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Shape, shell structure and collective modes unique to nuclei far from stability line

The structure of nuclei far from beta-stability lines is expected to show various interesting and exotic phenomena, due to the unique features: (a) the presence of nucleons with very small binding energies and largely extended wave-functions; (b) large difference between the Fermi levels of protons and neutrons; (c) exotic ratios of the proton to neutron numbers for a given mass number. Among the

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The project developed by three institutions in Denmark and Sweden –Malmoe School of Education, City Archives of Malmoe and the Cultural History Workshop in Denmark– uses the methods of oral history as an instrument in the production of historical awareness. It tries to elaborate multiple histories at several levels –nation, regional, local; ethnicized and gendered, social and political history– th

Biskopen visiterar. Den kyrkliga överhetens möte med lokalsamhället 1650-1760

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka mötet mellan den kyrkliga överheten och de olika lokalsamhällena sådant som det tog sig uttryck vid de kyrkliga visitationerna. I fokus står biskopsvisitationerna men även de visitationer som prostarna genomförde tas upp till behandling. Undersökningsområdet är Växjö stift och den tidsmässiga avgränsningen är 1650-1760. De frThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the encounter of the ecclesiastical authorities with the local community, as reflected in the church visitations. The focus is on the bishops' visitations, but there is also a brief examination of the deans' visitations, which are used for a comparison of the two types of inspections. The geographical limit of the study is the diocese of Växjö in southern S

Prevalence of Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, polyarteritis nodosa and Churg-Strauss syndrome within a defined population in southern Sweden

Objectives. To estimate the point prevalence (p.p.) of Wegener's granulomatosis (WG), microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) and Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) within a defined population in southern Sweden. Method. A cross-sectional p.p. study using multiple sources for case identification. The study area, a healthcare district around the city of Lund in southern Sweden (Mellers

Evaluation of new methods for the monitoring of alkalinity dissolved hydrogen and the microbial community in anaerobic digestion

New methods for spectrophotometric alkalinity measurement, dissolved hydrogen monitoring and for obtaining a fingerprint of the microbial community were evaluated as tools for process monitoring in anaerobic digestion. The anaerobic digestion process was operated at organic loading rates of 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5g volatile solids l-1d-1 and subjected to pulse loads of carbohydrate, lipid, protein and a

The tumor-associated gene HMGIC is expressed in normal and osteoarthritis-affected synovia

Chromosomal rearrangements involving chromosome bands 12q13-15 are very frequent findings in benign solid tumors, and recently, the primary molecular target for these aberrations was identified as the gene HMGIC. However, mutations in this gene have also been observed in nonneoplastic tissues. In a previous study, we reported breakpoints within HMGIC of synovia affected by osteoarthritis (OA) in t

Direct binding of Cbl to Tyr(568) and Tyr(936) of the stem cell factor receptor/c-Kit is required for ligand-induced ubiquitination, internalization and degradation

The ubiquitin E3 ligase Cbl has been shown to negatively regulate tyrosine kinase receptors, including the stem cell factor receptor/c-Kit. Impaired recruitment of Cbl to c-Kit results in a deregulated positive signalling that eventually can contribute to carcinogenesis. Here, we present results showing that Cbl is activated by the SFKs (Src family kinases) and recruited to c-Kit in order to trigg

Experiences in Deploying a Wireless Mesh Network Testbed for Traffic Control

Wireless mesh networks (WMN) have attracted consider- able interest in recent years as a convenient, flexible and low-cost alternative to wired communication infrastructures in many contexts. However, the great majority of research on metropolitan-scale WMN has been centered around max- imization of available bandwidth, suitable for non-real-time applications such as Internet access for the genera

Participating in Synchronous Online Education

Popular Abstract in Swedish Behovet av utbildning ökar eftersom dagens anställda förväntas vara välutbildade och fortlöpande förkovra sig. Distansutbildning är ett kraftfullt sätt att möta detta behov. Nätbaserad utbildning, vilket enkelt kan definieras som distansutbildning via internet, är den vanligaste typen av distansutbildning. Inom nätbaserad utbildning är asynkron (fördröjd) kommunikation,There is an increasing need for education since the workforce of today is expected to be highly educated and continuously learn. Distance education is a powerful response to meet the growing need for education. Online education, here concisely defined as distance education mediated online, is the most common type of distance education. It mainly relies on asynchronous communication although it is

Graded effects of oxygen and respiratory inhibitors on cell metabolism and spontaneous contractions in smooth muscle of the rat portal vein

The basis for the hypoxic relaxation of spontaneous activity in the rat portal vein was investigated by comparing responses to oxygen and the respiratory chain inhibitors amobarbital and cyanide. With the inhibitors, O2 consumption (FO2) is uniformly decreased throughout the cell mass, and thus O2 gradients in the tissue are avoided. Hence the effects are not to be attributed to all-or-none inhibi

Photochromic pigments in akinetes and pigment characteristics of akinetes in comparison with vegetative cells of Anabaena-Variabilis

Since akinete germination is triggered by light and the action spectrum for this process has features in common with the spectra of the two photochromic pigments, phycochromes b and d, a search was made for the presence of these phycochromes in akinetes of the blue-green alga. Anabaena variabilis Kützing. Allophycocyanin-B was also looked for, since the action spectrum for akinete germination poin

Determination of the detection limit of Ni-59 at the Lund AMS facility by using characteristic projectile X-rays

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is an ultra-sensitive method for counting atoms, both radionuclides and stable nuclides. When using small tandem accelerators to measure heavy isotopes, interfering isobars are often troublesome. One way to reduce this interference is to combine AMS with the detection of characteristic X-rays of the projectile. After analysis in the AMS system it is possible to

In vitro metabolism and in vivo pharmacokinetics of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives in various species

The metabolism of a group of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives was evaluated in liver microsomes from various species. In addition, metabolism data were compared with in vivo pharmacokinetics in the mouse. The studied compounds were metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Microsomal clearance was low and seemed independent of a substituent in the quinoline moiety, whereas clearance was enhanced

Hepatitis C virus infection with progression to hepatocellular carcinoma: a report of five prospectively followed patients in Sweden

Five Swedish patients with chronic hepatitis C were prospectively followed until hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies were analysed by a second generation anti-HCV ELISA and a recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2) and viraemia by detection of serum HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Four patients had post transfusion hepatitis and in one patient the sourc

Skuld och oskuld : barnamord och barnkvävning i rättslig diskurs och praxis omkring 1680–1800

Syftet med denna avhandling är att analysera hur berättelser om skyldiga och oskyldiga mödrar konstruerades under perioden ca. 1680-1800. De två brottskategorierna barnamord och barnkvävning har undersökts. Källmaterialet har huvudsakligen bestått av protokoll från hovrätten, underrätter och sockenstämmor. Jag har klarlagt vilka omständigheter som utreddes vid brottsutredningarna och fick betydelsThe objective of this thesis is to analyse how judicial texts concerning guilty and innocent mothers were constructed during the period of c. 1680-1800. The two crimes of infanticide and overlaying have been examined. Source materials have primarily consisted of proceedings from the appeals court, courts of first instance, and parish meetings. The aim has been to survey the judicial discourse, tha

Prediction of bone loss using biochemical markers of bone turnover.

The association between baseline levels of eleven bone turnover markers and 5-year rate of bone density change was prospectively studied in a population-based sample of 601 75-year-old women. Several bone formation and resorption markers as well as urinary osteocalcin were modestly correlated to rate of bone density change. Introduction Prediction of bone loss by bone turnover markers (BTMs) has b