target factor levels for prophylaxis or gene therapy in severe hemophilia. Objectives: To assess the association between endogenous factor level and bleeding phenotype in children with nonsevere (factor [F]VIII/FIX activity 1%-25%) hemophilia A (HA) and B without prophylaxis. Methods: Data on annualized

Constructing an illegitimate opponent - A post-political, critical, discourse analysis regarding environmental activism in Sweden

This thesis seeks to investigate the contemporary discourse on environmental activism in Sweden on a political elite level. This is done by analyzing statements by politicians behind “Tidöavtalet” using a method of Critical Discourse Analysis combined with a theoretical departure in Post-Politics. The findings point towards a discourse where environmental activists are depoliticized and constructe

Folkviljans allvetare: teknopopulismens framväxt ur ett historiskt perspektiv

It is sometimes said that modern politics has lost track of ideology and vision - that personal charisma and expertise is rewarded more than firm beliefs and connections with an organised movement. In their book Technopopulism: the New Logic of Democratic Politics, Christopher J. Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti go beyond such suspicions. Their main argument is that the organisational politi

“Hade de globala utsläppen minskat om jag står ute och ropar på gatan?” - En intervjuundersökning om högutbildade ungas uppfattningar och känslor kring politiskt engagemang

Political participation is in global decline and especially young citizens are called out for their low levels of participation. Simultaneously new political trends are emerging among today’s youths, one of them being engagement via social media. To further understand these developments, this thesis investigates high-educated youths’ perceptions of and feelings toward political engagement, includi

Climbing the Oak of Freedom: An analysis of Wendy Brown’s understanding of freedom

Furthered as one of the core values behind neoliberal ideas, freedom becomes a contested site in contemporary critiques of neoliberalism. As one of the leading scholars on–and critics of–neoliberalism, Wendy Brown argues that neoliberal rationality undermines the prospect of democracy, as well as freedom. By using a contextualizing and reconstructive method, this study analyzes multiple works of B