

Din sökning på "*" gav 533878 sökträffar

Åldersdiskriminering eller befogad särbehandling? - ungdomslöner i svenska kollektivavtal

Den här uppsatsen har utrett huruvida det i arbetslivsdirektivet samt diskrimineringslagen stadgade förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering utgör hinder för vissa svenska kollektivavtalsbestämmelser som stadgar särskilda lönevillkor för ungdomar mellan 16 och 19 år, det vill säga de så kallade ungdomslönerna. I korthet innebär förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering att lön som huvudregel ska bestämmas utifrThis thesis has studied whether the prohibition on age discrimination laid down in the Equality Framework Directive and the Diskrimineringslag constitutes an obstacle to certain provisions in Swedish collective agreements. The provisions stipulate special wage conditions for adolescents 16-19 years old, that is, the so-called youth salaries. In short, the prohibition on age discrimination means t

DOWN TO THE ROOTS - design with value

Down to the roots is a project about just that; seeing where things come from and how are they made. I have a background in textile design which I wanted to enhance in this project. Therefore I wanted to examine the technique of tufting. This is a textile technique that is not talked about that much, but most of today’s carpets are made this way. In tufting threads are shot into a fabric, situate

Implementing two Threshold Private Set Intersection Protocols based on Homomorphic Encryption

Private set intersection is a technique for finding the intersection of (two) parties' sets without disclosing anything else, and it finds it use in e.g. contact discovery, finding friends who are already on a social platform. Multi-party threshold private set intersection is an extension of this which allows multiple parties and only reveals the intersection if the intersection is larger than

Urbanisation by expulsion : the political economy of landed property in Asunción, Paraguay

Although much research has been conducted regarding the uneven distribution of land in developing countries, such work tends to focus on rural land dispossession. In turn, land inequality in urban property markets of vulnerable economies remains somewhat understudied. Based on a case-study of Asunción, Paraguay, this thesis employs a Marxian political economy framework to investigate the developme

Statelessness in Brunei

Even though statelessness is a widespread issue, it rarely receives the attention it warrants. This thesis focuses on statelessness in Brunei, a country in which the stateless population might account for as much as 35% of the total population (DRL 2013). The aim of this paper is to investigate the production of statelessness and its implications for the people in question. The aim was addressed b

Hetsätningsstörning i självhjälpslitteraturens värld : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys

The aim of this study was to find which major themes could be found in self-help books geared towards individuals with binge eating issues. Furthermore, the goal was to understand what type of meaning these themes communicated. To do this a strategic sampling was first used to find such books to study. This led to the choice of using books in English, written by professionals, that were also avail

Understanding cultural collectivism in South Korea through post-modernist perspective

Due to the Japan’s decision in early July 2019 to sanction the trade of hi-tech materials with South Korea, No-Japan movement that discourages South Koreans to purchase Japanese products and travel to Japan has been widespread in South Korean society. In particular, this movement seems to be highly associated with South Korean’s strong collectivist culture, which might result in limiting individua

Anonyma vittnesmål - Rättssäkerhet för vem?

I Sverige råder allmän vittnesplikt vilket innebär att ett kallat vittne har en skyldighet att vittna. Ett vittne kan således inte undvika vittnesplikten så länge någon av undantagsreglerna inte är tillämpliga. Att vara rädd för att vittna på grund av att vittnet blivit utsatt för hot eller våld är inte en giltig anledning till att inte vittna. För de fall ett kallat vittne inte fullgör sin vittneIn Sweden, there is a general duty to testify, which means that a called witness has an obligation to testify. A witness cannot avoid the obligation to testify as long as any of the exception rules are not applicable. To be afraid to testify because the witness has been exposed to threats or violence is not a valid reason not to testify. In cases where a called witness does not satisfactorily fulf

Digitalisering, formkrav och fastighetsöverlåtelser

Fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige omsätter ungefär 100.000 fastigheter till ett sammanlagt värde av 300 miljarder svenska kronor. Fastighetsöverlåtelsernas påverkan för individen och på samhällsnivå kan inte underskattas. Den digitaliserande trenden har påverkat denna bransch starkt internationellt och i Norge har lagändringar genomförts för att anpassa fastighetsöverlåtelsen till den moderna och digiThe real estate market in Sweden has a turnover of approximately 100,000 properties with a total value of 300 billion SEK. The impact of the property transfers on the individual and at the community level cannot be underestimated. The digitalisation trend has had a major impact on this industry internationally and in Norway, legislative changes have been made to adapt the property transfer to the

Faktorerna bakom den rättsliga bedömningen av självförvållat rus i förhållande till svensk alkoholpolitik

Regleringen för skuldbedömningen vid självförvållad berusning har diskuterats i minst ett sekel. I arbetet förklaras större del av ruslärans rättsliga utveckling, genom statliga utredningar, praxis och doktrin. Syftet med arbetet är emellertid inte enbart att förklara ruslärans utveckling, utan även att parallellt analysera eventuella bakomliggande orsaker till ruslärans utveckling, med utgångspunThe regulation of culpability in self-induced intoxication situations has been discussed for at least a century. The most part of the doctrine of intoxication will be described through State investigations, court practice and doctrine in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not only to describe the development of the doctrine of intoxication, but to analyze the underlying causes to

Ethnic profiling in Sweden – can it be legalised through the test of proportionality?

I USA och Storbritannien är termer såsom “driving while black” (översatt ungefär till ”vara mörkhyad och köra bil”) välkända och båda länderna kräver att deras polismyndigheter samlar in data rörande polisens arbete och etnicitet. Detsamma går inte att säga gällande Sverige där termen ”etnisk profilering” inte är lika välkänd. 2013 avslöjades det dock att polismyndigheten i Skåne haft ett registerIn the USA and the UK, terms such as “driving while black” are well known and the countries require their law enforcement to present statistics on the correlation between law enforcement and ethnicity. This is not the case in Sweden, where the term “ethnic profiling” is fairly new to the population. However, in 2013, it was revealed that a district of the Swedish law enforcement had processed pers

När våldsmonopolet knackar på dörren - en undersökning av reell husrannsakans konstitutionella förutsättningar

Reglerna kring husrannsakan har sett i stort sett likadana ut sen tidigt 1900-tal. Vissa menar att detta gör att regelverket är hopplöst utdaterat och inte klarar av att möta nya problem som utvecklingen för med sig. Från vissa politiska håll har uttryckts vilja om att utvidga möjligheterna att företa husrannsakan. Denna uppsats undersöker de konstitutionella förutsättningarna för att införa regelThe legislation surrounding searches of locations have remained roughly the same since the early 20th century. Some say this makes the code desperately outdated and unable to face new problems arising. Some political actors have expressed a wish to extend the possibilities of conducting searches. This article examines the constitutional conditions, in view of the protected right to privacy, for le

Skriet från Hongkong. En visuell analys av hur protestaffischer skapar och representerar kollektiv identitet i Hongkongprotesterna 2019

The extensive use of protest art has come to characterize the 2019 protests in Hong Kong. Furthermore, due to its unique history, the region has long been characterized by its search for a collective identity. This thesis examines how protest posters are used to create and represent a collective identity in the 2019 Hong Kong protests. The thesis combines the art historical method ”iconography” wi

What does ICT tell about the effects of digitalization?

The thesis analyses the supposed impact of ICT on the economy of the European Union during 2000 – 2017. ICT access and usage proxies combined with macroeconomic control variables in panel data regressions indicate that ICT access has a positive, statistically significant effect on economic growth and labour productivity. Yet no significant results are observed with the employment data, thus disagr

Är romsk identitet ett hinder på arbetsmarknaden?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om äldre generationer av romer har haft en inverkan på de yngre generationernas tankar om att dölja sin romska identitet i samhället och på arbetsmarknaden. Samt lyfta fram romernas egen bild och tolkning kring hur det är att söka arbete med romsk bakgrund. Studien använde sig av en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för att få en djupare först

Hur kan artificiell intelligens (AI) påverka risken att av misstag utlösa ett kärnvapenkrig i USA eller Ryssland?

Natten mellan den 25 och 26 september 1983, varnade de sovjetiska luftvärnsdatorerna för att De Förenta Staterna hade lanserat en kärnvapenattack. Satelliterna och datorerna menade att fem amerikanska missiler var på väg mot Sovjetunionen, och rekommenderade att utlösa en motattack. Löjtnant Stanislav Petrov bedömde att varningen var felaktig, och tack vare hans misstro till den artificiella intel

Pipe dreams and power struggles : a case study of political discourse and first-hand experiences of the Baltic Pipe Project in Denmark

At this pivotal point in history where we must drastically cut global green house gas emissions to curb the brunt of the climate crisis, fossil fuel infrastructure expansion continues to be prioritized by industry and governing institutions. This study examines one such initiative, namely the Baltic Pipe Project, which will transport natural gas from Norway, through Denmark to Poland. Situated in

Valuation of Technology Startups: An Empirical Approach

Valuating a company is traditionally a finance subject that requires a deep analysis of a company’s financial history and projections about its future potential to generate revenue. When it comes to technology startups, valuation becomes difficult. Startups are, by definition, newly established companies with insufficient historical data. Future revenue is typically problematic to forecast as they

United We Stood, Divided We Fall: The 21st Century Paradigm of Inequality and Polarization in the United States

Polarization as defined by the Merriam-Webster (2020) dictionary is “a state in which the opinions, beliefs, or interests of a group or society no longer range along a continuum but become concentrated at opposing extremes.” In theory, polarization is a static condition which can impact a particular group. In this thesis, it is argued that polarization is more dynamic than previously implied and t