

Din sökning på "*" gav 529683 sökträffar

Simulations of the phonon Bragg switch in GaAs

It has recently been proposed that X-rays can be switched on sub-picosecond time-scales by using laser-generated coherent optical phonons: The so called phonon Bragg switch. We present here detailed simulations of the efficiency of such a switch by solving the time-dependent generalized Takagi-Taupin equations utilizing a perturbative approach. We explore the switching efficiency in diffraction fr

Hedgehog, but not Odd skipped, induces segmental grooves in the Drosophila epidermis.

The formation of segmental grooves during mid embryogenesis in the Drosophila epidermis depends on the specification of a single row of groove cells posteriorly adjacent to cells that express the Hedgehog signal. However, the mechanism of groove formation and the role of the parasegmental organizer, which consists of adjacent rows of hedgehog- and wingless-expressing cells, are not well understood

Electrical "wiring" of viable Gluconobacter oxydans cells with a flexible osmium-redox polyelectrolyte

An application of a flexible polyvinylimidazole osmium functionalised polymer for efficient electrical wiring of whole Gluconobacter oxydans cells is described. The performance of the redox polymer as a mediator for intact bacterial cells was tested with glucose, ethanol and glycerol, typical substrates of the periplasmically localised PQQ-dependent membrane bound dehydrogenases. The efficiency of

Stratospheric ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and cryptogams

The stratospheric ozone layer, which protects the biosphere from biologically active (mostly harmful) ultraviolet-B (UV-B) solar radiation, thinned during the latter half of the 20th century. In this paper some of the effects of UV-B radiation on cryptogams (cyanobacteria, algae, lichens, mosses, liverworts, pteridophytes and fungi) are reviewed. Effects vary among species, and therefore changes i

Nanoconfinement-enhanced conformational response of single DNA molecules to changes in ionic environment

We show that the ionic environment plays a critical role in determining the configurational properties of DNA confined in silica nanochannels. The extension of DNA in the nanochannels increases as the ionic strength is reduced, almost tripling over two decades in ionic strength for channels around 100x100 nm in dimension. Surprisingly, we find that the variation of the persistence length alone wit

Modification of Charge Transfer and Energy Level Alignment at Organic/TiO2 Interfaces

Adsorption of titanyl phthalocyanine (TiOPc) on rutile TiO2(110) modified by a set of pyridine derivatives (2,2'-bipyridine, 4,4'-bipyridine, and 4-tert-butyl pyridine) has been investigated using synchrotron radiation based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). For the unmodified TiOPc/TiO2 system, a strong charge transfer is observed from the first layer TiOPc into the substrate, which leads t

Virtual pedagogical agents: Naturalism vs. stylization

In discussions on naturalism vs. stylization in the design of virtual pedagogical agents (VPAs), the smooth communication argument is one of the most central in favour of visual naturalism. Yet, this argument dissolves if we separate design into the levels of: (l) linguistic performance, where the support for naturalism is strong; (2) dynamic visual appearance, in the sense of bodily behaviour, wi

Transcriptional upregulation and unmethylation of the promoter region of p16 in invasive basal cell carcinoma cells and partial co-localization with the gamma2 chain of laminin-332.

Basal cell carcinoma cells show low proliferation rates at the invasive front and a concordant upregulation of the cdk-inhibitor p16, limiting proliferative capacity. Little is known about the mechanisms of p16 regulation in normal and malignant cells apart from that many transcription factors such as Ets1, Ets2, SP1, SP3, JunB and the polycomb protein Bmi1 have the potential to induce or repress

Biglycan organizes collagen VI into hexagonal-like networks resembling tissue structures.

The ability of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins biglycan, decorin and chondroadherin to interact with collagen VI and influence its assembly to supramolecular structures was studied by electron microscopy and surface plasmon resonance measurements in the BIAcore 2000 system. Biglycan showed a unique ability to organize collagen VI into extensive hexagonal-like networks over a time period of

On the global existence of solutions to quasilinear parabolic equations

We prove, under quite general assumptions, the global existence of classical solutions for quasilinear parabolic equations in bounded domains with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The same results for weakly coupled reaction-diffusion systems are also given. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification.

Calculation of EPR g tensors for transition-metal complexes based on multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CASPT2)

The computation of the electronic g tensor by two multireference methods is presented and applied to a selection of molecules including CN, BO, AIO, GaO, InO, ZnH, ZnF, O-2, H2O+, O-3(-), and H2CO+ (group A) as well as TiF3, CuCl42-, Cu(NH3)(4)(2+) and a series of d(1)-MOX4n- compounds, with M = V Cr, Mo, Tc, W, Re and X = F Cl, Br (group B). Two approaches are considered, namely, one in which spi

Reglermöte -85

The workshop Reglermöte 85 was arranged during May 29-30 1985 at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology. About 100 persons participated evenly divided between industry and universities. 18 papers were presented. Abstracts of the papers are given in the report.

Antigen and epitope specificity of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies in patients with Goodpasture disease with or without anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies

Goodpasture disease (GP) is defined by the presence of anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Besides anti-GBM, many patients with GP produce anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA). For elucidation of the pathophysiologic significance of ANCA in this setting, epitope and antigen specificity of the anti-GBM antibodies and antigen s

b-tagging in DELPHI at LEP

The standard method used for tagging b-hadrons in the DELPHI experiment at the CERN LEP Collider is discussed in detail. The main ingredient of b-tagging is the impact parameters of tracks, which relies mostly on the vertex detector. Additional information, such as the mass of particles associated to a secondary vertex, significantly improves the selection efficiency and the background suppression

Parental participation in the care of hospitalized children

The purpose of this study was to investigate those parts of the care of hospitalized children that their parents perform, the nursing tasks the parents themselves felt they could manage and whether parents' and staff members' opinions coincided. A questionnaire was given to parents of children between one week and five years of age who were hospitalized at a pediatric surgical department during a

Bebyggelsens mångfald. En studie av södra Hallands järnåldersgårdar baserad på arkeologiska och historiska källor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den centrala punkten i avhandlingen är det faktum att redan under järnåldern har det varit möjligt att urskilja olika lokala särdrag i ett arkeologiskt material. För såväl gravar som hus har man varit noga med att följa det egna närområdets traditioner. Erfarenheterna från Halland visar att trots likartad ekonomi har husen men också det synliga gravskicket varierat betyThe aim of the dissertation is to elucidate Iron Age settlement in southern Halland from two angles: (1) the evidence of antiquities (graves), ground finds of metal and rock, and place-names; (2) the information conveyed by investigations in settlement archaeology. The combined study of graves, ground finds, and place-names shows that the image of southern Halland in the Iron Age differs depending

Early ageing in middle-aged men is associated with adverse social factors and increased mortality risk: The Malmö Preventive Project.

Aims: This study examined whether middle-aged men exhibiting markers of early ageing showed a different pattern of social factors, lifestyle, and biological variables compared with controls, and whether early ageing was associated with an increased mortality risk. Subjects and methods: We used a subgroup of 5,722 middle-aged men (mean age 47 years), investigated twice, from the Malmö Preventive Pr

Isolation of pigment-free bulk lipids from thylakoids

Lipids from spinach thylakoids were extracted with chloroform/methanol and separated from pigments in a single chromatographic step run at 5 degrees C using silicic acid adjusted to pH 8. The isolated lipid fraction contained essentially the same amounts of individual lipids as in the initial extract. It contained less than 0.1% of the initial chlorophylls and carotenoids.