

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

How SMEs make their decision for choosing an optimal ERP provider by using AHP method

Nowadays, most small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are seeking information technique(s) or packaged software for improving their market competitiveness. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system could be a good choice regarding it is a powerful system which is integrated software for operating different perspective of a business, all information within organization would be flow between eac

Hur olika faktorer påverkar minnesprestation - en analys med användning av bootstrap

The current paper examines to what extent different factors influence our ability to remember. Data used in the analysis origins from a psychological memory experiment conducted at the University of Lund. During the study phase of the experiment, participants viewed different objects which could either appear as a word or a picture. The object type was randomly chosen which resulted in varying seq

Det svåra uppdraget - en studie om chefers upplevelser och erfarenheter vid avslutande av anställningar inom offentlig sektor

ABSTRACT Author: Göran Hjertstrand Title: The difficult task – a study of experiences among public sector executives in ending employments [translated title] Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Agneta Hedblom The purpose of this study was to examine experiences among public sector executives in ending employments. The study was based on semi structured interviews with five health and

”I närheten av död och sjukdom blir livet mer tydligt” Kuratorers upplevelser och erfarenheter av arbete med patienter i livets slutskede

ABSTRACT Author: Evelina Nylén Title: Close to death and illness, life becomes more apparent. Hospital welfare officers´ experiences of working with terminally ill patients. [translated title] Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort The main purpose of this study was to examine how hospital welfare officers in a hospice environment experience their work with terminally ill patien

Ifrågasatt föräldraskap? - om homoadoption i familjerätten

When the law that allowed same-sex couples register as partners gained legal force, the possibility for being considered as adoptive parents also opened up. This raised the question of whether homosexuals should be treated differently during the adoption proceedings. In this essay we have chosen to investigate the adoption social workers perception regarding family and sexual orientation and how t

Who is the man who abuse, characteristic, causes and treatment

The aim of this essay was to examine how an abusive man is perceived from a professional point of view. We examined if the male abusers had certain traits in common, what causes a man to abuse and what treatment there is for the abuser. Socialstyrelsens reports 2006 that violence against women in Sweden is estimated to a cost of 2,7 to 3,3 billlion a year. Based on qualitative interviews with semi

HVB - för vem? Personalens perspektiv på relationernas betydelse för ungdomen, utifrån makt och professionalitet

The purpose of this study was to examine how different types of relationships are expressed in residential care homes for juveniles, and the consequences of these for the juvenile. The field of the study was limited to five residential homes, where we interviewed the caregivers. Our questions were answered through semi-structured interviews. The questions were: How is the juvenile affected by the

Varför måste kärlek göra så ont? Om bakgrundsfaktorer till kvinnomisshandel och insatser tillgängliga för kvinnan och mannen

Domestic violence against women is a problem. The purpose of this study was to examine why that is by looking at possible background sources. We have also looked at what kind of support that is available for the abused women and men with this kind of violent behavior. More specifically our aim was to find out how the socialworkers and one abused women think about the support available for these me

Offra kakorna mamma!

Hur man uppfostrar barn inom nyreligiösa rörelser är en ständig debattfråga. Ofta dras vitt skilda grupper över en kam, inte sällan styrs debatten av ett ensidigt perspektiv och gamla uppgifter. När föreställningar byggda på förutfattade meningar får ersätta fakta finns risk för att barn som växer upp inom nyreligiösa rörelser tar skada genom samhällets oförmåga att leta efter likheter snarare än

Möte över gränser - En studie av socialarbetares bemötande av klienter med borderline inom socialtjänsten

Abstract Author: Madelene Öhlin Title: Meeting across borders – a study of the social worker’s reception of clients with borderline. [translated title] Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Assessor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson Borderline personality disorder is a diagnosis that it has been researched a lot about, but there is very little research for what a good reception to these clients’ means. People with

Omgivning och Tillväxt - Påverkar omgivningens tillväxt det enskilda landets tillväxt?

I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida omgivningen har en inverkan på ett enskilt lands tillväxt i Afrika söder om Sahara och Västeuropa, samt om skillnader avseende den direkta omgivningen föreligger beroende på om det enskilda landet befinner sig på någon av dessa två kontinenter. Uppsatsen fokuserar på omgivning och tillväxt. En ekonometrisk modell ställs upp med utgångspunkt i ekonomisk teori samt

Outsourcing public sector activities - How is quality maintained when public health care services are subject to contracting out?

In recent years outsourcing of public health care activities has increased in Sweden. Outsourcing of public health care activities involves possibilities of innovation and improvement according to many, but there are difficulties with how to maintain and control quality in the outsourced activities. The focus of this thesis is on how quality is ensured when public activities are subject to contrac

"Jag känner mig själv bäst" - En undersökning om vad hemlösa människor själva anser att de behöver för hjälp

Author: Elisabeth Mårtensson & Marianne Vagnemark Title: “I know myself best” – A study of what people with drug- and alcohol problems believe that they need help with [translated title] Supervisor: Arne Kristiansen Assessor: Gunilla Lindén The purpose of this study was to examine what people with drug- and alcohol problems believe that they need for kind of help if a change would become poss

On the right track towards a competition neutral compensation?

Passenger transport services constitute public utilities, exactly like all the other similar public networks e.g. energy & water distribution, TV broadcasting or postal services. The Member States in the EU have a keen interest in the development of passenger transport and therefore the financing of public transport is such an important economic, political and social issue. In its ideal form,

Adolescent refugees’ traumatic experiences and its influence on the vision of the present life circumstances

The development of psychological health interventions for adolescent refugees is complicated by the cultural and linguistic diversity of individuals. Additionally, both post traumatic experiences with ongoing development during the process of acculturation make a problem of psychological assessment even more complex. Those aspects are the effects of violence and traumatic loss as well as migration

Mellan bitch och glamour - En studie om tjejer, socialt kön och filmen "High School Musical"

ABSTRACT Authors: Lina Allerkrans, Erika Ericsson Title: Between bitch and glamour Supervisor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort Our purpose with this essay was to study the movie “High School Musical” and examine how young people interpreted gender roles and how it affects them when exposed to it in media. Using Giddens theory regarding media and identity in modern society and S

Riskbruk och riskmedvetenhet. En kvantitativ studie om alkoholvanor bland studenter i Lund.

This quantitative study of the alcohol use amongst students in Lund primarily rests on three general empirical findings: 1) Students in general constitute a part of the age group – young adults – who consume most alcohol per capita in Sweden. 2) The foundations of abnormal use of alcohol and alcoholism are believed to be established in early adulthood. 3) In monetary terms, alcoholism and other di

DET LILLA EXTRA: en empirisk studie om betydelsen av ”det lilla extra” för ett företags utveckling

Jag har genomfört en undersökning på ett börsnoterat företag som heter eWork som är konsultförmedlare inom främst it-, teknik- och telekombranschen. Mitt syfte med uppsatsen var att ta reda på vad ”det lilla extra” är på detta företag samt analysera detta fenomen med avseende på utveckling i organisationen. ”Det lilla extra” är ett begrepp som börjar dyka upp allt oftare i företagssammanhang och d

Risky Relations - A study of the relationship between expected stock returns and volatility on the international market

This econometric study examines the relationship between expected returns and volatility in ten industrialized countries. It includes three models; GARCH-M, EGARCH-M and the PARCH-M model. Furthermore, it investigates if the results change with the use of several time intervals, different data frequency and the inclusion of macroeconomic variables into the models. The results provide evidence that