Att tro att man tror på en religion utan religion : om Jacques Derridas och Gianni Vattimos postmoderna bekännelser
Artikeln diskuterar de religionsbegrepp som framträder hos filosoferna Jacques Derrida och Gianni Vattimo.
Artikeln diskuterar de religionsbegrepp som framträder hos filosoferna Jacques Derrida och Gianni Vattimo.
Measurements of nuclear properties of some neutron-rich asymmetric fission isotopes at an ISOL laboratory present a severe problem when a plasma ion source is used as the primary ion-source. The problem is associated with intense multi-charged symmetric fission contaminants that cannot be mass-separated from asymmetric fission products. In this work we demonstrate how this problem can be overcome
Reconstitution studies of a protein from domain fragments can furnish important insights into the distinctive role of particular domain interactions and how they affect biophysical properties important for function. Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and a number of spectroscopic and chromatographic tools, including CD, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy, size-exclusion chromatography and
Popular Abstract in Swedish Djupa infektioner i brösthålan (mediastinit) efter hjärtkirurgi är en allvarlig komplikation som kan ha dödlig utgång. Komplikationen är relativt ovanlig (1-3 % av hjärtopererade patienter), men de som drabbas av denna allvarliga infektion har en hög dödlighet (cirka 10-30 %). Det finns för närvarande inte någon enskild standardterapi för denna komplikation utan iställeThe aim of this research was to clinically and experimentally evaluate the use of vacuum-assisted closure in poststernotomy mediastinitis after cardiac surgery. Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) is a new wound-healing therapy based on the application of a local negative pressure to the wound. New techniques for treating poststernotomy mediastinitis are needed since conventional techniques have an unsa
A new type of liposomal liver-specific contrast medium was studied in an experimental tumour model. Rabbits were inoculated with VX2-carcinoma directly in the liver of laparotomy. CT studies were carried out 14 days after inoculation. The liver-specific contrast medium consisted of a suspension of liposomes in a 100 mg I/ml iodixanol solution, with equal amounts of encapsulated and nonencapsulated
Om socionomtitelns ursprung och etablering.
The spectrum of Eta Carinae and its ejecta shows slow variations over a period of 5.5 years. However, the spectrum changes drastically on a time scale of days once every period called the "spectral event". We report on variations in the narrow emission line spectrum of gas condensations (the Weigelt blobs) close to the central star during a spectral event. The rapid changes in the stellar radiatio
Two particle correlations between identified meson and baryon trigger particles with 2.5
INTRODUCTION: General practitioners are often interested in doing research but are hampered by lack of time and research training. Interpreting the results of others can also be difficult. For this reason a course in basic research methods for GPs was started in Sweden in 1989. It was originally aimed at GPs but was later extended to hospital physicians as well. The course is given regionally and
It is currently unclear how often genes that are mutated to cause rare, early-onset monogenic forms of disease also harbor common variants that contribute to the more typical polygenic form of each disease. The gene for MODY3 diabetes, HNF1 alpha, lies in a region that has shown linkage to late-onset type 2 diabetes (12q24, NIDDM2), and previous association studies have suggested a weak trend towa
Set yoghurts produced with seven different exopolysaccharide-producing starter cultures were subjected to sensory texture profiling including texture evaluation before and after a stirring procedure carried out by trained assessors. The microstructure of four selected yoghurts was investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy with special focus on the distribution of exopolysaccharides (EPS)
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare four measurement methods. Digital planimetry was compared with mechanical planimetry, placing the film over graph paper and counting the squares (grid tracing), and multiplying the two maximal perpendicular diameters of the ulcer (diameter product). METHOD: Twenty patients with 50 chronic leg ulcers of various aetiology and sizes (20 ulcers were < or
A link between unsaturated fatty acids or phytonutrients and reduced risk of colorectal cancer has been suggested. However, the effects of higher intake of dietary sources of these nutrients, such as the nuts and seeds food group, are less clear. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of nut and seed intake on colorectal cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation i
Abstract is not available
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen undersöker de kontexter inom vilken Malmö Stadsteaters ungdomsgrupp Unga Teatern existerade, bl a kulturpolitik, skol- och läroplansutveckling och reception. Den övergripande frågeställningen är huruvida det under vissa perioder funnits en genomgripande estetik. Nio uppsättningar analyseras med avseende på pjästext, iscensättning, arbetsprocess och receptioThis dissertation investigates whether Unga Teatern, a theatre group for children and youth at Malmö City Theatre, had an aesthetic profile of its own. It focuses on three sections: the theme of fairy tales and myths under the artistic direction of Ronnie Hallgren (19977-83), his staging of English plays (1982 -84) and the avantgarde production for children and youth under the direction of Karin P
Objective. To study the distensibility and the diameter of the abdominal aorta and the common carotid artery (CCA) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and investigate the relation between mechanical properties of these arteries and disease severity. Methods. One hundred and one patients with RA (33 consecutive cases with extra-articular manifestations, and 68 subjects with non-extra-artic
Modern treatment decision making in medicine is recommended to be evidence based. In order to have a high grade of evidence, the studies should have sufficient power, be randomized and double blinded. Moreover, the evaluation parameters should be solid and reproducible. While there is a lot focus on primary study design much less is focused on patient eligibility and to what extent the patients in
Allochthonous substances, i.e. produced in terrestrial ecosystems, are known to fuel bacterial production in humic lakes. I observed that allochthonous carbon subsidizes bacteria even at high levels of phytoplankton biomass. In line with that, my results also show that dissolved organic carbon is largely constituted of terrestrial substances irrespective of lake characteristics. Since bacteria co