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Många unga missgynnas av synen på kreativitet som en form av gudomlig inspiration.
Många unga missgynnas av synen på kreativitet som en form av gudomlig inspiration.
Phytoglobins (Pgbs) are plant-originating heme proteins of the globin superfamily with varying degrees of hexacoordination. Pgbs have a conserved cysteine residue, the role of which is poorly understood. In this paper, we investigated the functional and structural role of cysteine in BvPgb1.2, a Class 1 Pgb from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), by constructing an alanine-substituted mutant (Cys86Ala).
The rise in unemployment since the 1980s has been predominantlyunderstood as driven by short-term shocks, or long-run conditions in theform of rigid labor market institutions or 'jobless growth', mostly basedon studies on the period from 1960 onward. Aggregate demand is usu-ally assumed to have no long-run impact on unemployment, but recentcontributions call this into question. This paper adopts a
Interactions of hard partons in the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) created with relativistic heavy ion collisions lead to characteristic modifications of the internal structure of reconstructed jets. A large part of the observed jet sub-structure modifications stem from the QGP’s response to energy and momentum deposited by hard partons. Good control over medium response in theoretical calculations is t
Neutron imaging is used for direct observation of evolving water–air and deuterated water–normal water exchanges in flow experiments performed on a laboratory-deformed, microporous laminated limestone, an extremely fine-textured rock altered by arrays of superposed fractures generated in a rock mechanics apparatus. The neutron images document significant, evolving, water speed and flow direction v
Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of death in both men and women. However, risk factors seem to differ for men and women and significant gaps in sex-specific knowledge exist. Mitochondria are critical for cardiomyocytes and in this study, we investigated the role of baseline mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA-CN) in HF incidence in middle-aged women and its possible role in the association b
Oncogenic transformation drives adaptive changes in a growing tumor that affect the cellular organization of cancerous cells, resulting in the loss of specialized cellular functions in the polarized compartmentalization of cells. The resulting altered metabolic and morphological patterns are used clinically as diagnostic markers. This review recapitulates the known functions of actin, microtubulesSimple SummaryCancer originates from changes in the genetics of single cells that affect their proliferative rate. To cope with the increased demand of building blocks and energy, tumor cells undergo adaptive changes creating new cellular homeostasis. These newly acquired traits are used clinically as diagnostic markers. Here, we summarize our knowledge of how a cell can adjust to new energetic de
• Semiarid regions control a large fraction of the interannual variability in the global terrestrial CO2 sink and of atmospheric CO2 growth rate. • Semiarid ecosystems are characterized by recurring disturbances that alter the regional C budgets. As disturbances are expected to become more frequent or intense in the future, quantifying their contribution to semiarid C balance is crucial. • We revi
We might describe the philosophical issue of human freedom and moral responsibility as an existential metaphysical problem. Problems of this kind are not just a matter of theoretical interest and curiosity: They address issues that we care about and that affect us. They are, more specifically, relevant to the significance and value that we attach to our lives and the way that we lead them. Accordi
In this study, the effects of nanosecond plasma discharges on the combustion characteristics of ammonia are investigated over a wide range of mixture properties and plasma settings. The results reveal that the impacts of the plasma on ammonia combustion change non-monotonically by altering the reduced electric field value. Within the studied range of the reduced electric field, i.e., 100–700 Td, i
This paper presents estimates of the living standards among rural workers in five parishes in southern Sweden from 1800s to 1910s, based on circa 1,500 probate inventories, complemented by a serie of real wages of agricultural day labourers in the county of Kronoberg. The study analyses the standard of living for different categories of rural labourers (with a particular focus on unskilled respect
The ideals of civic participation are within much of current planning theory regarded as ways of ensuring the democratic and equitable values of planning processes, as well as offering local knowledge to those in power and awarding citizens the influence of being a part of shaping the spaces around them. However, they have also been the subject of much scrutiny; critical assessments of such activi
This paper examines how organizations and society learn from disasters. While learning can and does take place, the depth of this learning is often superficial. The paper argues that lessons that are more fundamental are learnt with difficulty. In order to examine the aetiology of disasters and organizational learning from them, the paper presents a theoretical framework based on systems theory. C
Bröstcancer är vanligt förekommande bland kvinnor, en av tio kvinnor får en bröstcancerdiagnos under sin livstid. Upplevelsen av bröstcancer är en komplex process, som innebär ett flertal sammanlänkade stressfulla händelser. Det är därför tydligt att sättet personen reagerar på sådana stressorer kan ha en betydande påverkan på både fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Resiliens är ett konstrukt som innefattaBreast cancer is a common event among women, one in ten women receiving a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. The experience of breast cancer is a complex process that entails a multitude of interlinked potentially highly stressful events. It is thus evident that the manner in which one reacts to such stressors can have a substantial impact on both physical and mental health. Resilience is
Countries worldwide have deployed mass COVID-19 vaccination drives, but there are people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine. Studies assessing the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy are inconclusive. This study aimed to assess the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and determine the potential factors associated with such hesitancy. We performed an organize
There is a growing ‘energy democracy’ (ED) movement which regards the transition to renewable energy as an opportunity for socio-economic transformation, as well as technological innovation. The literature on ED tends to associate greater democratic control of energy systems with increased community control over the means of energy generation and distribution. Nonetheless, this literature often as
Aim: Macroecological analyses provide valuable insights into factors that influence how parasites are distributed across space and among hosts. Amid large uncertainties that arise when generalizing from local and regional findings, hierarchical approaches applied to global datasets are required to determine whether drivers of parasite infection patterns vary across scales. We assessed global patte
Study region: Two hyper-arid regions (Atbara and Kassala stations) in Sudan. Study focus: The study aims to evaluate the potential of the D-vine Copula-based quantile regression (DVQR) model for estimating daily ETo during 2000–2015 based on various input structures. Further, the DVQR model was compared with Multivariate Linear quantile regression (MLQR), Bayesians Model Averaging quantile regress
The atomistic structure of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) has been studied by applying force field simulations and quantum mechanical methods. Large number of crystallographically equivalent structures were used to account for the disordered nature of C-S-H. An extensive set of periodic structures of C-S-H (with a variation of chemical composition) has been generated and optimised. Special att