

Din sökning på "*" gav 532949 sökträffar

Arbetet i det dolda

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om kvinnors känslomässiga och obetalda arbete påverkar deras hälsa. Tidigare forskning har visat att kvinnor tenderar att må sämre när de utför mer obetalt och känslomässigt arbete. Därför valde vi att undersöka fördelningen av dessa arbeten mellan kvinnor och män, och fokusera på hur det påverkar kvinnors psykiska hälsa. Resultatet visade en statis

Purchasing and digitalization in an era of turbulence

Abstract Title: Purchasing and digitalization in an era of turbulence Authors: Emil Sarajlic & Vishal Natesan Supervisor: Wilbert Baerwaldt, Director Sourcing and Value Chain at Duni AB Louise Bildsten, Department of Industrial Management & Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Examiner: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management & Logistics, Faculty of Engineeri

Min plats i samhället: Individers upplevelser och tolkningar av sin drogrelaterade situation och dess implikationer

The aim of this study was to examine how former substance addicts relate to and interpret the concept of drug users from society, both as an individual and as part of a group. The study emanates from a constructivist approach and theories about identity, stigma, and labeling have been used to analyze the empirical material. The study has been carried out with a qualitative approach and semi-struc

Vertical III-V Nanowires For In-Memory Computing

In recent times, deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated great potential in various machine learning applications,such as image classification and object detection for autonomous driving. However, increasing the accuracy of DNNsrequires scaled, faster, and more energy-efficient hardware, which is limited by the von Neumann architecture whereseparate memory and computing units lead to a bottl

Digital corporate communication and hostile hijacking of organizational crises

Social media and digital communication not only provide ways for organisations to engage stakeholders in new and more dialogic ways but have also opened a historically unprecedented Pandora’s box of disinformation techniques. Conventional crisis communication is well prepared to engage critical stakeholders, but its routines are ill-adapted to exploitative actors who employ deceptive or malicious

Infective popliteal artery aneurysm by Streptococcus equi : An unusual pathogen

We report the case of a 63-year-old man who presented with a 2-week complaint of lower extremity pain, swelling, and low-grade fever after an episode of septic arthritis in the ipsilateral knee. The investigation showed a rapidly expanding popliteal artery aneurysm (PAA). The rare clinical entity of an infective PAA was suspected and was confirmed by the cultures obtained at the right femoropoplit

Hunting Hotspots - A framework to assess the effectiveness of using environmentally extended input-output models as a method to identify CO2-eq hotspots in the upstream supply chain of a company

Industry’s indirect upstream greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contribute significantly to climate change. To identify and reduce them, some companies conduct a hotspot analysis using an environmentally extended input-output (EEIO) model (often utilizing EXIOBASE database). Despite the widespread use of EEIO models to identify hotspots in industry, their effectiveness in estimating GHG emissions has

(Em)powering community energy on Gotland : An exploration of energy justice through a case study of "an island in an island"

The energy transition raises concerns about local communities' marginalisation in decision-making and ownership models, leading to justice debates. Community energy (CE) gains attention as a pathway towards energy justice (EJ). Drawing on qualitative data collected on Gotland, we examine how the Austerland CE project delivers EJ. Our findings indicate that despite gender equality among members

Renovering av kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse med hänsyn till energieffektivisering

Byggnadernas energianvändning utgör cirka 40% av den totala energianvändningen i Sverige. Byggbranschen står inför en stor utmaning att få ner denna energianvändning och klimatpåverkan. Detta blir inte enklare med stora befolkningsökning och stegrade markpriser i centralt läge som medför ytterligare krav på effektiv platsutnyttjande. För att kunna implementera en hållbar stadsutveckling bör både nThe aim of this study was to provide proposals for renovation measures and investigate to what extent preservation of cultural values can be combined with energy efficiency in an urban transformation projects. The goal was also to develop a strategy for the renovation of k-marked buildings using literature study, case study and parameter study. The case study was based on a 1910s industrial buildi

Hur återbruk av betongelement kan främjas inom byggbranschen

Byggbranschen är en av de mest klimattunga branscherna och står för cirka en femtedel av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. För att möta samtidens klimatkris krävs det att byggbranschens utsläpp minskar. En av de faktorer som orsakar mest utsläpp inom byggbranschen är framställningen och användandet av nyproducerad betong. Trots betongens stora inverkan på klimatet fortsätter byggbranschen aThe study focuses on the organizational work of reuse of concrete elements. Reusing concrete elements in new buildings could be one of the solutions of how the construction sector becomes more environmentally friendly. Throughout this study factors like political decisions, governmental instruments, laws and regulations as well as cooperation between organizations within the construction sector ar

The Emotional Side of Strategic Communication: A Narrative Analysis of Brand Activist Campaigns and the Young Public's Emotional Response

This thesis analyzes how the young public feels about communication efforts that seek to emotionally appeal to them, by investigating the example of brand activist campaigns. By applying narrative theory, the study examines how these campaigns are structured to evoke emotions and how the young public emotionally responds to them. This way, the thesis has a holistic approach to the emotional side o

Method development of flow cytometry analysis of yeast and lactic acid bacteria viability for alcohol fermentation

The usage of yeast in conventional brewing techniques involving alcoholic fermentation is an age-old process. Analyzing the viability and obtaining physiological information regarding the microbial diversity of the fermentation samples plays a pivotal role in obtaining real-time information as well as developing a more efficient process design. While traditionally, methods like methylene blue cell

Snowmelt estimated from energy budget studies

The snowmelt at a point is estimated through a simplified energy budget. From the energy equation a degree-day method is derived. The rate of snowmelt isfound as a constant multiplied by the temperature excess over an equilibrium temperature which depends on solar radiation.The snowmelt events in Kiruna (3 years) and LuleH (4 years) are analysed utilizing energy balance computations and the degree

ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade for HL-LHC: Silicon microstrip detector metrology

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) by the end of this decade, with five times larger luminosity and 200 inelastic collisions per proton-proton bunch crossing. Thus, the ATLAS detector is challenged to survive the stronger radiation and the increased particle flux. As a result, the new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) will replace the current one with a ne

“Det handlar om att göra det bästa för barnet” - En intervjustudie om rektorers skildringar av skolans brottsförebyggande arbete i samverkan med polis och socialtjänst

Skolan har en universell brottsförebyggande funktion genom förmedlandet av kunskap och respekt för demokratiska värderingar, som formar eleverna till ansvarskännande medborgare. Elever som går i skolan är enligt forskning mindre benägna att begå brott. Därför har skolan tillsammans med polis och socialtjänst i uppdrag att få elever att delta i utbildning och förhindra dem från att utveckla krimine

Improved Methods for Assessing Logistics Carbon Footprint

Title: Improved Methods for Assessing Logistics Carbon Footprint Supervisors: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Lund University and Magnus Gille, Senior solution Architect, Scania CV AB Problem definition: Sustainability and carbon footprint assessment have gained importance, driven by customer demand and supply chain transparency. However, the involvement of multip

Purchasing and Digitalization in an era of Turbulence

Background: This research delves into the uncertainties and challenges encountered in global supply chain operations, exacerbated by unpredictable events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2021 Suez Canal obstruction. These disruptions can lead to stock-outs, poor capacity utilization, and the need for expensive buffers. The study centers on Duni, an international company present in over 20 cou