

Din sökning på "*" gav 530014 sökträffar

Coordination of Phosphine-Thioether Ligands to Low-valent Metal Centers

The reactivity of the phosphine-thioether ligands bis(2-diphenylphosphino) ethylthio)ethane (PSSP), bis(2-(diphenylphosphino) ethyl)sulfane (PSP), PPh2CH2CH2SMe (PS), PPh2(o-C6H4SMe (PortoS), and PPh(o-C6H4SMe)2 (PSS) towards low-valent carbonyl clusters has been studied. In all structurally characterized clusters, the ligand donor atoms are terminally coordinated. The phosphine-thioether ligands

What is explanatory asymmetry?

The overall aim of this paper is to examine the claim that explanation is asymmetrical because causation is asymmetrical. The link between causal and explanatory asymmetry is focussed on. It is argued that many theories of causation account for causal asymmetry in a way that stops a causal model from contributing to our understanding of explanatory asymmetry. What appears to be generally advantage

Optimal Robot Control using Modelica and Optimica

In this paper, Modelica along with Optimica has been used to formulate and solve a minimum time optimization problem. The problem concerns traversing a given path with a robot in as short time possible under input constraints. Different problem reformulations are discussed that increase the chance of finding optimal solutions. This paper also discusses the use of these optimal solutions for contro

A new finite element formulation of shock-induced hull cavitation

A new formulation for non-linear, elastic wave propagation, based on the pressure and density, is introduced. The formulation accounts for a non-linear relation between speed of sound and density. The pressure and density are interpolated by identical shape functions between the nodes. The equation of state is introduced in the discretized system, hence the non-linearity is enforced point-wise. Th

Fire Dynamics in Multi-Room Compartment Fires

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns flera avancerade datormodeller att tillgå för att analysera och utvärdera brandsäkerheten i byggnader i samband med nyproduktion och ombyggnad. Denna typ av datormodeller kan, i många fall, göra bra förutsägelser av faktorer som är betydelsefulla för brandsäkerheten och därför är de viktiga verktyg vid brandtekniska analyser. Datormodellerna är dock komplexa oFire dynamics in multi-room compartments are explored in this thesis and new methods to study conditions in rooms adjacent to the room of fire origin are presented. Simple and transparent engineering methods can create good possibilities for understanding different complex phenomena present in fire science. Such methods can also be used in the design process in order to perform rough estimates bef