

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Bygden, bruket och samhället : Om människor och organisationer i brukssamhället Böksholm 1900-1979

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur gick det till när 1900-talets industrialiserade landsbygd omvandlades? Hur påverkades människors vardag av denna utveckling och hur knöts lokala händelser ihop med industrisamhällets omvälvande historia? Dessa frågor diskuteras i denna studie av det småländska brukssamhället Böksholm. I centrum står relationen mellan de dominerande folkrörelserna och ledningen för BThe aim of this dissertation is to study some of the forces behind the transformation of the 20th century industrialised countryside. The emphasis is on changes in everyday life for women and men, and the role of organisations therein. Two main questions are outlined: Which forces were central to the development of the industrial society?, and, how did the relationship between individual and socie

Time-domain Green dyadics for temporally dispersive, simple media

Time-domain fundamental solutions and Green dyadics for temporally dispersive, simple media are introduced. Second forerunner approximations to the electromagnetic fields from an electric point dipole in unbounded dispersive materials are obtained. Numerical results for two frequently used material models are presented. Moreover, surface integral representations of the electromagnetic fields in di

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'Women in Literature': This paper was presented at a Symposium on 'The Image of Woman in Literature' held in Malmö and Lund, March 8-10, 2002. The Symposium was chaired by Henry Diab and Jalil Haidar.

A fair path to the future? - foundations for empirical research

Looking ahead, the quest for environmental sustainability may turn out to be the most important political challenge of the twenty-first century. Though consensus is growing about some of the policy objectives like climate stability, political attitudes to these issues remain highly contested. Political parties seem to differ on both ontological assessments (how severe are the problems) and remedia

A 0.7 - 3.7 GHz Six Phase Receiver Front-End With Third Order Harmonic Rejection

This paper presents a highly linear receiver frontend operating from 700 MHz to 3.7 GHz with 3rd order harmonic rejection. It consists of a complementary low noise transconductance amplifier with capacitive cross coupling and negative gm current sources, a six phase current-mode passive mixer, and baseband transimpedance amplifiers providing programmable gain. The circuit has been fabricated in 65

Power Efficient Redundant Execution for Chip Multiprocessors

This paper describes the design of a power efficient microarchitecture for transient fault detection in chip multiprocessors (CMPs) We introduce a new per-core dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) algorithm for our architecture that significantly reduces power dissipation for redundant execution with a minimal performance overhead. Using cycle accurate simulation combined with a simple fir