

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Påverkar könsfördelningen i företagsledningen den finansiella prestationen?

The complex issue of gender equality is a nation-wide, well-discussed topic and issue. Despite Sweden being one of the most equal countries in the world, gender distribution in top management groups of the top listed firms does not quite uphold Sweden's general reputation. As no real determinants, except the physical, can differentiate competence between the two genders, this study aims to inv

Mikroplast i tumlare - Metodutveckling i sökandet efter mikroplaster i tarminnehåll från tumlare

Metodutveckling i sökandet efter mikroplaster i tarminnehåll från tumlare Ett allt växande problem är ökande mängden mikroplaster i havet och hur de påverkar havslevande organismer. Mikroplast är små plastbitar som är mellan 0,1 - 500 mikrometer. De är uppdelade i primära och sekundära mikroplaster. Det har visat sig att båda typerna ackumuleras och stannar kvar i vattenlevande ekosystem där plasAn ever-growing problem is the increasing amount of microplastics in the sea and how they affect marine organisms. Microplastics are small pieces of plastic that are between 0.1 - 500 micrometres. They are divided into primary and secondary microplastics. Primary microplastics are those plastics that are intentionally produced to be microplastics. Secondary microplastics are generated from larger

Microglia in the Aged Subventricular Zone Acquire a Disease Associated Transcriptome – Implications for Neurogenesis

Neurogenesis, the formation of new neurons from neural stem cells, persists throughout life but with a rapid reduction during aging. With such a reduction, decline in cognitive abilities and the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases are imminent. It is, therefore, important to better understand the role of key factors involved in the reduction of neurogenesis during aging. Microglia, the brain-

To Change or not to Change: A Qualitative Analysis of the Executive Search Industry’s Strategic Responses to Artificial Intelligence

The usage of Artificial Intelligence is gaining popularity in many industries nowadays, triggering professionals to communicate about these disruptive changes in their industries. One industry has been looked at more profoundly: the executive search industry. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain more insight into the exploration of communicated strategies by professionals

Dialling up women farmers’ empowerment vis-à-vis agriculture: Exploring the effects of mobile phones in rural India

Despite women being the backbone of the agricultural sector in India, the patriarchal agrarian system poses major obstacles and challenges specific to women farmers with consequences well beyond the individual. This research aims to explore how mobile phones can empower rural women vis-à-vis agriculture. Taking the lens of Feminist Theory, the ambition of this research is to study real-life expe

Climate change adaptation and urban development: a genealogy of flood risk management in Glasgow

As cities increasingly implement climate change adaptation (CCA) projects, it is important to assess the potential long-term consequences of urban climate adaptation on socio-economic inequalities. As CCA is still in its infancy, observing long-term impact can be challenging. In this context, the historical study of past flood risk management (FRM) measures provides a useful proxy. This study uses

The Capability Approach through the lenses of German development NGOs - A case study of NGOs in the German development cooperation sector

The Capability Approach (CA) has been increasingly gaining popularity amongst scholars and policy-makers, offering an alternative to the so far predominant position of the GDP as the primary measure of human development. The CA is a normative framework which can be used as a basis to conceptualize and evaluate socio-economic and political phenomena such as inequality and human well-being. One of t

“Identity politics erodes our society” A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Construction of ‘Krænkelseskultur’ in Danish Print Media 2020-2021

In Denmark, the emergence of identity politics in public debates is increasing. Amongst opposers of identity politics, a concept has been constructed to describe identity political agendas, namely Krænkelseskultur. By analysing the discursive construction of the so-called “Krænkelseskultur” this study aims to examine how discourses on identity politics in Danish Print Media (re)produces social pow

Behind Every Social Robot Finds itself a Community of Developers: A socio-legal exploration on developers of humanoid social robots with a focus on the context of depression diagnosis and its embedded gender norms.

The rise in new digital technology is bringing with it new ethical questions around how we, as a society, can trust them. However, what if the question was before the technology itself? What if the role of the developers was influencing the way those new technologies were being programmed? This thesis situates itself at the point of exploration, where developers of humanoid social robots look for

Översvämningshotad bebyggelse i Skåne och Halland - Tröskelanalys som metod för att utreda samhällets sårbarhet vid en havsnivåhöjning.

Översvämningshotade byggnader är ett växande problem som uppkommer till följd av havsnivåhöjningen. Problemet är större i södra delar av landet, där många fastigheter riskerar att ta skada eller förstöras till följd av översvämningar. För att förbereda Skåne och Halland för framtiden behövs därför informationen hur havsnivåhöjningen kommer uttrycka sig. Detta projekt fokuserar på att samla, förvalBuildings threatened by folding is an ever-increasing problem due to sea level rise. The problem is greater in the southern parts of Sweden compared to the rest of the country, where a lot of properties are at risk of being destroyed or damaged as a consequence of floods. To prepare Scania and Halland for the future, information about the sea level rise is therefore needed. This project focuses on

Vad är en människa i det framtida samhället? En diskursanalys av hur statliga offentliga utredningar framställer människan i agendan för en digital tidsålder

This essay discusses how the image of man is presented in government public investigations. In postmodern theory, society and man are shaped on the basis of how social reality is constructed. From a critical discourse perspective, the study intends to shed light on how the vision of the future society affects our notions of what a human being is. The approach has been to discuss the new emerging a

En annan ladugård

Efter att ha sett allt fler ladugårdar som förfaller bestämde jag mig för att göra ett arbete om just denna byggnad. Jag ville undersöka vad ladugården är och hur det kan vara möjligt att bevara och ta hand om den. Genom att skaffa kunskap om ladugårdens historia ville jag få en fördjupad insikt om vad dessa byggnader egentligen har för betydelse. Med hjälp av referensprojekt och genom att gestalAfter seeing more and more barns decaying, I decided to make a project about this particular building. I wanted to investigate what the barn is and how it may be possible to preserve and take care of it in the future. By gaining knowledge about the barn’s history, I got a in - depth insight into what these buildings really mean. By looking at reference projects and by transforming a existing barn,

Evaluation of the Potential Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) to Ferment Quinoa Milk

The study aimed at (a) investigated the ability of potential lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to ferment quinoa milk, and (b) formulating a method for producing fermented quinoa milk. To meet the objectives, Lactobacillus pentosus and Pediococcus pentosaceus two native bacterial strains were tested. Quinoa milk elaboration was optimized at laboratory scale by selecting an appropriate quinoa/water propor

Den interaktiva barnboken : en jämförande undersökning av tryckta och digitala bilderböcker

This study examines potential similarities and differences between the interactivity in six children’s books, published in physical and digital media. The literature included in this research is the hardcover version of Hur gick det sen?, the hardcover version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: A Pop-up Adaption, the mobile application Känner du Pippi Långstrump?, the mobile application Vem best

Coping through Digital Livelihood: Syrian Refugees Navigating Legal Restrictions on Work and Starting a New Life

The overarching objective and purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how engagement in digital work serves as a coping strategy for Syrian refugees in different receiving countries. The stories of my participants demonstrate the multiple dimensions of this livelihood strategy, as and when they utilise it to counter structural constraints. By exercising their agency, I observe that my participa

Utomståenderegeln i 57 kap 5 § IL - Är den ändamålsenlig efter decennier?

Sammanfattning I uppsatsen har syftet med 3:12-reglerna, särskilt utomståenderegeln i 57 kap. 5§ IL, framställts och analyserats. Därjämte studien har ägnats åt att undersöka hur praxis stämmer överens med utomståenderegelns ändamål. Metoden som har tillämpats är den rättsdogmatiska metoden, vilket innebär att undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av rättskällorna så som förarbeten, författning, praAbstract The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyze the motive that was behind the 3:12 rules, especially the outsider rule, and to examine how practice is consistent with its purpose. The main starting point for the regulations in question was that the taxpayer who owns shares and works in the company should, as far as possible, receive similar taxation for capital gains or work compens

Identification of Phenolic Compounds in Quinoa Milk Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains

Phenolic compounds, abundant in plants, are of significant interest and are increasingly becoming a subject of intensive research due to their bioactive properties such as antioxidant activity. The objective of this study was to identify phenolic compounds present in formulated quinoa milk fermented by two probiotic bacteria strains; Lactobacillus pentosus and Pediococcus pentosaceous by HPLC and

Activating Amiralsgatan through Urban Regeneration

Amiralsgatan, Rosengård, is a highway area in Malmö. It consists of segregated streets with no connection between them with limited social activities. Rosengård’s population is mainly immigrants, living in the Million Housing Program, hence low-wage living, which makes them segregated from the rest of Malmö. The aim of this project is to integrate Rosengård into the rest of Malmö by achieving a he