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OXYTOCIN AND VASOPRESSIN IN UTERINE ACTIVITY. Receptor-mediated agonism and antagonism with special regard to the aetiology and treatment of preterm labour and primary dysmenorrhoea.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Muskulaturen i livmoderns vägg har en uttalad förmåga att dra ihop sig och dessa muskelkontraktioner spelar stor roll vid olika fysiologiska processer t.ex. vid befruktningen och för transport av ägg och spermier. Kontraktionerna i livmodern under förlossning är smärtsamma och benämns följaktligen "värkar". Vid menstruationssmärta är sammandragningar i livmodern också aWith a view to the aetiology and treatment of preterm labour and primary dysmenorrhoea we studied the influence of sexual steroids on the plasma levels of oxytocin and vasopressin, effect of these peptides on uterine contractility in vitro and in vivo, receptor concentrations and antagonists to oxytocin and vasopressin. In postmenopausal women oestrogen increased the concentrations in plasma of bo
Computational Aero-acoustics of the coaxial flow exhaust system of gas turbine engine
Jet engine noise is an environmental problem that needs to be addressed. Several methods to reduce the jet noise have been proposed in the last decades. The main issue is to find methods that reduce noise without causing considerable loss of thrust. Experimental and computational tools are mandatory in successfully reducing jet engine noise emissions. One of the challenging issues of computing the
Storsatsning på nanoteknik i Lund
Iceland: Nature-, Adventure- or Eco-island?
Att flytta till eller från Kristianstads län. Om flyttningsströmmar över länsgränsen och motiven för det långväga flyttandet.
Inköp av logistiktjänster – ett ögonblicks verk eller ett flerårsprojekt
Fairness and Promises for Sale
Att skapa en konsument : Råd & Rön och den statliga konsumentupplysningen
The Swedish consumer magazine Råd & Rön (”Advice and Results”) has been available to Swedish consumers since 1958. For a major part of this time the Swedish state, represented by Konsumentverket (the Swedish Consumer Agency) and its predecessor, Konsumentinstitutet (the National Institute for Consumer Information), was the owner of the magazine. In 2006 Råd & Rön was sold to the independen
Youth, Education and Labour Market in the Nordic Countries - similar but not the same
Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase 3B: Regulation in rat adipocytes and 3T3-L1 cells
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en s.k. sammanläggningsavhandling och innehåller fyra delarbeten (I-IV). Dessa delarbeten är publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter, utom arbete IV som är föremål för slutlig granskning inför publikation. Syftet med mina studier har varit att undersöka hur metabolismen i kroppens fettceller (adipocyter) regleras, med fokus på ett insulinkänsligt enzInsulin stimulation of rat adipocytes results in phosphorylation and activation of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B), a key enzyme in the antilipolytic signalling pathway of this hormone. In this thesis, the site phosphorylated in PDE3B upon stimulation of rat adipocytes with insulin and/or the beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol is identified. In addition, upstream components
Proton-Conducting Polymers and Membranes for Fuel Cells-Preparation and Properties
The development of new materials for use in fuel cells is of importance for the probable replacement of the combustion engine by this technology in public vehicles in the future. The proton-conducting polymer electrolyte membrane is one of the main components in the fuel cell. The need for improved performance of the proton conducting membrane is large and has led to intensive research worldwide.
Post-Behaviour of Concrete Structures Subjected to Fire
Iconology and imagination in human development: explorations in sociogenetic economies
Hallå! Hermann Grimmeiss
Sea of Shells
ELT imaging and photometry in crowded fields
Trajectory Generation for Assembly Tasks Via Bilateral Teleoperation
Abstract in UndeterminedFor assembly tasks, the knowledge of both trajectory and forces are usually required. Consequently, we may use kinesthetics or teleoperation for recording human demonstrations. In order to have a more natural interaction, the operator has to be provided with a sense of touch. We propose a bilateral teleoperation system which is customized for this purpose. We introduce diff
Towards a sustainable waste management : Habits and behaviour
The purpose of the research program Towards Sustainable Waste Management has been to assemble, develop and evaluate ideas for policy instruments for a more sustainable waste management. The waste management should contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the society, for example through reduced waste quantities and increased recycling. It should be cost-efficient and also be accepted amo