

Din sökning på "*" gav 532399 sökträffar

Pregnancy Prevention Methods in Rural Kisumu: A Case Study of the Knowledge and Use of Pregnancy Prevention Methods in Kisumu, Kenya

The issue of unintended pregnancies is faced by most societies and nonetheless in Kisumu, Kenya which in recent years have experienced an increase in unintended pregnancy rates. Many reasons have been identified as contributing factors for the increasing rates, including insufficient knowledge and low use of contraceptives. This thesis aims to further investigate the prevailing knowledge about fer

Standardisering- mellan möjlighet och utmaning

Author: Shadi Taha Title: Standardization between opportunity and challenge - A qualitative study about professionals' experiences of the Individual's needs in the center (IBIC). Supervisor: Staffan Blomberg Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort & Norma Montesino The aim of this study was to examine and analyze social workers' views and experiences on the working model (IBIC) and how they use t

Libraries of Things - Drivers for a sustainable sharing economy? A case study of Circle Centre Lund

The gradual destruction of global ecosystems enhanced by the predominant growth paradigm and overconsumption, require social change and alternative practices. A sustainable sharing economy is one alternative pathway to challenge the current socio-economic system. This thesis explores the role of Libraries of Things in the transition to a sustainable sharing economy, particularly analysing the case

Aktivitetsbalans och psykisk hälsa hos universitetsstudenter - En litteraturöversikt med utgångspunkt i Life Balance Model

Bakgrund: Människan är beroende av sin förmåga att balansera vardagens aktiviteter för att bibehålla god psykisk hälsa. Svårigheter att kombinera studielivet med livets övriga ansvarsområden skulle kunna vara en orsak till att studenter mår allt sämre. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att utifrån behovsdimensionerna i Life Balance Model kartlägga forskningen kring universitetsstudenters aBackground: People depend on their ability to balance everyday activities in order to sustain mental well-being. Difficulties to combine university studies with the demands of life’s other responsibilities could be a reason for students' lower well-being. Aim: The aim of the literature study is to review the research on university students’ occupational balance and the consequences on their me

Birth in Power, Case study of homebirth in France and its link to sustainability

If homebirth can offer better outcomes than hospital-birth why do so few French women make this choice? The literature review on birth in France shows an increasing critique of overmedicalization. Through an Ecofeminist approach, conducting a qualitative questionnaire and interviews I found women choosing homebirth seek intimacy, respect and to avoid fear-based protocols and hospitals' violenc

Att använda resurserna rätt… Primärvårdskuratorers handlingsutrymme vid sjukskrivning av patienter med psykisk ohälsa

The aim of this study was to explore how primary care social workers discuss their professional role and discretion in relation to considerations of sick leave for patients with mental illness, thereby deepening the understanding for how consultation and informal decision processes manifest between social workers and doctors working within the same organisation. Qualitative semi-structured intervi

Developing towards a greater “We”!: How a formal mentorship program triggers identity work of mentees - A Qualitative Case Study

Title: Developing towards a greater “We”!: How a formal mentorship program triggers identity work of mentees Course: BUSN49, Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge & Change Authors: Jana Bernhardt and Laura Kristin Warlich Supervisor: Stefan Sveningsson (PhD), Lund University, Sweden Purpose: The main aim of our study is to gain a profound understanding of participants' sense-ma

“Det var ganska svårt först, men andra gången var det enkelt” Aktionsforskning för arbete med elevers talängslan.

Den här studien ämnar att konstruera, testa och utvärdera ett lektionsmoment med fokus på talängslan. Momentet ska först och främst vara tidseffektivt och inte ta för mycket tid från övrig kursplanering. Det ska således gå att använda till exempel i slutet av en lektion utan att övrig undervisning blir lidande. Momentet ska även kunna byggas ut vid behov. För att utforma momentet intervjuade jag This research aims to construct, test and validate a lesson moment with the focus on effective work with speech anxiety in school. The lesson moment shall not take to much time or energy from the ordinary lesson plan. Therefore it shall be able to example to take place in the last minutes of the lesson. The moment itself also needs to be built upon over time and therefore be more advanced as the s

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Compatibility with WTO law and Turkey’s adaptation process to the European Commission’s proposed legislation

Nations are agreeing that the ongoing climate change needs to be addressed with serious policies. The EU is aiming to become climate neutral by 2050 and to achieve this, significant legislative proposals have been initiated. In 2021, the Commission presented a CBAM proposal that would come to heat the discussion on carbon pricing. The CBAM is not only affecting many third countries, such as Turkey

“Är vi bara försiktiga så löser det sig nog” En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån KASAM av BUP-kuratorers upplevelser av arbetstillvaro och möjligheter till välbefinnande inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin under Covid-19-pandemin.

This bachelor thesis focuses on seven clinical social workers in child and adolescent psychiatry and their experiences of dealing with swift changes, unclear context and hazards associated with working during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The purpose was to examine how they reason out about their well-being and how they have handled the new context during this period. Their experiences were gathered thro

Dynamic Capabilities in times of change - A qualitative study exploring the role of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Innovation Process in a Smart Mobility sector context.

By utilizing the Dynamic Capabilities Framework (DCF) provided by Teece, this study explores how organizations leverage Dynamic Capabilities (DCs) to address rapid changes in times of change where uncertainty governs. By analyzing the activities that firms perform in relation to the sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities, this study enhances the understanding of how Business Models (BMs) a

ADHD hos elever i grundskolan - En kvantitativ studie om vilka som initierar ADHD-utredningar på grundskoleelever

The purpose of our thesis has been to increase the knowledge about the need of investigating children who may have ADHD in order to contribute to more children receiving the support and understanding they need to be able to succeed in school. In our research, we have investigated which initiator that initiates ADHD investigations in the majority of cases for children in primary school and elementa

Palestinska flyktingars särskilda flyktingsstatus - En studie av den moderna tolkningen av andra stycket i artikel 1 D i flyktingkonventionen ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv.

Enligt flyktingkonventionen har inte alla flyktingar rätt till flyktingstatus. Palestinska flyktingar, som åtnjuter skydd eller bistånd från UNRWA, hör till de som exkluderas från konventionens tillämpningsområde. Intentionen med artikel 1 D var inte att dem inte förtjänar samma skydd som andra flyktingar – tvärtom infördes bestämmelsen för att garantera palestinska flyktingar ett kontinuerligt skAccording to the Refugee Convention, not all refugees have the right to a refugee status. Palestinian refugees, who enjoy protection or assistance from UNRWA, are among those excluded from the scope of the Convention. The intention of Article 1 D, which was formulated in the travaux préparatoires to the Convention, was not to provide them of a lower level of protection than other refugees - on the

The Right to Remain a Child: A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Norm Translation and Child Soldiers

Despite the international norm against the recruitment and use of child soldiers, some rebel groups continue to recruit children while others do not. Why is this so? This thesis explores the relationship between the translation of child protection norms and child soldier recruitment in four countries of West Africa: Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, and Mali. Building on the three-dimension mod

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The Danish and Swedish Promissory Notes Acts were developed in a joint Nordic cooperation with the explicit ambition to create a uniform legislation regarding promissory notes. Neverthe-less, the conflict between negotiability on the one hand and minors' legal incompetence on the other hand is resolved differently in the Danish and Swedish Promissory Notes Acts, Sections 14 and 19. Danish law

Union Values and How to Enforce Them

Värdena demokrati, rättsstaten och respekt för de mänskliga rättigheterna utgör grunden för EU. För att en stat ska få gå med i EU är det en förutsättning att den följer dessa värden. Är en stat däremot redan medlem i unionen är de legala möjligheterna för att genomdriva värdena färre. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka vilka möjligheter som faktiskt existerar inom EU-rätten för att The values of democracy, human rights and rule of law are fundamental to the composition of the EU. Acting in accordance with these values is a prerequisite for joining the Union, but when States already are Members of the Union there are limited options for legal enforcement of the values. The aim of this thesis is however to investigate what possibilities in fact do exist within Union law to hol

Criminal Complicity or Business as Usual: A Study on Mens Rea Requirements for Corporate Complicity in War Crimes

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker gällande krav på mens rea för att företagsrepresentanter ska kunna hållas juridiskt ansvariga för medverkan i krigsbrott begångna av Stater inom ramen för icke-internationella väpnade konflikter. En alltmer vedertagen uppfattning är att företag som bedriver affärsverksamhet i konflikthärjade områden kan ha en negativ påverkan på den aktuella konflikten samt, i vissThis thesis examines the levels of mens rea required for corporate actors to be held liable for complicity in war crimes committed by States in non- international armed conflicts. The notion that corporations acting in conflict- torn areas can affect negatively upon the state of conflicts and in some cases even contribute to the commission of war crimes by other actors is becoming increasingly acc

Securing Costa Rica’s Sustainable Future: A multi-level perspective analysis of the sustainability transition to operationalise the 3Rs in the plastic waste management system in Costa Rica

Plastic waste and pollution have proliferated globally causing environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. Costa Rica hosts 5-6% of global biodiversity and struggles to balance socio-economic development with environmental protection in the context of plastic waste management. This system is analysed through the multi-level perspective using primary data collected from semi-structured stakeho

Profiting from or fighting climate change? A case study of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

Following recent developments in multilateral cooperation, literature on global climate governance has paid increasing attention to non-state actors. Contributing to this debate, this study focuses on a new group of businesses that aim to combat climate change, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI). Within the context of sustainable development, the OGCI must balance profit-making with protect

Kunskapsnivå, etik och acceptans vid införandet av AI inom radiologi

Under de senaste åren har AI blivit ett allt större inslag inom hälso- och sjukvården och anses vara en av de möjliga lösningarna för att bland annat effektivisera diagnostisering, databehandling och minska arbetsbelastningen. Det pågår framför allt satsningar och forskning kring AI inom radiologi och mer specifikt inom bilddiagnostik. Men tekniken medför en rad olika utmaningar för hälso- och sju