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The Influence of Tool Tolerances on the Gear Quality of a Gear Manufactured by an Indexable Insert Hob
Sofia Holmgren – Professorsdottern som blev sexualupplysare
Biografisk artikel om Sofia Holmgren (1864-1953), en av Lunds universitets tidiga kvinnliga medicinstuderande, läkare, sexualupplysare och engagerad i kvinnorörelsen.
Studies of penta-decameric binding proteins: AP-4 and CBF-A
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunsystem är uppbyggt runt två typer av celler som har som uppgift att försvaraoss mot infektioner. T lymfocyterna står för det cellmedierade immunförsvaret som är speciellt viktigt för att bekämpa virusinfektioner med B lymfocyterna har som uppgift att producera antikroppar. Antikroppar finns i alla kroppsvätskor och kan interagera med toxiner, virus och bakteriEach immunoglobulin (Ig) V gene segment contains an upstream promoter region. The octamer element and the TATA box are the only elements that are conserved in all Ig promoters. The presence of the octamer element is necessary, but not sufficient to support high levels of transcription. Therefore, the activity of other co-stimulatory elements is required. This investigation has focused on the study
Religionsbruk och offentlighet- en ansats
Abu Dhabi Island: Analysis of Development and Vegetation Change Using Remote Sensing (1972–2000)
Over the past few decades new cities have appeared around the world in undeveloped areas. And although development has expanded significantly and become bolder and more innovative, the above-average scale at which the countries of the Persian Gulf are growing stands one level above the rest. The United Arab Emirates obtained independence in 1971 with a GDP of 6.5 billion Dirhams (US$ 1.6 billion);
Feltänkt. En kritisk granskning av idébakgrunden till svensk utbildningspolitik
“You guys who download stuff illegally, don’t you ever feel guilty?”: Initial analysis of changes in practices and values among Swedish illegal file sharers 2007-2012
The study reports on the practices of illegal file sharing in Sweden during the period 2007-2012. More than 1.000 posts in response to the question “You guys who download stuff illegally, don’t you ever feel guilty?” where analyzed with regard to the respondents’ expressed senses of guilt, whether file sharing was right or wrong, if they buy media, together with dimensions of stakeholders and medi
Closed form solution for threshold velocity for initiation of sediment motion under waves
The present paper presents a rational expression for the initiation of motion for non-cohesive sediment under rough turbulent wave conditions. Previously proposed relationships for the initiation of motion are examined as well as laboratory measurements corresponding to fully rough turbulent boundary layers (which is normally the case under prototype conditions). By combining the modified Shields
Germany speaking? Rap and Kanak Attak: Dominant Discourses on Language
Young people with migration background in Germany are often seen as having or producing problems. In this chapter, I discuss aspects of the German dominant discourse which still constructs this society as culturally and linguistically homogenous. I confront this perspective with language-based expressions by Germans with migration experience in e.g. Rap texts or political manifestos. While it is n
Conceptualising intra-stage sequencing in the learner language
Superpower: Comparing American and Soviet Foreign Policy
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Faster, Better, Cheaper: News on Seeking Gaia’s Astrometric Solution with AGIS
Gaia is ESA’s ambitious space astrometry mission with a foreseen launch date in early 2012. Its main objective is to perform a stellar census of the 1000 Million brightest objects in our galaxy (completeness to V=20 mag) from which an astrometric catalog of micro-arcsec level accuracy will be constructed. A key element in this endeavor is the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution (AGIS) - the math
Using remote sensing to model source/sink dynamics in the Sahel
Smart Skin for tactile prosthetics
This paper provides an overview of a concept for a Smart Skin, for enabling tactile prosthetics that provide for a natural sensation of touch. The solution embeds miniature, ultra-low power, wireless sensors into the silicone coating of the prosthetic. The solution offers advantages in terms of scalability, ability to place the sensors almost anywhere, fault tolerance and potential ease of manufac
Vetenskaplighet - Utvärdering av tre implementeringsprojekt inom IT Bygg & Fastighet 2002
The Effect of Imprecise Expressions in Argumentation-Theory and Experimental Results
We investigate argumentation where an expression is substituted with a less precise expression. We propose that the effect that this deprecization has on the audience be called deprecization effect. When the audience agrees more with the less precise version of the argument, there is a positive deprecization effect. We conducted an experiment where the participants were presented with a court room
Time Domain Cluster PDF and Its Application in Geometry-Based Statistical Channel Models
This paper presents an approach to derivate the Time of Arrival (TOA) power density function (PDF) and its application in geometry-based statistical channel models for urban environments. The cluster PDF derived can be used to simulate temporal dispersion of the multipath signal grouped in clusters in a variety of urban propagation conditions to quantify second order statistics, i.e., delay spread