

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

The magic of blind box:how do consumers experience repeated blind box consumption, from practice theory

This thesis mainly uses practice theory to expand the current understanding of blind box consumption. Blind box consumption is currently being enthusiastically sought after in China, featuring repeated blind box consumption. To explore how consumers experience repeated blind box consumption and how blind box in turn affects consumers, we apply focus interview, semi-structured interview and netnogr

Särskilda boenden i offentlig och enskild regi - en studie om hur driftsform påverkar kvalitet

With the anticipation of creating higher efficiency and quality improvements, market mechanisms have been implemented in various public sectors in Sweden. Since the 1990s, outsourcing has been used in elderly care, and the proportion of private provision of special housing has increased. Regardless of ownership, the public authorities are responsible for ensuring the quality of these homes. When e

Frihet och förtroende vid distansarbete

Distansarbete har blivit ett faktum till följd av coronapandemin då Folkhälsomyndigheten (2021) rekommenderar att personer som har möjlighet ska arbeta hemifrån. Det har i sin tur bidragit till förändrade arbetsmetoder och arbetsförhållande både på gott och ont. Studiens syfte är att skapa en nyanserad förståelse för upplevelserna med att arbeta på distans och att leda på distans. Genom en kvalita

Revising the link between neighbourhoods and education: The case of well performing middle schools in Malmö

How do neighbourhoods affect life chances? This is a question that researchers have asked in different forms as early as the 50’s –and there is no shortage of papers exploring neighbourhood effects: how where we live affects our well-being or our participation in the labour market, our life expectancy or, in general, our life outcomes. Yet, there is less consensus than one would expect from a fiel

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar For Track Condition Monitoring. Case Study on Malmbanan

Järnvägsnätet i Sverige är över 15000 km långt. Järnvägsnätverket har en viktig roll i transporten av personer och gods i landet. Det är viktigt att övervaka och underhålla detta stora nätverk för att säkerställa god funktion och säkerhet. De senaste årtionden har utvecklingen av interferometriska syntetiska aperturradar (InSAR) och tidsserie tekniker lett till att forskare, geotekniker och ingenjThere is over 15,000 km of track in the Swedish railroad network. This network is vital for the transport of people and goods across the country. It is important that this network is monitored and maintained to ensure good function and safety. In recent decades the development of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Time Series techniques has allowed researchers, geotechnicians and

Synen på skogen i Vergilius Georgica

I dagens livliga skogsdebatt möts olika åskådningar och synsätt på skogen. Också under antiken både brukades och skyddades skogar. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka antika perspektiv på skogen, genom att analysera synsätt på skogen i Vergilius Georgica. Det är ett didaktiskt diktverk som beskriver människans bruk av naturen. Relevanta passager togs fram ur källtexterna genom textsökningar. Dessa k

Capitalizing on data driven decision making culture for tourism management: a case study of Tanzania national parks

According to previous study, data-driven decisions can result in fact-based decisions that help a company flourish. National parks, particularly in developing countries, are not properly utilizing data as a decision-making tool, which is essential for enhanced competitiveness. Empirical re-sults show that the park administration makes most of its decisions based on established rules when implement

Det bortglömda lidandet - En diskursanalys av artiklar skrivna om tvångssterilisering av den svenska staten

In 1997 several articles from the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. where released about Swedens history with forced sterilization on disabled citizens. The aim of this essay is to analyze the discourses around disabled people and abled people and see the how the journalists write about sterilized citizens. The method chosen for this essay is discourse analysis with the help of Michel Foucault and

Achieving sustainability at multi-industry businesses through supply chain performance measurements

Research connected to sustainability have increased tremendously during the last decades, partially due to the increased attention of businesses practices in sustainability. A field that has gathered traction with many practitioners is sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and especially performance measurements. This thesis focuses on this field through a literature review of 56 academic art

How does GRI influence the MCS of companies

Seminar date: 2021-06-03 Course: BUSN79 – Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Authors: André Tarring & Ion Cozmac Advisor: Johan Dergård Five key words: The GRI standards, management control systems, sustainability reporting, management control, sustainability performance. Purpose: This study serves one purpose, studying if and how the GRI standards has influenced

Multi Corporate Lunar Settlement

Throughout the last 50 years a great deal of proposals dealing with Lunar habitation have been published, however many of these deal with this problem through a very engineered perspective and ignore many aspects of living a fairly “normal” life within this environment. The project at hand seeks to offer an utmost realistic vision, given current knowledge, into what a lunar settlement built in sup

Methodologies to measure competition

This thesis investigates some of the most common measurements of competition and considers their theoretical robustness as well as empirical applicability. Competition authorities frequently use different competition measures to detect problems in certain industries and to monitor trends in the level of competition, as well in antitrust cases such as mergers and in general to investigate potential

The Aerosol-Chase Project. A continental Lagrangian experiment.

Determining how aerosol particle number size distributions evolve during long range transport and how aerosol sources contribute to the aerosol population is one of the greatest conundrums in aerosol science. Current monitoring of particle size distribution is done in fixed stations that provide limited information about the reasons why size distribution changes with time. In this project, the Lag

Adaptive Frequency Resolution for Downlink Beamforming in 5G NR

Sedan den första generationen av mobila nätverk lanserades i början av 80-talet har en ny generation utvecklats ungefär vart tionde år. Med ett alltmer digitaliserat samhälle har användningen av de mobila nätverken ökat drastiskt. Ökningen ställer nya krav på nätverkens kapacitet där den senaste generationen, 5G NR, är utvecklad för att tillgodose dagens och kommande års behov. Dessa behov innefatAs the demand for higher data rates and lower latencies increase, together with the use of higher frequency bands, MIMO and beamforming have become an essential part of the 5G NR technology. Calculating the beamforming weights is a costly process, and reducing the frequency resolution of the weight calculations would save a significant amount of computational power. Which resolution is suitable to

Delad yta är dubbel yta

Boende baserat på delningsekonomi har blivit ett allt vanligare inslag både internationellt och på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Tidiga former av delningsekonomi på bostadsmarknaden är Couchsurfing och AirBnB som skapat möjligheter för privatpersoner att hyra ut sina boenden när de står tomma. Idag är två mer permanenta exempel co-living och co-housing där hyresgäster utan tidigare relation till vSharing economy in housing is becoming more and more common both internationally and on the Swedish housing market. Examples of sharing economy in housing include co-living and co-housing, where tenants with no previous relationship to each other have their private rooms or apartments but share large common areas. These concepts have likely emerged due to high rental prices in city centres, social

Title: How can graduates from entrepreneurship programs apply different learnings in their subsequent careers? A study comparing startup vs corporate career occupations.

Entrepreneurship education is becoming ever more popular, especially at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), due to entrepreneurship being important to job generation and a source for economic growth and development. Yet, the topic of how learnings from the program are applied in regards to subsequent careers is unexplored as current research mostly highlights what entrepren

Implementation of 3 stage Lobatto IIIC into the Assimulo package

In recent years, the popularity of discontinuous Galerkin methods has increased. As shown in [19], a result exists that states that the Discontinuous Galerkin space approximations (DG) are equivalent to the Lobatto IIIC Runge-Kutta method. This thesis therefore outlines the adaptation of Hairer’s implementation of the Radau IIA Runge-Kutta method to the Lobatto IIIC method, extended with an adapta

Communication during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany: A case study among the Hessian government and Hessian teachers

Within strategic communication crisis communication is a relevant part of public relations in which practitioners developed guidelines for effective crisis communication (Seeger et al., 1998). Furthermore crisis communication is also relevant in political frames and political leaders need to know how to communicate during a crisis situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic is a

Can strategic thinking be taught or is it a matter of cognitive ability and personality -An experimental study

Can strategic thinking be taught? Randomized experiments were organized to estimate the effect of information nudge on strategic decisions. The information nudge consisted of seeing a short text and a picture with an explanation related to game theory. Test subjects played two games: a p-beauty contest game and a variable-sum game. The main finding was surprising; the treatment was related to answ