

Din sökning på "*" gav 537673 sökträffar

Protease-, pectinase-and amylase-producing bacteria from a Kenyan soda lake

Background: Alkaline enzymes are stable biocatalysts with potential applications in industrial technologies that offer high quality products. Objective: The growing demand for alkaline enzymes in industry has enhanced the search for microorganisms that produce these enzymes. Methods: Eighteen bacterial isolates from Lake Bogoria, Kenya, were screened for alkaline proteases, pectinases and amylases

Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein contributes to the development and metastasis of breast cancer

Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is a soluble pentameric protein expressed in cartilage and involved in collagen organization. Tissue microarrays derived from two cohorts of patients with breast cancer (n=122 and n=498) were immunostained, revealing varying expression of COMP, both in the tumor cells and surrounding stroma. High levels of COMP in tumor cells correlated, independently of

Comparative studies of cognitive abilities in the Paridae : Evidence from laboratory studies

Många beteenden hos djur kan vara oflexibla och mer eller mindre ”hard-wired” i hjärnan. Sådana beteenden kan vara ändamålsenliga för regelbundna och rytmiska förändringar i naturen, såsom dag och natt, årstider, etc. Men många faktorer är naturligtvis oförutsägbara i naturen. För sådana oförutsägbara förändringar är det bättre för djur att vara flexibla i sitt beteende. Kognition är en process soThe Paridae (tits, titmice and chickadees) is a bird family consisting of both food hoarding and non-hoarding species. Many studies have been conducted on birds that are considered to be cognitively advanced, such as parrots and corvids, whereas much less is known about these small passerines. In this thesis, I have investigated the cognitive abilities of two members of the Paridae family; marsh t

Victim support, the state, and fellow human beings

This article focuses on the interdependence between the state and Sweden’s largest non-governmental victim support umbrella organization, Victim Support Sweden (VSS). In particular, it examines how government funding of VSS has developed since the end of the 1980s. Based on a qualitative analysis of government bills and VSS’s annual reports, the article gives a detailed account of how a non-govern

Long term groundwater balance and water quality monitoring in the eastern plains of Urmia Lake, Iran : A novel GIS based low cost approach

Groundwater quality and quantity are two major challenges in arid and semi-arid regions, due to their critical roles in sustainable agricultural development. Irrigated lands are spread all over Urmia Lake's surrounding plains in Iran. Due to the risk of saltwater intrusion as a result of over-exploitation from groundwater resources, it is important to monitor the groundwater quality and quantity t

A circular business model mapping tool for creating value from prolonged product lifetime and closed material loops

The concept of circular business models has been identified as an important enabler for companies moving towards circular practices. Circular business models help to prolong lifetimes of products and parts through successive cycles of reuse, repair, remanufacturing and closing material loops. To realise economic viability and reductions in environmental impacts from innovating towards a circular b

A nordic platform for clinical ethics in pediatric oncology

Objectives: The purpose of this presentation is to present the development, activities and achievements of the NOPHO/NOBOS Working Group on Ethics (WGE) 2008-2013. Methods: A joint working group on ethics, consisting of pediatric oncology nurses and physicians, was constituted during the NOPHO/NOBOS Annual Meeting in 2008. The intention was to create a Nordic competence group addressing ethical qu

What local people? Examining the Gállok mining conflict and the rights of the Sámi population in terms of justice and power

The global extraction of minerals is commonly located in areas populated by indigenous people; and while conflicts between multinational corporations and local activists and indigenous people are widespread today, the understanding of their dynamics are lacking. The Swedish government’s encouragement to an expanding mining industry has caused resistance due to environmental and social implications

Grön livsstil som upplevelseprodukt: förankring, försäljning och förvaltning bland landsbygdens livsstilsföretagare

”Hur klarar man livet som idealist och självförsörjande småbonde i det moderna och entreprenördrivna Sverige” undrar en av Sydsvenskans journalister i samband med att han kommit över en ny utgåva av Bondepraktikan samtidigt som tv-programmet Mandelmanns Gård har nypremiär (14/1 2018). Utgångspunkten för denna presentation är en studie om landsbygdens livsstilsentreprenörer, dvs. småskalig verksamh

Digitalisering av kommunal socialtjänst : En empirisk studie av en organisation och profession i förändring

Inom projektet Digitalisering av socialt arbete (2016-2017) har Lupita Svensson, fil dr i socialt arbete vid Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet, och Stefan Larsson, docent i teknik och social förändring vid institutionen för teknik och samhälle på LTH, Lunds universitet, tillsammans med socialtjänstens praktiker, beforskat arbetsprocesser och digitala mötesformer i socialtjänstens arbete och digit

Rheology and shear jamming of frictional ellipses

Understanding and predicting dense granular flows is of importance in geology and industrial applications. Still, most theoretical work has been limited to flows and packings composed of discs or spheres, a narrow subset of all possible packings. To advance our understanding of more realistic flows we here study the granular rheology of ellipses in steady-state flow with a focus on the effects of