

Din sökning på "*" gav 534286 sökträffar

Simultaton of steering cradle production. A case study at Ruukki Hässleholm AB

To construct a simulation model of Ruukki's future production. The model will the n be analysed in several aspects which will result in a proposal for how Ruukki is to keep a service level of 99.8%. This thesis is a case study with a quantitative approach which includes interviews and data collection (designed as a statistical survey) as main components. Our thesis has an empirical orientation

On the Way to Developing the Triple Helix Indicator. Contribution from Quantitative Empirical Studies

In this paper, review and appraisal of twelve quantitative empirical studies in the stream of the Triple Helix model is performed in order to synthetize current knowledge on development of the quantitative Triple Helix indicator as well as to suggest some hypotheses and recommendations for the further research. Studies under consideration represent six approaches towards measuring Triple Helix rel

Nyckelfaktorer för Enterprise Architecture

We investigated what factors are important for Enterprise Architecture. We include factors that have an effect on the outcome of the Enterprise Architecture, the results of Enterprise Architecture, factors concerning the role of the architect and organizational factors. We conducted a review of litterature, interviewed experts and used a ranking tool to rate the importance of these factors. We fou

Driving the experience business A case study of COLLEXIUM exclusive driver's club in FL, USA

The economie models of business are eonstantly developing and today il seems as if parts of the service industry are evolving inta a so called experienee economy. Collexium exclusive driver' s club has the intention of delivering experienees to a segment of automobil e enthusiasts in South Florida. As the company started out as late as December 2006, there are parts of the original strategy th

Short-term Abnormal Return in Hostile Takeovers

Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse if there are any significant differences in target shareholder return between friendly and hostile takeover bids on the Scandinavian market. We also intend to investigate the differences between hostile and friendly bid characteristics, and determine to what extent these differences can be explained by; firm relatedness, method of payment, tim

Från Produkt till Lösning - Industrisektorns Metarmorfos

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur företag inom den industriella sektorn organiserar sig för övergången från att sälja individuella produkter till att sälja integrerade lösningar. Detta exemplifieras genom bl.a. Windahl och Lakemond (2006) liksom Davies et al. (2007) som anser att det finns begränsat med forskning angående utmaningarna som är förknippande med att produkter och tj

The meaning of innovation capital

A larger study surrounding innovation capital has taken place at Lund University in Sweden. The purpose of the study was to examine what meaning the management, research department and the financial analysts perceive in the reported information about innovation capital. The authors have found some prominent patterns that arose during the interviews. The different perspectives between the research

Spelglädje, mervärden och varumärken

Uppsatsens syfte var att genom att dra lärdom av sällskapsspelsbranschens unika förutsättningar hoppas på att kunna fördjupa den existerande kunskapen om brand equity med särskild hänsyn till marknader som uppvisar liknande karaktäristik. Den metod som användes var av kvalitativ karaktär. Utöver detta användes kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer som insamlingsmetod av empiri och den hermeneutiska pro

Att handla mot sin vilja - Hur kommer det sig att vi fattar köpbeslut som går emot våra egentliga värderingar och vilka är de bakomliggande faktorerna till detta?

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar konsumenten när hon ska fatta ett köpbeslut. I denna studie riktar vi fokus på köpbeslut där individer ställs inför svåra val vad gäller sin konsumtion, vilket innefattar beslut där de kan behöva gå emot en värdering eller princip. Metod: Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod i denna uppsats för att kunna gå

ERP customization as a response to voluntarily and non-voluntarily acquired organizational structures

Enterprise resource planning systems constitute a big part of the reality for the information system workers and companies who aim to integrate their business processes. For this goal to be achieved, a fit needs to be reached between the ERP and an organization’s structure and processes. One possible choice to achieve this fit is by customizing the ERP system. These organizational structures to wh

Manlighet Under Hot: Kommer män att ändra beteende under maskulinitetshot?

Tidigare forskning har visat att när mäns manlighet ifrågasätts genom ett så kallat maskulinitetshot, så kommer de tillfälligt att bete sig mer stereotypt manligt (Vandello, Bosson, Cohen, Burnaford & Weaver, 2008). Detta för att försöka visa inför andra män att de tillhör ingruppen män. I denna studie undersökte vi om maskulinitetshot kommer att få män att bli mer risktagande och mer intresse

Karen Blixen och Den afrikanske farm i ett genre- och postkolonialt perspektiv.

Det har skrivits mycket om Karen Blixen genom åren, både av danska, svenska och engelsktalande författare. Hennes liv och författarskap har fascinerat många, så även mig. I min uppsats kommer jag att ta fasta på några frågeställningar med anknytning till Den afrikanske farm. Ett syfte är att belysa genreproblematiken, och svårigheten att sätta in Den afrikanske farm i något av de vedertagna genre

Dagens bookfit : om konstruktionen av författarjag i bloggar

Social media has taken a prominent position in our society and is constantly debated in media; warnings are mixed with promises of big opportunities. Young people writing about fashion and every day life make big money, politicians seek online for voters and big companies have found a new way to interact with their customers. Publishing houses and writers are forced to find their place in this new

"The trustworthy Friend" - A study of the relation between organisational communication and member identification at a Swedish media organisation

In order to increase trustworthiness and obtain societal legitimacy, media organisations want their members to become ambassadors. But becoming an ambassador requires identification. Often management tries to foster identification by implementing organisational values without including members in the process of constructing such values. In the present study we explore member identification in rela

Valuation and the differences between strategic and financial buyers

For any acquisition to take place the assets to be sold must be valued. Some argue that an asset is worth whatever an acquirer is willing to pay for it at any given time. We believe that there is an underlying value (intrinsic value) that depends on the expected future cash flows of the asset and the risk associated with these cash flows. There exist several methods for estimating this value. Trad

Supply Chain Analysis at Swedish Match, South Africa - Complemented with an ISO 9000 evaluation

Swedish Match is a global Group of companies with a broad assortment of market-leading brands in smokeless tobacco products, cigars, pipe tobacco and lights products. The South African organization comprises of three individual companies that were acquired between 1999 and 2001. This thesis was focused on two of these three companies, Leonard Dingler and Best Blend with pipe tobacco as the most im

Informationsläckor och organisationer

Informationsläckage har blivit ett allt större problem sedan näringslivet blivit allt mer konkurrenskraftigt. Fenomenet informationsläckage är ett diffust och komplext ämne eftersom det kan ske på många olika sätt vilket gör det svårt för organisationer att skydda sig emot det. Denna undersökning innefattar studier på myndigheterna Lunds Kommun och Försvarsmakten, där vi undersöker vilka handlings

Analysis of a growing industry - Identifying changing conditions and emerging segments in the kitesurfing market A case study at North Kiteboarding, Boards & More, Munich

The purpose of this Master thesis is to see if the kitesurfing market has changed by evaluating whether or not the kitesurfing market is a homogenous market or if it is diverging into different segments with diverse preferences. Furthermore the purpose was to look at how a North kiteboarding best can work on the kitesurfing market. Hence parts of the purpose were to understand market conditions, c