

Din sökning på "*" gav 533658 sökträffar

Global disease transmission - What if SARS would have been more lethal?

Global disease transmission is an important area, since knowledge of the time of the onset of an epidemic in a region might help authorities to save many lives. In this thesis I have used a deterministic model with eight parameters, of which two were time dependent, for spreading of the SARS disease. My model is an extension of a model by Colizza and co-workers, where I have added a Heaviside step

Inclusion of Parton Distribution Functions in PYTHIA8

A selection of the latest and most frequently used PDFs is incorporated in Pythia8, including the MC-adapted PDFs from the MSTW and CTEQ collaborations. This thesis examines the differences in PDFs as well as the effect they have on results of simulations. The results are also compared to data collected by the CDF experiment.

Prevention of Servo-Induced Vibrations in Robotics

This thesis describes methods for treating servo-induced vibrations in robotics. The focus lies on portal robots (also called linear robots) that partially consist of hardware manufactured by Bernecker & Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. It is of interest in many industrial applications that there is some kind of vibration treatment in the control strategy. The main reason for this is tha


Chinese orthodox philosophy is often described as communitarian and characterised by the concept of positive freedom, which, defined by Isaiah Berlin's two concepts of liberty, deems it necessity to curb individual freedom for the good of a community. Still, some orthodox Chinese writers also use aspects of negative freedom, insisting on a sphere of individual freedom that no authority can cur

Att skapa innovativa förpackningar – en studie i innovationsorganisatorisk förbättring

Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate what Procordia needs to do to increase the number of packaging ideas which leads to product launches, where the packaging is the unique selling point. Method The study has been conducted through a system approach because of the importance of a holistic view while making the study. The research method has been an abductive method due to the alterna

Nödvärnsexcess - En studie av domstolarnas tillämpning av rekvisitet "svårligen kunde besinna sig"

Den som utsätts för ett brott har med stöd av nödvärnsbestämmelsen i 24 kap 1 § BrB rätt att försvara sig. Självklart måste det finnas gränser för hur mycket våld som i sådana situationer får användas. Därför anges i bestämmelsen att våldet inte får ha varit ”uppenbart oförsvarligt”. Trots att man överskridit rätten till nödvärn kan man enligt svensk rätt gå fri från ansvar. Gärningen ska enligt A person who is being subjected to a crime has, according to Chapter 24 Section 1 Brottsbalken, a right to defend himself. Naturally the right to self-defence must have some kind of limit. Therefore the provision states that the violence used cannot be “clearly indefensible” Even though an offender has exceeded the right to self-defence he or she can still be excused according to Swedish law. Cha

Effect of habitat heterogeneity on marine epibiont

Vilka mangroverötter vill marina djur helst bo på? Stora delar av världens tropiska kuster är bevuxna av mangrove. Här vadar träden i vattnet och skjuter hela tiden ut nya luftrötter för att ta över ytterligare en bit hav. Inte så många skulle få för sig att snorkla på en sådan här plats. Gör man ändå det möts man, åtminstone i Karibien, av en explosion av färger och liv. Alger och mängder av fasEffect of habitat heterogeneity on marine epibiont assemblages associated with mangrove roots In coastal forests of red mangrove, prop roots extend into the seawater and serve as substrate for assemblages of algae and sessile marine organisms. These assemblages exhibit extreme variability on very small special scales – two neighbouring prop roots might be colonized by completely distinct assembla

Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination in Swedish and EU Labour Law

Denna studie undersöker om det finns skydd mot multipel och intersektionell diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden i EU-rätt och i svensk rätt. Studien undersöker också om den svenska rätten överensstämmer med EU-rätten gällande skyddet mot intersektionell och multipel diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden. Multipel och intersektionell diskriminering definieras som två olika rättsliga begrepp med olika rätThis study investigates whether there is protection against multiple and intersectional discrimination in employment in EU law and Swedish law. The study also examines whether the Swedish law is consistent with EU law concerning the protection against intersectional and multiple discrimination in employment. Multiple and intersectional discrimination are defined as two different legal concepts wit

Manganese in seawater as a tracer of urban effluents: analytical methodology and field observations

Abstract Manganese is a redox-sensitive trace element that is essential for humans and other organisms in order to develop and maintain health. Through sewage, manganese enters the oceanic environment from variety of anthropogenic sources, both domestic and industrial, and like every chemical, it can cause toxicity when it exceeds certain concentrations. The main objective of present study was to

No title

This paper presents research on the vocabulary used in textbooks for language courses in Italian for beginners. The goal of the research was to find out if there is any difference in vocabulary between textbooks written for a Swedish target audience on the one hand, and a target audience living in Italy on the other hand, and also what consequences, if any, these differences might have. The

Intern kommunikation - för att verkställa ett avtal inom avfallssektorn

Bakgrund Uppsatsen grundar sig i avfallshantering med fokus på den interna kommunikationen hos kundföretag till avfallsbolaget NSR. Det undersökta området utgår från avfallsbolaget NSR:s kundföretag och hur de arbetar för att verkställa sina avtal och förmedlar dessa till sina anställda. Det är i denna relation som värdet i avfallet skapas och blir en resurs för båda parter. Syfte Att undersöka hu

Avfallstudie - kring effektivt kunddeltagande

Sammanfattning Att på ett bra sätt ta hand om vårt avfall har länge vart ett stort problem i både världen och i Sverige. Vi har i vårt land nått relativt långt i vår process att omvandla vårt avfall till nytt material och nya resurser. I Helsingborgs kommun arbetar villahushållen med hushållsnära sortering vilket betyder att sopornas sorteras direkt i hemmet. Denna strategi har lett till att invån

Accountability for War Crimes - Does a National Investigation Leading to an Amnesty Bar a Prosecution by the International Criminal Court?

This thesis investigates whether national amnesties for war crimes constitute an inadmissibility ground for a case in the International Criminal Court (hereinafter the ICC). The essence of this problem lies in the conflict between State sovereignty and international cooperation in the fight against impunity for war crimes and consequently between bilateral obligations and obligations erga omnes. M

The application of Article 82 EC to tie-in agreements

Abusive behaviour by dominant undertakings is regulated in Article 82 EC. One of the ways to abuse a dominant position is through tying or bundling, and Article 82(d) states that: ''making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such co

Skiljedomar – en rättskälla?

Rättskällornas uppgift är att belysa rättsordningen och att bidra till förutsebarhet och transparens i rättsystemet genom att hjälpa yrkesverksamma jurister att uttolka gällande rätt. En rättskälla kan sammanfattas som det material yrkesverksamma jurister beaktar och hänvisar till i sin rättsliga argumentation. Frågan om huruvida skiljedomar kan utgöra en rättskälla bör därför besvaras utifrån detThe role of legal sources is to inform the interpretation of the law and to contribute to predictability and transparency in the justice system by helping practicing lawyers to interpret current law. A source of law can be summarized as the material that practicing lawyers use and reference in their legal argumentation. The question whether arbitral awards should be recognized as sources of law mu

Making Progress? A study of approaches to culture in development

This thesis merges the two interests of the author in culture and international development by asking the question of how culture, in various definitions, has been approached in the recent discussions on the role of culture in development. A thoroughgoing question is also what role anthropologists play in these debates, whether or not they have an actual influence on matters of “culture” in intern

Olovliga bortföranden och kvarhållanden, hemvist och barnets bästa

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vad som anses vara barnets bästa i en situation där barnet har bortförts till och vistats i ett nytt land under så lång tid att barnet har anpassat sig till förhållandena där. Undersökningen är begränsad till länder som är anslutna till 1980 års Haagkonvention. Ska barnet återföras till ursprungslandet eller stanna kvar i det nya landet? Finns det en tidsmässig gThe purpose of this essay is to examine what is considered to be in the child’s best interest in a situation where the child has been abducted to and stayed in a new country for so long that the child has adapted to the conditions there. The examination is limited to countries that are part of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Will the child be transported back