

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

Performance som politisk aktivism - Om den svenska receptionen av Valerie Solanas SCUM-manifest med fokus på Malin Arnells performance I didn't do it for nothing

The purpose of this thesis has been to illustrate the performative aspects of the expressions created by the Swedish reception of Valerie Solanas’ Scum Manifesto, by focusing on Malin Arnell’s performance piece I didn’t do it for nothing. Arnell’s performance works as a connecting point on which Judith Butler's account of performativity and Louis Althusser's theory of interpellation has be

"...ett klassifikationssystem är ju en spegling av världen så att säga." : en studie av bibliotekariers maktmedvetenhet och utmaningar vid övergången från SAB till DDK

In 2008, the National Library of Sweden decided to transition from the Swedish system of classification, SAB, to the internationally established system Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The aim of this master’s thesis is to study the process of transition and the effect of this transition on the library collections and users of three Swedish libraries: two university libraries and one public lib

How context creates motivation: The effects of social context in a situation of job insecurity - a case study

This research project provides insights in how knowledge workers make sense of their context of job insecurity in terms of motivation and aims to develop a theoretical understanding on motivation from a more conceptual point of view. There are several universally acknowledged motivation theories that claim to explain what motivates people. According to these theories, the job-threatening situation

What factors influence a consumer's intention to use a mobile device in the grocery shopping process?

The worldwide exponential increase in smartphone penetration has changed the way in which many consumers shop, as their personal device is more frequently used as a shopping tool. Retailers now have to consider the integration of this technology in their omnichannel strategy. While some industries, such as customer electronics, have been highly affected by this trend, m-commerce has not received t

Svenskhet för invandrare - en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av samhällsorientering för nyanlända

The aim of this study is to examine the book About Sweden, a text provided by Swedish local authorities to non-EES immigrants moving to Sweden. The study focuses on how Sweden, Swedishness and immigrants are portrayed in the book, focusing especially on discussion of the relationship between Swedish society and immigrants. Using qualitative content analysis, the text is methodically analysed in re

Man hindras inte att göra karriär - en studie om kvinnors karriärhinder inom dagligvaruhandeln

Titel: Man hindras inte att göra karriär - en studie om kvinnors karriärhinder inom dagligvaruhandeln Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management och tjänstevetenskap Kurs: KSKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete kandidatexamen, 15 hp, VT2015 Författare: Linda Hagenborn och Linnea Palmkvist Handledare: Elisabeth Högdahl Nyckelord: Jämställdhet, re

Integrating into the Swedish Labour Market as an Immigrant Lone Mother

This thesis aims to investigate the experiences of immigrant lone mothers’ integration into the Swedish labour market. The study is situated against a background where immigrants and lone mothers are two groups that experience difficulties on the labour market, but where there have been few studies that have explored how immigrant lone mothers experience their labour market integration as both imm

Site characterisation at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory through seismic refraction

The successful construction of any well-functioning structure is dependent on a good understanding of the ground on which it lies. Several methods and techniques have been developed to model subsurface conditions and properties with the purpose of gaining comprehensive knowledge of geological conditions. Seismic refraction presents a geophysical method of subsurface investigation capable of provid

Vem bör göra vad i sjukvården? : Kuratorers syn på sin yrkesroll utifrån holistisk rehabilitering

Who does what among health care professions? : Medical social workers view on their profession regard to holistic rehabilitation The purpose of the present study is to deepen the knowledge about the work and views of medical social workers working within rehabilitation care. Specifically, their work and views with regard to holistic rehabilitation is focused. Holistic rehabilitation is in the pre

A Case study Exploring the links between Kenya's Education policies and parent's primary education school choice.

The study investigates the way education policies affecting primary education provision have been implemented in Kenya to reveal issues derived from their implementation and the impact they have had on parent's choice of school. The study used a qualitative research approach where data was collected through a desk study and semi-structured interviews. The desk study was used for the purpose o

Why austerity? An analysis of the coalition of Italian parties and social partners that supported the establishment of the Monti cabinet

The international financial crisis has hit southern European countries remarkably hard. As a consequence, governments have introduced economic austerity in order to cope with such a difficult situation. Perhaps most important, left-wing and right-wing parties have contributed to the implementation of these economic policies. Given this unexpected consensus, this thesis examines the Italian case st

Optimizing mechanics and the process of fixing sensor PCB card to optics after active alignment

This report describes the development of a new fixing process when attaching a sensor PCB card to a camera assembly. The thesis focused on cameras which requires calibration to find the optimal position of the sensor PCB card, a process called active alignment. The development process applied for this thesis was derived from the Generic Development Process by Ulrich and Eppinger. Interviewees wit

En destinationspersonlighets uppbyggnad - Fallstudie Göteborg

Titel: En Destinationspersonlighets Uppbyggnad; Fallstudie Göteborg. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Daniel Sepulveda, Fredric Falk, Filip Ericsson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Syfte: Att undersöka om de funktionella attributen har en påverkan på den upplevda destinationspersonligheten med hjälp av faktoranaly

No title

This work investigated the differences in the usage of pronouns between Danish and Swedish. A pronominal definition was formulated and pronominal lexemes were reviewed. Out of this, the most important pronominal differences were analysed, supplemented with historical connections when necessary. Results from searches in corpuses were used to confirm statements. Some of the reviewed pronouns are use

Socialt hållbarhetsarbete i byggsektorn

Begreppet social hållbarhet saknar entydig definition. Hos entreprenör och beställare inom byggsektorn finns både engagemang och visioner kring social hållbarhet men dessa skiljer sig mellan aktörerna. Denna studie ska identifiera likheter och skillnader i aktörernas synsätt. Studiens syfte är att finna en samsyn hos entreprenör och beställare för att skapa goda förutsättningar till ett socialt an

Temperature-mediated growth dynamics of a gadoid, the Northeast Arctic saithe (1992-2013)

A relationship between climate and growth of fish has long been established for many marine species. To ensure sustainable management of fisheries resources, knowledge of key processes governing productivity, population size and individual growth is paramount. The Northeast Arctic saithe stock is found along the coast of Norway north of 62º N, and despite being an important gadoid of high ecologic

Bioinformatics analysis of human epigenetic data

Diabetes mellitus is a result of various metabolic disorders causing continues hyperglycemia, which increases the risk for heart diseases, stroke, kidney failure and blindness. This disease is seen in a large section of world’s population and rapidly increasing worldwide. (1) The epigenetic marks can be transmitted by eukaryotic cell division (Mitosis) and also between generations of a species (

Database Paradigms for Recordings Management

The relational database has long been considered the de facto standard for managing data in software applications. Today, a need for more scalable, flexible and distributed software solutions has led to the development of NoSQL database technologies that aim to replace the relational database in applications where such features are needed. In this thesis we have investigated the potential benefit