

Din sökning på "*" gav 535587 sökträffar

Real-time detection of traffic anomalies in wireless mesh networks

Anomaly detection is emerging as a necessary component as wireless networks gain popularity. Anomaly detection has been addressed broadly in wired networks and powerful methods have been developed for correct detection of a variety of known attacks and other anomalies. In this paper, we propose a real-time anomaly detection and identification scheme for wireless mesh networks (WMN) using component

Molecular and cellular effects of oncogene cooperation in a genetically accurate AML mouse model.

Biallelic CEBPA mutations and FLT3 length mutations are frequently identified in human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with normal cytogenetics. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of oncogene cooperation remain unclear due to a lack of disease models. We have generated an AML mouse model using knockin mouse strains to study cooperation of internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation in the

Extensive Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of Normally and Superdeformed Structures in 61Cu

A largely extended experimental knowledge of the Cu-61(29)32 nucleus has been obtained from three experiments. Excited states in Cu-61 were produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(Ar-36, 3p)Cu-61. In addition to the Ge array GAMMASPHERE, neutron and charged-particle detectors placed around the target position were used for high-performance particle spectroscopy. The constructed level sc

Photoemission evidence for crossover from Peierls-like to Mott-like transition in highly strained VO2

We present a spectroscopic study that reveals that the metal-insulator transition of strained VO2 thin films may be driven towards a purely electronic transition, which does not rely on the Peierls dimerization, by the application of mechanical strain. Comparison with a moderately strained system, which does involve the lattice, demonstrates the crossover from Peierls- to Mott-like transitions.

Tit for tat? A mycorrhizal fungus accumulates phosphorus under low plant carbon availability.

The exchange of carbohydrates and mineral nutrients in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis must be controlled by both partners in order to sustain an evolutionarily stable mutualism. Plants down-regulate their carbon flow to the fungus when nutrient levels are sufficient, while the mechanism controlling fungal nutrient transfer is unknown. Here we show that the fungus accumulates nutrients when c

Comparison of Hybrid Control Techniques for Buck and Boost DC-DC Converters

Five recent techniques from hybrid and optimal control are evaluated on two power electronics benchmark problems. The benchmarks involve a number of practically interesting operating scenarios for fixed-frequency synchronous dc-dc converters. The specifications are defined such that good performance can only be obtained if the switched and nonlinear nature of the problem is accounted for during th

The role of manufacturers in food innovations in Sweden

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how food manufacturers in Sweden define and view innovations, how they view their role and those of other actors and the interaction/collaboration regarding innovations in the food supply/value chain. Design/methodology/approach – After an exploratory pre-study with 12 participants, a full study of Swedish manufacturers comprised of represent

Disgust Predicts Non-consequentialistic Moral Attitudes

237 Japanese university-students read nine moral stories based on three moral aspects (absolute rules, absolute loyalty and retributive punishment) and rated which of two endings (one typically consequentialistic and one typically non-consequentialistic) they believed to be morally preferable. Participants also rated themselves on several personality-variables. Disgust-sensitivity, but not cogniti

Strategies and Policies for the Bioeconomy and Bio-based Economy: An Analysis of Official National Approaches

The onset of formulating strategies and policies regarding the bioeconomy can be, at least partly, attributed to the publication of the bioeconomy policy agenda by the OECD in 2009. The aim of this study is to analyse selected national strategies and policies regarding the development of a bioeconomy and to clarify similarities and differences between them. The article presents a comparative overv

Nya och förväntade öronvivelarter (Coleoptera: Otiorhynchini) på prydnadsbuskar i Sverige

During the last couple of years leaf-edge-cuts, typical of Otiorhynchus, a genus of wingless weevils, have been discovered on ornamental shrubs, especially on lilac (Syringa vulgaris) and privet (Ligustrum vulgare). An inventory was made in gardens in west Scania 2009. The results show that we in Sweden have a new species of wingless-weevil, Dodecastichus inflatus (former known as Otiorhynchus inf

Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis Based on Photoplethysmography

The goal of this paper is to determine whether the photoplethysmography (PPG) can replace the ECG-based detection of heart rate turbulence. Using the PPG, classification of ventricular premature beats (VPBs) is accomplished with a linear classifier. The two conventional parameters turbulence onset and slope are studied together with a recently introduced parameter characterizing turbulence shape.

Phylogeny of Major Intrinsic Proteins

Major intrinsic proteins (MIPs) form a large superfamily of proteins that can be divided into different subfamilies and groups according to phylogenetic analyses. Plants encode more MIPs than other organisms and seven subfamilies have been defined, whereof the Nodulin26-like major intrinsic proteins (NIPs) have been shown to permeate metalloids. In this chapter we review the phylogeny of MIPs in g

Nya fynd i Sverige av daggflugan Cacoxenus indagator Loew (Diptera, Drosophilidae), en kleptoparasit hos murarbin (Osmia spp.) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae).

New records of the vinegar fly Cacoxenus indagator Loew, 1858 are reported from Sweden. The species was collected from two sites in Lund, Scania in 2014. The fly is known as a cleptoparasite of mason bees, Osmia spp., Megachilidae. The female Cacoxenus patrols around the nests of the bees, and lays eggs inside the broodcell, when the bee leaves for provisioning.

Sustainability exploration and sustainability exploitation: from a literature review towards a conceptual framework

Theoretical and empirical research often points to a positive relation between corporate sustainability and organisational performance; however, attempts to conceptualise the multi-dimensional nature of sustainability practices are rare in the current literature. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework to aid in understanding and explaining the relationship between sus

"Tusen år som en dag": en utläggning av Ps 90

Artikeln innehåller ett försök till ordagrann översättning av psalmen samt en kommentar som är inriktad på att få fram tankesammanhanget i psalmen. En religionshistorisk parallell från Bhagavadgita har också tagits med.

Stereoisomeric separation of derivatised 2-alkanols using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry: sex pheromone precursors found in pine sawfly species

Abstract in UndeterminedStereoisomers of long-chain secondary alcohols are used as sex pheromone precursors among pine sawflies and some species can be severe pine forest pests. To use their pheromone in environmentally friendly pest management, methods are needed that can determine the stereochemistry of the precursor alcohols. Combinations of 11 acid chloride derivatives and 10 GC columns were e