

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Dolda makthavare? De politiska sekreterarnas roll i Region Skåne

I denna beskrivande studie undersöks vilka möjligheter de politiska sekreterarna i Region Skåne har att utöva politiskt inflytande. För att undersöka detta har vi utgått från tre maktforum. Information och bakgrundsmaterial har främst inhämtas genom samtalsintervjuer och en enkätundersökning. De politiska sekreterarna som intervjuats kommer från Folkpartiet, Miljöpartiet, Socialdemokraterna och V

Andrafiering eller integration Att särskilja för rättvisans skull?

This paper deals with Will Kymlicka's and Charles Taylor's theories of multiculturalism, and the criticism of these theories by Jürgen Habermas and Seyla Benhabib. It also gives a brief background to the Swedish integration and minority policies and places them in relations to the academic discussion. Taylor advocates cultural survival to be a legitimate policy objective and Kymlicka argue

Medskyldig till folkmord? En studie om internationella samfundets inblandning i folkmordet i Rwanda 1994.

The Rwandan genocide 1994 was a well-planned and ethnic based act that killed approximately 900 000 people. The UN and the colonial powers are getting much attention and are worldly discussed about the failure of interference before and during the genocide. In this study the history of colonial Rwanda will be analyzed and the UN relation will be discussed. This will be done by examining how th

Freedom and dependency from a feminist perspective - a comparison between Nina Björk, Martha C. Nussbaum and Simone de Beauvoir

This paper will deal with the complex interaction between our individual freedom (independence) and our deep need of other people (dependency). Western women often say that non-Western women are not free as a consequence of tradition and culture. It is rarer that we question our own so called freedom. My main purpose is to take a closer look at the relationship between independence and neediness i

Skenande statskollaps; Fred bortom räckhåll? - En fallstudie av FN:s insatser i Kongo-Kinshasa

I över 50 år har Kongo-Kinshasa varit utsatt for krig, och landet präglas idag av en skenande statskollaps. Vi har utkristalliserat tre fundamentala orsaker till konflikten som anses relevanta i samband med vår frågestallning, vilken behandlar FN-styrkan MONUC: s insatser i landet. Maktspel över Kongos enorma naturtillgångar, politisk problematik och etniska skiljelinjer är grunden till såväl konf

Hur bör det amerikanska kampanjfinansieringssystemet till val av president reformeras? Mot frihet eller rättvisa?

Denna uppsats behandlar frågan: Hur bör det amerikanska kampanjfinansieringssystemet till val av president reformeras - mot ett system som fokuserar på frihet eller ett system som fokuserar på rättvisa? Som frågeställningen vittnar om är uppsatsen skriven ur ett normativt analysperspektiv där de klassiska värdena frihet och rättvisa i kombination med insamlad data om amerikansk kampanjfinansiering

Den lukulliske Lucullus' passioner; om villaträdgårdar, mat och ett romerskt orginal

Abstract For this exam paper, I have chosen to delve into the life of Lucius Licinius Lucullus, the famous Roman general and statesman of the 1st century BC. Widely regarded as a glutton and degenerate, I will try to examine if these claims are true or completely exaggerated. My research will be based on the works of Plutarch, the great Greek scholar and biographer, who's our main source of k

Regionkontor i Bryssel, En studie om regionala mål, medel och samarbeten i den europeiska sfären

The base for the study is laid during an internship at a regional office in Brussels. The study initially concentrates on the function and activities of different regional offices located in Brussels, in order to answer the core question. The main focus is to reveal an eventual change of cooperation patterns between different regional offices, and in particular the eventual redirection away from

Regionen - Räddningen för utflyttningskommuner? En analys av regiondiskursen i två kommuner i Västernorrland

The analysis of regional development and the formation of regional policy have experienced an increasing importance in Europe and in Sweden during the last decades. There is a widespread assumption that the increasing significance of regions is due to the diminishing role of the nationstate in the era of globalization. This essay suggests that there is a hegemonic discourse, heavily relying on the

No title

Scopo e quadro generale: Il fenomeno linguistico ?della ristrutturazione si verifica spesso in italiano. Eppure, in alcuni dialetti parlati in Italia non è un fenomeno sempre presente. Il fine della presente tesi è di investigare, con l'ausilio di un questionario, i meccanismi del fenomeno di ristrutturazione nel dialetto veneziano e di paragonare il veneziano con l'italiano standard per q

Att tala är att träta : En analys av debatten i det brittiska underhuset rörande Turkiets EU-medlemskap

The prospect of Turkish accession to the EU has sparked controversy in many of the member countries. It has highlighted the different ways in which European as well as Turkish identity is being defined in the debate, with some politicians seemingly trying to draw on old prejudices in order to make the case against membership. By utilising discourse analysis as advocated by Thomas Diez, this thesis

Att handleda gymnasieelever i deras lärprocesser: en kvalitativ undersökning i den egna verksamheten av några lärares erfarenheter av handledning

Olika reformer har avlöst varandra i skolans värld och varje reform har medfört förändrade krav på skolans verksamhet. Varje läroplan bygger på föreställningar om vad kunskap och lärande är. När Lpf 94, läroplan för de frivilliga skolformerna, kom fanns där en förändrad syn på kunskap och lärande. Kunskapsbegreppet utvidgades i fyra olika kunskapsformer de så kallade fyra f:en. Förståelse av fenom

Inside the giant's mind: A discourse analytical perspective for discerning characteristics of an agent of power

The essay deals with how one can predict a state's behaviour through discourse analysis. It argues that while actors must have a real capacity for action, their re-spective discourse must also house a conceptualization of that capacity in order for an actor to be expected to make decisions to employ said action. Instruments of power must also be perceived as effective in order to be employed.

Paper towel dispenser for high traffic washrooms

Title Paper towel dispenser for high traffic washrooms Key words Dispenser, SCA, paper towel, high traffic washrooms. Authors Elisabeth Häggman Anders Ranbro Supervisor Björn Larsson, SCA Hygiene Products AB Göteborg Examiner Mats Johnsson, LTH, Department of Design Sciences Packaging Logistics Problem What would be the optimal size of a paper towel dispenser for high traffic washrooms? How

IT, mat och miljö

Shopping for groceries often means that, as consumers, we travel to the grocery store ourselves, by ear, bike or on foot. At the store we pick out the groceries that we want, go the register and pay for them. During the last couple of years consumers in Sweden have been given the opportunity to let someone else select and transport the groceries to their home instead, so called home shopping. As t

Varför jämställdhetsintegrering? - en studie av Regeringskansliets skäl till att använda jämställdhetsintegrering

Gender mainstreaming has been an internationally dominant policy since the mid 1990?s. In 2004, the Swedish government decided to implement gender mainstreaming within the Government Offices of Sweden. However, little research seems to have focused on the reasons for an organization's decision to implement gender mainstreaming. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to answer the question

Global Governance? : A study of the relationship between NGOs, Human Rights and the UN

The role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in world politics in general, and in the United Nations (UN) in particular, is increasingly gaining the attention by scholars of international law, political science and social anthropology. In this study the NGO-UN relation is investigated within the area of Human Rights. This is done by examining how NGOs are perceived by member states within the

Spelet om infrastrukturen - En diskursanalys av riksdagsledamöters föreställningar av offentlig privat samverkan

The purpose of this article is to describe the discourse in which public-private partnership (PPP) resides, within the Swedish parliament, in the field of infrastructure. I have chosen to look at the latest three years deliberation where PPP appears in parliament bills. This case study is based upon discourse as a qualitative method. Five indicator signs which is history, comparison, geographic l

Exkludering som demokratiproblem - En fallstudie av Bolivias demokratiska situation

Bolivia is a multiethnic country where the indigenous people constitute the majority of the population. Despite two decades of attempts to take the democracy further is its foundation more volatile than ever. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine if exclusion is taken place in Bolivia from year 1982 until today and if so in which way political exclusion constitute problems of democracy in