

Din sökning på "*" gav 532862 sökträffar

Labour and landscapes: The political economy of landesque capital in nineteenth century tanganyika

In a long-term and global perspective irrigated and terraced landscapes, landesque capital, have often been assumed to be closely associated with hierarchical political systems. However, research is accumulating that shows how kinship-based societies (including small chiefdoms) have also been responsible for constructing landesque capital without population pressure. We examine the political econo

PID Control, Design, Extension, Application

This thesis considers the design of PID controllers, the extensions of these controllers to improve their performance, and the applications of these design methods to industrial processes. New tuning methods for PI and PID controllers have been presented. These methods uses a model of the process to be controlled, given as a transfer function. The methods captures essential requirements of a cont

Variability of fish consumption within the 10 European countries participating in the European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

Objective: To describe-and compare the consumption of total fish (marine foods) and the fish sub-groups - white fish, fatty fish, very fatty fish, fish products and crustacea, in participants from the European Investigation into. Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of dietary intake using a computerised standardised 24-hour recall interview. Crude means, means and s

Retrofocusing of Acoustic Wave Fields by Iterated Time Reversal

In the present paper an iterative time-reversal algorithm that retrofocuses an acoustic wave field to its controllable part is established. For a fixed temporal support, i.e., transducer excitation time, the algorithm generates an optimal retrofocusing in the least-squares sense. Thus the iterative time-reversal algorithm reduces the temporal support of the excitation from the requirement of negli

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This thesis investigates the three so called “conflictory speech acts” (“konfliktäre Sprechakte”) “reproach”, “threat” and “conflictory warning”. They all have in common that the speaker signals that he/she is prepared for a verbal conflict. The aim of the study is to describe the three speech acts, to unite them into a group of coflictory speech acts, and to find out what their similarities and d

Evaluating stocking of YOY pike Esox lucius as a tool in the restoration of shallow lakes

1. Stocking of piscivores in shallow, eutrophicated lakes to reduce cyprinid densities is a common approach in lake restorations. Young-of-the-year (YOY) pike Esox lucius are frequently used to reduce cyprinid densities, but their effectiveness is equivocal. This study uses a simple model to assess the efficacy of pike stocking as a lake restoration tool. 2. The model evaluates YOY pike consumptio

Urticarial dermographism: Clinical features and response to psychosocial stress

Studies report that urticarial dermographism is exacerbated by "life events" and emotions. The aim of this study was to determine what aspects of life quality are affected by symptomatic dermographism and whether acute stress is a potential triggering factor. A total of 21 adult patients with urticarial dermographism completed a questionnaire on symptoms and quality of life. Twelve patients agreed

Medical problems in adolescents with myelomeningocele (MMC): an inventory of the Swedish MMC population born during 1986-1989

Aim: To describe the prevalence of myelomeningocele (MMC) and the medical needs of adolescents, 15-18 years, with MMC in Sweden, at a time when they are on the threshold of adulthood, leaving paediatrics. Methods: In a retrospective study, we identified all adolescents with MMC, born during 1986-1989 and living in Sweden on July 1, 2004. An inventory was agreed upon with questions concerning their

Solvent effects on NMR isotropic shielding constants. A comparison between explicit polarizable discrete and continuum approaches

The gas-to-aqueous solution shifts of the O-17 and C-13 NMR isotropic shielding constants for the carbonyl chromophore in formaldehyde and acetone are investigated. For the condensed-phase problem, we use the hybrid density functional theory/molecular mechanics approach in combination with a statistical averaging over an appropriate number of solute-solvent configurations extracted from classical

Shaping Justice : Defining the disability benefit category in Swedish social policy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar vad som kvalificerar att karakteriseras som handikapp i svensk socialförsäkringslagstiftning och vilka principer som användes för att avgöra vem som har rätt till stöd som funktionshindrad. Avhandlingen fokuserar på de behov/kriterier som i socialpolitiken befinns värdiga och acceptabla att utgöra kategorien handikappade. I centrum för uppmärkThis thesis is about what qualifies to be characterised as disability in Swedish social security legislation and which principles are used to decide who is entitled to social security benefit as disabled. The thesis brings into focus which definitions of needs and criteria that are found 'worthy' and acceptable to include in a disability category in Swedish social policy. In other words are social

I säng och säte : relationer mellan kvinnor och män i 1600-talets Småland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilka uppfattningar fanns under tidigmodern tid i Sverige om relationen mellan man och kvinna? Ansåg man att kärlek och parternas fria val var viktigt när människor skulle gifta sig? Vad hände då äktenskapen inte fungerade? Förekom skilsmässor? Varför var sexualiteten kontrollerad och hur påverkade det kvinnor och män? Vilken effekt hade förändringar i lagstiftningen i What did people think about the relationship between a man and a woman in Early Modern Sweden? Did they consider love and the parties' free choice to be of any importantance in the making of a marriage? What happened when marriages were falling apart, how common were divorces? I also discuss why sexuality was restricted, and how it affected women and men. What effects did changes in the legislatio

Transfer and typological proximity in the context of L2 processing

In this article, the issue of cross-linguistic influence in second language acquisition is examined from a processing perspective. Applying Processability Theory as the theoretical framework we claim that second language (L2) learners can only produce forms they are able to process.We thus argue that the first language (L1) influence on the L2 is developmentally moderated. Data were collected from